Tuesday 10 May 2011

Last night I decided to eat a bit more ‘pa-slay-source-code’ to find out the following:


…the SAS knew all about this number and why it had been implemented upon the BRITISH ROYALS…they are now CURSED until they pay every penny back…and it is the most terrible curse of all…


I also remembered TOMLINSON taking me to a London flat circa 1988...it was very similar to that BARBICAN flat as far as I am aware…one of those flats in a block around ELEPHANT & CASTLE…it was another ill cult ‘party’ held in one of those small living rooms…how many BI or quasi-BI personnel lived in those flats around ELEPHANT & CASTLE?

See previous notes in relation to that MARR/DALDRY party at a similar flat…with all of MARR’s ‘little mice’ as I used to call them…his journo-slaves…

Anyway, TOMLINSON marched me in there and pointed out a man to the back of the room…it was OBAMA…TOMLINSON then told me that he was going to introduce me to a ‘YARDIE IRISH JOO’ and that filled me with fear…NOT OBAMA’s appearance but the description…and so I had my guard up immediately…

OBAMA began to question me in every way that he could…to find out as much as he could about my ID whilst not telling me a thing about himself…and eventually I laughed and said that I was going to lay a few ground rules…I could ask a question - get an honest answer, as he had already done with me…and then he would be allowed to ask the next question and get another honest answer…OBAMA grinned at me and stopped asking questions…but he looked FURIOUS.

TOMLINSON used to play the same game at POWERGEN…see previous notes…he was the best out of the ‘graduate trainee programmers’…DALDRY and MARR…

TOMLINSON used to be able to tell you ‘absolutely nothing’ in a lot of words - whilst getting information out of you…whilst grinning smugly as he parried every attempt to get any sort of information out of him, at all…

Both men were obviously very used to this type of puerile game…a BI technique…which I never saw as ‘beneficial’…most people just walk off when they encounter such a ‘slimy smartarse’…

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