Last night I remembered why my mother talked at length about HUGH LAURIE and STEPHEN FRY.
LAURIE had qualified as a doctor at CAMBRIDGE (and my mother’s network would know this) but he wasn’t allowed to practice - money was very short - FRY was trying to become a ‘serious writer’ but nobody would publish his work - poverty then broke up their relationship…HUGH told FRY that he was off to the USA to try his luck there - and he ended up with an office in GREEN TOWER.
Yes LAURIE had been chosen by the PRINCES to be a comedian - he wasn’t allowed to be a DOCTOR…and he had also been chosen to be a PROJECTOR.
FRY was ‘left behind’ and heart-broken by the whole thing. Rather like me I suppose…once MARTIN GILL had been given the ‘call’ by another PROJECTOR - DAVID BOWIE - to go to NY.
I then remembered how my sister had loved LAURIE…absolutely worshipped him…on BLACKADDER…and I didn’t get it at all…her friends did too…he played a FOP…he was funny in white makeup with a beauty spot but why this passion for him?
At the PRAGUE dto - the same thing occurred…the women were all IN LOVE with LAURIE…LISA, SUSAN, KATE, RACHEL, SYLVIA (and those two female managers who ‘left‘ early)…they all swooned over him…’he’s divine, he’s heavenly - a gorgeous man’ - and again, I sat there, thinking “I am missing something, aren’t I?” They were all behaving like 10 year olds - swooning over DAVID CASSIDY, DONNY OSMOND etc etc.
I now understand what I was ‘missing’ - PROJECTOR programming. I could walk past the PROJECTOR LIGHT in the hanger - PROJECTORS just didn’t have that power over me - so GILL, you were lucky - my feelings were real and not the result of programming.
You see, when a name was flashed by microchip to a slave accompanied with a BRIGHT LIGHT…this person was seen as a ‘god’…a PROJECTOR.
LAURIE was in a gay relationship with FRY but growing more and more desperate by the day because the pair of them - despite their obvious talents and qualifications…couldn’t make any money…so LAURIE was then ‘channelled’ into a new route of stardom in the USA…but that meant he would have to play it straight, in every sense of the word…his ‘fame’ existed upon this adoring FEMALE FAN BASE…who really wouldn’t want him to be in a gay relationship…LAURIE then married and had children…and was very happy…in a way…but his past was always a ‘worry’…
The PRINCES wanted to torture STEPHEN FRY…they knew that LAURIE had been his first love…and FRY had also been made to play the 13TH ONE ill cult game…and he had managed to survive it.
So this is what they planned, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE…and then filmed, I might add:
FRY AND LAURIE REUNITED to talk about ‘the old days’…they were told to bitch each other into the ground…FRY then retaliated along the lines of ‘I may be a sad, fat, old pompous queer but you’re a skinny one’ and then things went from bad to worse…FRY tried to get LAURIE to admit his past - LAURIE obviously wouldn’t…FRY began to cry in front of camera…it was all so very cruel.
So the above - which was filmed at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - was what the PRINCES were going to ‘show the world’.
They had also planned for LAURIE to become internationally famous (with that DOCTOR series) - so that he would have a massive fan base behind him - in order to really grind FRY into the ground - after that interview. I can remember listening to them talk about it…that whole series was given the green light and no expense spared. My mother shocked me the other day by telling me that it was the most bought TV series on DVD - in the whole world…and that is when I began to remember what had happened.
How cruel. I thought about GILL and myself - what if they had done a version of the above to me…put me on the JERRY SPRINGER SHOW:
“…and today we have a middle-aged woman who has been …some might say STALKING a man that she knew in her teenage years but hasn’t met since - upon the internet…she believes that she has had a lifelong affair with him…not only that…she believes that she married him 5 times! (studio laughter)…time to make or break those ILLUSIONS - please give a round of applause for MARTIN GILL and EMILY GYDE…”
GILL then tells ‘the world’ that he is a happily married man (shows photos/video) and tells the audience that he feels very sorry for me but…there again…I project DONNIE DARKO ‘rabbit’ - GILL turns into rabid STOAT yelling “YOU TORE MY DRESS!“ and we roll around the studio floor, locked in mortal combat…yes, I can see why the ROYALS didn’t go that way, with us…
This putting together of two people who have been ‘twinned’ and then tearing them apart - were LAURIE and FRY Mengele programmed? It seemly likely - doesn’t it?
