Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Two men in suits - one with a clipboard and the other with a camera…came to view the back of TRAVELODGE next to BELLE COURT…specifically behind the GENERATOR ROOM for some reason…and took photos…

I wonder who had sent them and why…one can only hope that it is positive in the sense of stopping people dumping garbage around that area…and that somebody takes responsibility for cleaning the whole place up…a lot of construction junk left around there too…not to mention the weeds/ill cult planted trees etc…the roots will screw up the generator room if not dealt with sooner or later…


I finished that DITKO comic book today and I shall take it back to the library…lots more programming stuff which I have already covered in various ways…so ‘each to their own’ - if you want to deprogram, read the book and work it out for yourself…


CHARLIE AND LOLA …the latest BBC edition…is probably the nastiest…featuring what I would call a TEDDY BEAR’S picnic…and some sparkly pieces of ‘stick on’ stuff that look a bit like that DRAYLON NASA star burst which I commented upon the other day…

ROTHSCHILDS and the RED team in general…appear to be classified as SPACE HOPPERS and also in charge of the WICKER basket - picnic hamper…(and WICKERMAN programming, no doubt)…

I have a large WICKER BASKET - a square one, in this flat…and before I moved in…I knew that the ‘mice would come in to steal’ (the ill had given them keys to do so) but that nobody would dare to lift the lid of that basket…so whatever was important, I should put in there…simply because it was an emblem in ‘the magic of everyday things’ as RIMINGTON called it…an emblem of the ROTHSCHILDS…

I also noted the ‘next edition advertisement’ for CHARLIE AND LOLA in this magazine…and it stars as BLACK WOODEN HOUSE which I can remember - was all about DEREK JARMAN’s ‘black wooden house’ upon the beach at DUNGENESS…

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