Sunday, 1 May 2011

Yesterday, i bought a PARING KNIFE from SAINSBURYS...mainly because my peeler broke and I had spent quite a bit of the morning, peeling apples (to stew and make apple puree) with a rather blunt carving knife which was silly but I have never ever cut myself with a knife whilst peeling apples/potatoes etc - no matter how blunt the blade has been...but i have nicked myself with peelers, lots of times...

My swiss grandmother always used a paring knife to peel and cut up her fruit...her COMMIS PEAR, every lunchtime...PEARS/PARING...


...anyway, I then flashbacked to RIMINGTON saying that SAINSBURYS would never let me buy a knife there 'because you've caused too much trouble already' etc etc...meaning that I would have been banned from most supermarkets by this stage in the 13TH ONE ill cult game - DIDN'T HAPPEN.

...I tested the knife when I got home - to see how sharp it was...on a CREAM teacloth...and it cut through so scared me a bit...anyway, I will simply have to be extra-careful, when using such a sharp family always had blunt kitchen knives for some reason...DAD sometimes sharpened them...he had a utensil to do so but so rarely...that they were nearly always a bit blunt...

Is this 'layers of the onion time'...because the name ANTHONY BLUNT is now coming who was MR SHARPE then?

That would be one of the reformers who got slavery abolished...DEBORAH MCDONOUGH had married into this family...

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