‘HUGE LORRY’ according to the PRINCES.
A juggernaut of the ill cult then?
Is there a DOCTOR in the house…the networks are saying…
Okay so the theme of the ill cult wedding of the century is about ‘DOCTOR’ Theresa of Sienna…and I ‘know’ that HUGH LAURIE is extremely important in some way…
My mother went on at length about how everybody loves his medical series…the most popular series in the entire world…I saw it when it first began, many years ago…but missed it for ever afterwards…and certain for the past year or so - with no TV.
...and my mother mentioned that HUGH LAURIE meeting STEPHEN FRY again - would be a momentous occasion. Yes I suppose it would - will it be televised? Strange to think that from what she was saying - these two 'old friends' from CAMBRIDGE wouldn't have been in touch before, their televised 'encounter' because as my mother implied - they almost certainly had a homosexual affair whilst living together...they had 'loved' or at least been the 'very best of friends' a long while back...until LAURIE got very famous in HOLLYWOOD and FRY preferred a 'more normal life' back in LONDON.
SHADES OF Peter Cook and Dudley Moore...both, extremely talented but COOK 'had it' more than Moore...as a political satirist, at any rate - his ESTABLISHMENT 'comedy' CLUB got closed down in LONDON - after one joke about PRINCE CHARLES.
MOORE had apparently studied to be an 'organist' at CAMBRIDGE - and that is still a strange option in terms of study for me, to understand - because he was JOOISH and those who studied the ORGAN (no double-entendres intended here or maybe the ill cult had a double-entendre for that one)...ended up as VICARS in the main...playing organs in churches as an 'understudy' etc.
Read the back of the first record of BEYOND THE FRINGE for potted biographies of JONATHAN MILLER, ALAN BENNETT, PETER COOK, DUDLEY MOORE. My father had it - but it has since long disappeared - a 'gem' of a record.
FRY didn't follow LAURIE to HOLLYWOOD because of 'jealousy'...he managed to stay afloat in the UK - doing 'bits' and 'bobs' here and there.
PETER COOK...the media tells us, followed 'that little squirt' as COOK would put it...to HOLLYWOOD and got his own TV series with ELAINE SHOWALTER...and it was good enough to rake in the pennies - apparently he had been bankrupted (by the ill cult) by that point...and according to MARK R, they murdered him upon his expiry date in an obscene way...MARK R wouldn't tell me the details and I didn't press him to expand upon that one.
ATOS has sent me two letters today and two new appointments.
One for this SATURDAY 27th NOVEMBER and one for the 14th DECEMBER.
You assume that the first one will have been cancelled but you somehow ‘know’ that ill cult slaves will have ‘forgotten’ to cancel it.
Therefore I ‘miss’ the first appointment.
I have my employment and support allowance cut off and most importantly that immediately cancels out my HOUSING BENEFIT…and from that point on, I am on the rocky road to being HOMELESS again.
Let us see if ATOS dares to try and pull that one, eh?
BI do not appear to know - mainly because I haven’t told them - of how the MASONIC networks are taking their revolting displays of behaviour.
Let us just say ‘in the negative’ and mainly ‘without humour’.
This morning SWINTON/SMITH etc…had decided to make my EPSON printer - print out in GREEN (my photos of myself printed out in PURE GREEN - particularly the face area) because according to them, by this stage in the ill cult game - I must be ‘jealous’ of them and GREEN with ENVY…as RIMINGTON was to tell me, circa 2003 - I was supposed to be envious/jealous of these sad drug addicts with personality disorders as well as blood disorders (most of those working at BI apart from a few) - a list as long as your arm - yes, I was supposed to be ‘jealous’. I am laughing.
I like being myself - I am ‘flying upside down over CHINA’ and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
However, ‘dreadful’ or ‘below par’ other people saw me - I never cared. My mother had brought me up ‘well’. I used to laugh at them and look down upon them, for being ‘small-minded‘. I didn’t need their opinions. I might pretend to do so, now and again, for the sake of a ‘social game’ but I never ever actually cared.
I can remember the PRINCES interviewing everybody at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - they had been set the task of working out whether or not to go ahead with the NWO….and I was called into their room…and simply sat on the floor….told them how boring life would be if you got rid of all of those people that the PRINCES laughed at…those very odd-looking people…I showed them some photos…how boring if everybody looked the same - if there were no differentiation in terms of colour of eye colour/teeth/hair/skin etc…’beautiful HOLLYWOOD people with capped teeth’ sort of thing…all of an average intelligence and all doing the same thing…nobody to laugh at, eh? No ‘entertainment’ anywhere. Could you bear it? A world full of CYBORGS - wouldn’t that be as deathly as the grave? I showed them a few film stills of ‘cyborg’ ‘brave new world’ ‘perfect people’ in rows.
HARRY then said ‘RABBIT is only saying that because she is one of them’ but he secretly approved of the argument.
I replied stridently that yes, I was odd-looking and I had individual views and that was why I was making this particular case. I am assuming here that we were all in child alters - we must have been.
WILLIAM then told HARRY that even though they had to listen to everybody and that they had to go by the ‘points system’ - meaning a general tot-up of votes either for or against the NWO…that they, as PRINCES could change it and simply take on board the views that they liked the best, in relation to their ultimate decision.
This was an argument that AMADEUS was later to expound - once the 'CRAZY COMPANY' had begun their 'tour of the world' in order to find out what the ill cult were up to (and take them out secretively, where necessary and as much as possible)...in order to stop an NWO. AMADEUS loved watching 'all of life'...what a pity if it all suddenly 'disappeared'?
The odd thing about AMADEUS was that he shared emotions, as he walked along the street - as a telepath and as a remote-viewer...I always tried to block it in the main...you just wanted facts and not emotional imput...who was going to do what where and with what computer codes etc...
...he had a very much more relaxed attitude and would inform me, now and then of how and why people 'were the way they were'...telling me of their backgrounds...why they had that 'look' on their faces, sort of thing...
The masonic NETWORK are saying 'he was the CHRIST of our generation - we can see that'...
Yes, he was...he freed the souls from CHARTRES...he kept 'fighting with the devil upon microchipped networks - losing - then regaining ground'...
...whilst fighting the fact that the ill had control of him via his blood...he was nearly dead...white-faced, by the time COLETTE had told me to 'heal him' in POLAND upon that private airforce base in POLAND 1993....
...and blood-disorders can send you crazy like nothing else...
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