Thursday 12 May 2011

What happened today? My mum rang she told me about various things:

ARNOLD’s funeral was to be on the Wednesday - my siblings weren’t going and so need for me to do so either - so I agreed, naturally. Secondly that he had died of septicaemia…from a bed sore…I remarked that this was the first time that I had heard of somebody dying of a bedsore…anyway, apparently my father had been left alone with him for 3 hours in the hospital…and ARNOLD had said one word ‘HUMPHREY’…

I am sorry but I am quite sure that my father is being stitched up by the ROCKEFELLERS…we shall see…the whole family has been stitched up by them and ever since CAPTAIN GYDE first made a fool of them in NY over that SOE prank regarding a faked UFO…see previous notes.

Anyway, this morning I remembered how the rebel ROTHSCHILD had got the better of AMADEUS early on…whilst we were at 14 ST BERNARDS ROAD…he knew how to write the future too…and ‘geared things our way’ as a family, let us say…the ROCKEFELLERS were nothing but a rather poisonous insect in the ointment upon the way…and that was to get the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY…and their IRISH JOOISH network…

…and that in summary, is what I did, this morning…scanned the ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER lookalike, in the queue…in front of me at M&S…she was holding everybody up…a huge queue behind me…asking for brochures and whatnot…after having done £200 worth of shopping so naturally the assistants had to run around obediently…they all ‘knew her’…a BIG SPENDER eh? Money talks and who cares about the rest of the queue…

Which is rather silly really because if you pissed off the rest of the queue that much and they decided not to shop in M&S anymore…and let us say, their shopping total cost combined, probably came to more than £200...the argument here is this - why keep the elite happy when it is the others with whom you do ‘the most business’…

Anyway, this woman’s husband was dressed in ‘the usual’ as in hunting/shooting/fishing gear near to the exit of M&S…no doubt patiently waiting until his stupid wife had ‘made a nuisance of herself’ all over the shop…demanding attention everywhere ,over the other customers…

I mean WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND with any SOCIAL SKILLS whatsoever…would hold a very long queue up by slowly packing all of her shopping into bags BEFORE she paid the cashier (she didn‘t attempt to pack until the whole lot had gone through)…whilst persisting in asking for the ‘most up-to-date M&S catalogue’ during and after her shopping had gone through the till…after having been offered the most up-to-date catalogue …a pile of these magazines were sitting by her shopping at the end of that cashier row.

The woman kept on protesting that this MAY/JUNE edition wasn’t the ‘most up-to-date’ until eventually another assistant came along and managed to bustle this absurd woman off…in the politest terms possible, of course…she wouldn’t have left otherwise…that much was clear…making a nuisance of herself…in a way that those ‘born with a silver spoon in their mouths’ tend to do…

…and what did she mean by the ‘most up-to-date M&S catalogue’ anyway?

The MAY/JUNE catalogue was offered to her…and yet this woman wouldn’t leave until she had made enough of a fuss…in order to get ‘special attention’…an assistant came up and took her away, promising her that she would ‘see what she could do’…

I am now getting it…

Let us go back a few days….for some reason, an M&S assistant really really wanted me to have the MAY/JUNE M&S catalogue and so I took one of these magazines home with me… I have it right here, sitting by my laptop…

…It is the 12th MAY today and so this magazine is right up to date, just like the ones at that cashier till…

Therefore one can deduce that this woman was either BATTY or she was asking for something ‘in code’…and another assistant was then called over to ‘deal’ with her…

I mean to say…if the MAY/JUNE catalogue isn’t up to date - then what is?

Yet the woman was persistent enough to gain ‘special attention’ and was then led away…

Okay so the whole affair was rather un-nerving for me…mainly because I had to wait so long behind this woman who was exuding really NEGATIVE energy…the rest of the queue were looking at me sympathetically as I looked back down the line…

I thought about dumping my shopping and moving on but decided to psychicly attack the programming of the upper-class woman in front of me, she looked scared…it worked…I then walked past her, to have a look at the cards and drained her energy off, in passing…that got her moving a bit quicker…but not that much, let us say…

It was a real battle…but I won it…upon the telepathic microchipped networks…despite the fact that I was really tired…after having gone for a longish cycle down the promenade…

So what was that network? One can call it the aristocratic/upper-class ANGLO-IRISH JOOISH network…the TREES of the BRITISH ISLES…