The ROYALS loved to watch public sparring matches between two of their slaves. For example - DALDRY and I were put together to ‘spar’ - in the middle of that exhibition party for the AMBASSADOR at the British Council in 1995. Anybody who was ‘anybody’ in BI, attended that party as far as I know…and the place was bugged out.
As far as I can make out - this was a TWEEDLEDUM vs. TWEEDLEDEE match.
TODDY’s network (which I was channelling) versus SCARLETT’s network which DALDRY was channelling - although it could have been the other way round, for all I know.
It could have been DEATH ON THE TENNIS COURT time but DALDRY and I (as well as MALCOLM as ‘ringmaster’) managed to hold off any violence and made each other laugh until we were almost falling over, laughing.
The PRINCES referred back to this event - which had entirely gone out of their control - they didn’t want another ‘fiasco’ such as the above - so they planned for the LAURIE/FRY event to be far more tightly controlled - and then they filmed it.
One can only hope that the BBC will see sense NOT to give air-time to the PRINCES’ version of this ‘historic reunion’.
Has another one been made?
The CIA LAB brainstormed what they thought would be a ‘laugh a minute’ ‘historic reunion’ and it went like this:
Firstly you have a BBC STUDIO with only one massive ‘mastermind’ chair in it - LAURIE and FRY walk in…see that there is only one chair and offer it to each other ‘you’ ‘oh no, you - please do’ etc etc…then suddenly both make a run for it and both manage to squeeze onto it…they then talk to camera together…(optional - a couple of tennis racquets and a ball behind - or table-tennis - which they could also have a go with)…
Suddenly the alarm goes off…and a hand-held camera tracks the duo down panicking BBC corridor…to a door which leads to an outside FIRE-ESCAPE…
FRY asks LAURIE if his leg is all right as they BEATLE down it…this spiral fire-escape…’my leg?? Oh yes of course’…LAURIE then begins to dramatically over-act having a gamy leg…
They then run for a RED DOUBLE-DECKER BUS (shades of THE PRISONER) and find a top seat to share at the front of it…
As the bus continues on its way…XENA WARRIOR princess takes a seat behind them (in full warrior gear) they exchange a few pleasantries with her…(TODDY put that one in).
LAURIE then talks about that PETER COOK/MR WISTY figure much further back down the seating…in that old hat and raincoat, peering over his newspaper (DAVID BECKHAM plays this role) and FRY replies ‘yes, very suspicious looking’…
Guess who is the CONDUCTRESS who comes upstairs to ask them to buy tickets?
The RED BLUNDERBUS passes the HOUSE OF COMMONS and they remark up the UNMARKED TANK outside of it…which window is it pointing to?
One of them says that they used to work for MI6...and the other replies that they were in the FRENCH RESISTANCE…you’ve heard of SWAT teams - ours was called the TWAT TEAM etc etc…
They then get off the bus to walk down a posh Georgian terraced houses row…and LAURIE is talking about all of the rich and famous who drop in, now and again…for a game of tennis, cocktails etc…a long list of A’ list celebrities…FRY then stops outside of number 73 and says that he is going to call on an ‘old friend’ - knocks on the door and MARGARET THATCHER opens it “STEPHEN darling, how wonderful to see you” etc etc…
The couple move on…to HARVEY NICHOLLS…whereupon they are stalked by the glowering ‘clash of the titans’ ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS couple and have to drink up their tea quick and flee, CHARLIE CHAPLIN style…”If we talk very quietly, maybe they won’t spot us”
As they walk down LONDON streets…you see many more men dressed in a ‘suspicious manner’….PETER COOK/MR WISTY style…and the viewer begins to realise that in the background…you can spot the entire ENGLISH FOOTBALL team…until the last ‘man in a hat and raincoat’ - which is NEIL KINNOCK…a red herring thrown in - or is it?
The couple pass a BLACK SEDAN CAR with an MI5 number plate…a woman with dark curly hair and wrap around raybands - has the bonnet up and is looking at the engine…FRY says in passing ‘morning ELIZA’…and LAURIE exclaims…and FRY replies ‘HUSH HUSH’ as they walk on…
You can add as many more ‘scenes’ and celebrities, as you like (the RAVENS at the TOWER OF LONDON seemed like a good idea at the time)…the CIA LAB then decided that the first and large ‘most important shot’ was to be the FIRE-ESCAPE…
They run down it…and then walk up it again…to get back to the studio…this could be fast-forwarded like a HARD DAY’S NIGHT…up and down the fire-escape…to finish up back in the studio - face to face with an unhappy producer…
Friday, 26 November 2010
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