Sunday, 1 May 2011

TRUE AMERICAN DOG has a few more strange posts, this morning:

Andreas din gud said...
Have you mist me i knowe you did, love you Flute dog here is a gift from your bigest fan

May 1, 2011 11:17 AM

GAMZU said...
Big deal, a picture with your hand.

How do you say Jabroni in Hindi?

May 1, 2011 2:09 PM

McKingery LeJackson said...
Anderas dun goot,

I've spoken with my many european friends and they tell me it isn't common to walk around holding pictures of your hands. Is the person in this picture doing that because he is Hindian?

It reminds me of that hindish god with the many hands, but i'm not knowledgeable about the culture of hinianishers so i can't tell

May 1, 2011 8:48 PM

Mayor Brainerd Ladyboy said...
Disaster averted. Everyone dance the foxtrot in front of the microwave and smell your couch upside down.

I ran a race against a racing horse and beat it by 11 furlongs. I looked like a sexy rocket with huge muscles, at least according to various supermodels in attendance.

More importantly, I had pancakes after the race. Which brings me to today's mayoral address. You know the old saying, painting your face with cat diarrhea is the worst, but not having pancakes to eat is the second worst.

Thank you to Egg Man for providing me with eggs. From now on, every day will be Egg Man day. Happy Egg Man Day to all!!!

Internet computer away!

May 1, 2011 10:31 PM

Gamzu said...
You're not really making sense Brainerd.

May 1, 2011 11:09 PM

Moochoochachi said...

May 1, 2011 11:27 PM

McKingery LeJackson said...
Mayor Brain, are you OK? Have you been poisoned?

Citizens, as evidenced by the incoherent ramblings of Mayor Brain's last post, he is clearly unfit for office.

I nominate myself and will assume the office of Mayor. Thank you.

-Mayor LeJackson

May 1, 2011 11:50 PM

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