Tuesday, 10 May 2011

...and so that is why the ill began to become wary of me...they tended to kill each other or themselves, every time they openly attacked me...

The last attempt was at the CONTINENTAL HOTEL, Harwich in 2008...after that the ill had constructed this ill cult game to kill me off by various methods and too many to mention eg. 'a car hitting me upon my bike'...being made homeless/penniless...in other words 'less direct ways'...

...and yes, now you know why MCDONALD had decided to call ill cult drugs TRUE SODA...a double-entendre in relation to what had happened at GARDEN COTTAGE...


Secondly I can remember JADE trying to tempt me to take PURE HEROIN at the TOTNES flat..telling me that everybody should try it once and that she could 'get some'...I refused straight down the line and warned her not to offer any to ROZ because she was trying to stay clean, the drug had ruined her life...

The topic was all about 'drugs' that day...and I mentioned how drug pushers cut up their 'white powder' with CLEANING FLUIDS and just how dangerous that was...

JADE replied with a laugh:


...that is what she called IMPURE HEROIN...

...and then she added nervously:

"BAD JEW-JEW"...and asked me if I thought that what she had just said was ANTI-SEMITIC?

i replied that as far as I knew...JUJU was a South-American reference...and linked to VOODOO...so it probably meant something like 'bad magic' and nothing to do with the JOOS...

JADE looked disbelieving and worried...

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