Monday, 2 May 2011

Yes this is an important image for some reason...and i didn't get it at first because I wasn't looking properly at the young man...and I was standing in front of him with MCDONALD and SC at the time...they took the photo...MCDONALD told me to look...and I replied 'what's the problem' because I simply looked up and saw the WHITE LINE of the paper...until MCDONALD told me to look again (I was concentrating upon something else and wasn't interested in what they were up to)....and i saw that the young man had a photo of his own face up against his face...I hadn't noticed at all, what the image was...

...and if one can understand what the pair of them were trying to say...I suppose it must be about 'MAGICIAN'S TRICKS'...frequency channels...or simply that it is very easy to fool somebody - once you have made a reproduction...and then a reproduction of a reproduction etc etc...

Let me analyse this a little...

YOUNG MAN has an image of himself - doing something what he is actually doing behind the 2D reproduction...

...yes I know what this means in relation to FREQUENCY CHANNELS....HENRY used it extensively...creating 'lots of little HENRYS' within so many different dimensions to throw the ill off my trail...and it worked.

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