Saturday, 27 November 2010

JOAN MIRO - that was the artist

My father picked me up on the pronunciation - before they moved and took down that framed print of a BLACK HAND print and 'butterfly' and several different coloured 'shapes'...RED YELLOW and BLUE...

I used to pronounce it ME-RAY

He pronounced it MI-ROE

Obviously I had 'learnt' it wrong - some where down the line because I understood French pronunication.

ME-RAY was all about RAY and RAYMOND

rays of the sun - le monde - the world


RAY FISHWICK was one of PRINCE CHARLES' cotery/coterie - he earned massive sums of money for his 'artwork'.

So how involved were you, in the deal, TODDY?

Who knows the history of 'competitive dad' who decided to murder his first son ADAM through jealousy and rage - because his youngest son could 'outdo' him at everything at an early age...yes, FISHWICK would have been in a child alter too - but even so...RUMPLESTILTSKIN time to the nth degree.

Who knows what happened to DR TONY GREEN his 'best friend'...who happened to disagree with him upon a 'point close to his heart' during that venison lunch at GARDEN COTTAGE (i had bought the venison from BRYN my nextdoor neighbour,who was also on the dole but was USED by the local ARISTOCRACTIC family called the ELI family - he rented a small farmhouse off them - and his job was to illegally shoot deer, which were eating the buds off the young arboretum of sapling trees of the ELI family - and my mother had cooked the venison and invited the FISHWICKS to lunch)...

RAY FISHWICK went berserk...shouting with such eyes...but laughable at the time...GNOSTICISM was all about believing that there was NO G-D...

Historically, this was entirely untrue...and DR TONY SMITH backed me up on that one...he was already beginning to suffer from a 'motor neurone disease' of some type...but he stopped FISHWICK in his tracks...he then told FISHWICK that the GNOSIS AND THE GNOSTICS were all about believing that a 'demi-urge' - a LESSER god was in control of this world - but that G-D was far more powerful and behind this demiurge...

SMITH managed to quell FISHWICK's incipient violence...and RAY sat down again in his seat but refused to talk for the entire meal. Any time anybody said anything to him - he acted as if they didn't exist - 'could you pass the butter please?' ...everybody asked him - he acted like the whole lot of us didn't one person - ANNE FISHWICK had to get out of her seat, get it- it was beside him - and then return to her seat and pass it round...

That is how much of a programmed POLISH JOOISH WANKER - RAY FISHWICK is...and he spent most of his early life in CAIRO (having got down a RATLINE) - with his dad who worked on AEROPLANE maintenance (rather like CIELO's dad)...

You think that my father's behaviour was odd at dinner parties (going to sleep) - I can now see why my mother said that the FISHWICKS never accepted invitations to dine at other people's homes.

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