I might also add that I had to breath deeply through my nose - about 3 times…and relax my stomach muscles whilst concentrating upon the ’job’ because TOMLINSON’s programming had kicked in…as in a potential ‘anxiety attack’…TOMLINSON had tortured all of his slaves into that number…so as not to interfere with networks ‘higher than themselves’…he taught us, under drugs and hypnosis to ‘stop breathing’ literally….which is what a lot of people do when they have an anxiety attack…they ‘forget to breathe’…a medical phenomenon spotted by psychologists but not ‘understood’ let us say…because BREATHING is the most natural thing that you can do…and when under threat or stress - for any reason…you do not ‘forget’ to breath - an impossibility…you were ill-cult programmed if you do it, when stressed…that much is certain.

Upon that note…I can remember AMADEUS and his ‘colleagues’ at the FRENCH SCHOOL…he had boasted to them that he had taught me as a child NOT to breathe through my nose at all…they had done this via the usual drugging/torture system…

…and so as a child, I began to breathe through my mouth…even whilst asleep…again PSYCHOLOGISTS know this to be an ‘odd phenomenon’ but they do not know the real reasons why…which are ill cult drugging and torture at an early age…designed to stop the ‘forehead gland’ gaining enough oxygen…starving it of oxygen…

My SWISS GRANDMOTHER knew that the ill would do this to me…and whilst staying at her house in SURBITON…we were alone together…she told me snappishly that I had to now relearn how to do it…and I replied that it was ‘no longer natural’…I had to think about it, before doing it…my grandmother got angry and told me that I had to do it and that was that…

GILL was the same as my grandmother…yet again, he repeatedly told me to ‘breathe through the nose’…never through the mouth…

The interesting difference in advice…was that my SWISS GRANDMOTHER believed that you had to ‘breathe through the nose and out of the mouth’ or ‘it wouldn’t work’ whatever it was…

GILL however, solely breathed through the NOSE and out again…

Lastly I remember having a conversation with PETRONELLA in one of her ‘good alters’ at the TEMPLAR CASTLE…I asked her how she ‘stayed healthy’ in relation to breathing through the nose because MARK R was reprogramming everybody NOT to breathe through the nose…and if he caught you doing it…there was ‘all hell to pay, quite literally’…yes, all ill cult slaves being reprogrammed, were ‘watched’ whilst we slept…to catch us out, at a subconscious level…were we breathing through the mouth or the nose?

PETRONELLA replied that whilst sleeping and waking…she breathed through BOTH her nose and mouth…and that had fooled MARK R…and I thought ‘what a good ploy’…it appeared to work….

Let me remind you of STEPHEN DALDRY - PRAGUE 1995 - who had asked that ill cult Presario TREVOR NUNN - the Sephardic NT theatre director (‘retired’ to Paris, in order to start up his new theatre - under the name of PETER BROOKS in order to misguide everybody as far as I can see, unless he was simply ‘running‘ BROOKS there)….for advice upon ‘how to direct’ early on in his career…and had got the reply:

“I LEARNT HOW TO BREATHE…that‘s all….”

DALDRY looked at me meaningfully…basic knowledge but also perhaps the most important of all…

“most definitely the most important advice of all” the networks are telling me.

DALDRY went on a bit further “if you can control your breathing….you can control your life…you can control the world, even…”

NUNN didn’t like GILL…that is true…he didn’t mind myself….I have no idea what that amounted to but probably the ‘unknown JAPANESE’ network…


Have I talked about SCARLETT’s desk and the PINK PLANET (Japanese afterlife/heaven/hell/UNDERWORLD)….and the GREEN PLANET (lizard lowlifes - guess who?)….and the GOLD PLANET (those who work really hard for not much money)…

…I have another one to add…and that was the INVISIBLE PLANET within that ‘quantum physics’ dimension, upon SCARLETT’S DESK….

The invisible planet that got ‘blown out of existence’ in the end…every member hunted down….


The ill cult networks are really ‘scary’ this morning with comments such as:


As if, I - or anybody else upon this planet, would want to be these people’s ‘friends’…it is all so weird…all of it….and laughable...although I do not find it laughable...i find these people so 'worrying' because they are so 'wrong in the head'...that yes, I am now really smiling...they are 'entertainment' - that is all, in terms of their mad comments.

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