Monday, 1 November 2010

I had two odd dreams last night…the first one was ‘taking care’ of a JAPANESE male student who wanted BROWN SUGAR…yes a term for crystalline coke or heroin…I cannot remember which but in my dream I took him to SAINBURYS which was open until 8pm in order to buy brown sugar…and then I took him back to where we were staying and into the ‘lounge’ where an army man…high up…looking a bit like my grandfather GYDE…was sitting with his men…and watching TV…’oh good, I exclaimed it’s 8 O’ CLOCK and DR WHO’…the army man told me that he was a bit concerned that the JAPANESE STUDENT was with me…it might be too scary for him…the JAPANESE STUDENT kept his eyes to the floor as the TV show began…

…and it was really weird…all LIGHT GREEN of varying shades…MARK R’s new CHROMAKEY…instead of PROJECT BLUBEAM I suppose…we now have PROJECT LIGHTGREENBEAM…that which can be made to ‘disappear’ upon film/CCTV etc…

The first image was of something living and ‘embryonic’ but I wasn’t sure what…and then the mouth of a LIGHT GREEN CROCODILE which opened and the ‘embryonic thing’ was placed inside…the jaws then closed…and I woke up from my dream…knowing as I did so…that this was related to MARK R injecting MCDONALD with something nasty…

The next images that I got back were of TODDY and his FINGER AND THUMB which I was viewing microscopically…his TOM THUMB and ‘FINGERS’ were actually TOMLINSON and DALDRY…their ill cult names…

TODDY was talking about a large BLACK TARANTULA that he had caught…meaning myself…and that he had extracted the ‘poison sac’ so that the SPIDER couldn’t harm him…and now he was rubbing the ‘white pus’ between his thumb and finger…and licking it…because it took him to ‘other dimensions’…what he really meant was this:

He was trying to cover up his aborting of me and the eating of my foetus with the above illusion…

Remember ARAGORN the SPIDER of the WOODS, in HARRY POTTER…that was me…the BLACK SPIDER brought up in a cupboard…RADIO ROOM in fact, at LANGLEY SENIORS…and under the control of TOMLINSON…

Anyway, 8 O’ CLOCK in my dream - signified ‘what the CIA were up to’ and specifically what MARK R had been up to…injecting MCDONALD with something…maybe the remains of a foetus…he was trying to create a DRAGON REMOTE-VIEWER and figured that ‘eating babies’ didn’t do it and so he would inject it into MCDONALD instead…and that didn’t work either…the image then morphed into a large GREEN INSECT akin to a GRASSHOPPER which couldn’t fly…but it had so many INSECT LEGS that it could jump quite high…

GILL would have been the JAPANESE STUDENT who ‘couldn’t look’ at what the CIA/WHO were doing…as in the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION…so one can assume that the YAKUSA were heavily under mind control, traumatised by ‘eating babies’…as the SAS were also…

I would guess that the above happened before GILL and I worked out - via Tantric sex…how to become WHITE DRAGON in the SKY…

MARK R couldn’t do it though…he couldn’t love a woman or trust her enough, to let himself go…I have no idea whether or not MCDONALD managed it…

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