Sunday, 1 May 2011

Somebody has collected those HO-LOCK Chinese restaurant/takeway brochures and then them all over the floor in the CAGE ROOM…

All I know is that AMADEUS had told JADE to pick them all up and to keep them…I have no idea what they symbolised or what she was supposed to do with them…

…however, you know what AMADEUS was like in NY…in relation to the code that ROZ and DAVID BOWIE broke in relation to ‘GREEN TAB’…

The HOE and the PLOUGH…

…I was reading through the ESTUARY ENGLISH book today and it made me laugh…yes it did…some gems in there…

…and then I flashbacked to DAVID MILIBAND compiling it with various people at the TEMPLAR CASTLE…he even asked me for a few things to put into it…everybody loved doing it…whether they were ‘Estuary’ or not…or maybe ‘not all‘…because MILIBAND approached me upon the subject with a sideways comment and a meaningful look - that the Estuary accent was GILL’s…and I replied that it wasn’t…he was COCKNEY- a different accent…

ESTUARY ENGLISH to me, was ‘anybody who wanted to get onto stage or into film‘ - just a trendy accent - far more popular nowadays than the old RECEIVED PRONUNCIATION and easier to learn…ESTUARY ENGLISH is something which British people can learn easily and fake - probably the easiest accent for BRITISH people to fake - but oddly enough, as you can see from the book - almost impossible for foreigners to understand or to get a grip on if they have only been exposed to RECEIVED PRONUNCIATION before coming to Britain…a simple example “I ‘ate ‘er” …answered with “you wot?”…the ‘t’ is not pronounced as we all know…but ‘they don’t’ so it sounds like ‘you wo’ with a rising tone.

As a novice EFL teacher, I can remember talking to a beginners class about this sort of thing…they were ‘false beginners‘ as JAMES FORREST used to term this type of class, as in ‘they already knew a lot‘…and learning rapidly….but when I taught them an EFL ‘rap song’ ‘whadja wanna do, where dja wanna go’…to give them a taste of real pronunciation…they almost gave up, as a class…too early, to do that sort of thing…because they then quizzed me and I got confused…it could be ‘watcha wanna’….’what ’d’ya wanna’ etc…and that was only ‘me’ speaking, from my own experience…I had used different ways of pronouncing a simple question form…and swapped continually, depending upon who I was talking to and how rapidly I was speaking…‘received pronunciation’ only really came in handy with ‘difficult customers’ as in ‘What DO you want to do, then?’ - a ‘getting tough’ voice…involving precise intonation, STRESS and rhythm….

…and ‘all of that’ cannot be taught in an English language class…the student simply has to go and ‘live and learn it’ in situ….and try not to take real offence at the English speaker’s attitude that everybody in the entire world ‘understands English’ and they must be stupid if they don’t ‘get what they just said’ immediately…

A quite brilliant example of the above was in KATOWICE….1992-4.…ENGLAND were playing POLAND…I forget which year but JONATHAN EVANS and his mate GLIVINSKY…got ‘passes’ into the ENGLISH TEAM’s hotel…and sat in the bar to ‘watch’ proceedings…and one of my favourite stories from EVANS was this:

REALLY DRUNK SUN REPORTER was falling off his barstool…whilst slurring at the bar staff…apparently an attractive young POLISH woman who spoke perfect English and very politely…that she didn’t UNNNERSTAN da LINGO YEAH….

EVANS and GLIVINSKY were to tell ‘the rest of us’ back at HOTELU ASYSTENCKI that she had done perfectly and given him everything that he had ordered….but he was not to be persuaded…he was still quite confident that she didn’t understand the lingo…even though all of the evidence was to the contrary….and kept harassing her, for quite some time, in drunken yells, across the bar…’yer see lave, yer d’own unnerstan ‘ d a lingo’….’nah, yer do’n….tha’s yer pro lem’

Anyway, MILIBAND grinned knowingly and said that he thought that GILL did ESTUARY ENGLISH perfectly…so yet another pisstake of MARTIN…whom I loved so much but I went through so much hell…that in order to stay sane, I joined the pisstakers now and then - even though SCARLETT‘S POLICE appeared to have got the whole number and decided that they would rebalance the whole picture in that film about HISTORICAL RE-ENACTMENTS…anyway, I couldn’t help it and I am sorry…he was defending his ‘stay real’ ethic…not being made to feel embarrassed that his parents hardly had two sticks to rub together in the first place, back in the EAST END…and he wasn’t going to be put off course or made to feel ‘unreal’ by taking up a new accent or ‘way of being’…to disorient him from his roots…and he stuck steadfastly to that one, throughout public school and whatever ‘hell’ came after that one .e.g NY and the top ITALIAN/AMERICAN mafia…see previous notes.

So I wasn’t ‘happy’ at this pisstake of ESTUARY ENGLISH at the time because it appeared to be directed at MARTIN and very unfairly….MARTIN GILL, who was ‘real’ and tried to ‘keep it real‘ for his entire life…unlike countless numbers of fakers…he was always a gentleman too…opened doors for women (unless he didn‘t like them - whereupon the door had an uncanny knack of slamming shut in their faces and for good reasons)…and if anybody tells me that opening doors for women is ‘sexist’, I will scream….MARTIN liked my father upon that account…after I had told him ‘he is the only man that I know of in SOLIHULL who does this for women’ - old-fashioned courtesy - and I wasn‘t lying…they had a bond in common despite very different backgrounds…

(Was that the ‘cradle’ as in KRAY - DELL?)

Anyway, the HOE AND THE PLOUGH…and that book of ESSEX POETRY….see previous notes….the POETRY was written by those at the TEMPLAR CASTLE…and they put the illustrations together too…highly coded….

THE HOE AND THE PLOUGH are all about satellite networks…and JADE was supposed to pick up all of those brochures with ‘something in mind’ but I have no idea as yet, what AMADEUS had planned….but I am not ‘bothered’….

Anyway - MARK R calling his 3 MONKEYS the ‘PLA’ as a computer code (as well as MARTINE‘s book THE GUARDIAN ANGEL that talks about the PLA elite)…relates to his ‘joy’ over the ESTUARY ENGLISH book….he loved the PLAA-MANS LUNCH reference…

In support of VICTORIA BECKHAM who emphasised that she ‘wasn’t posh and a real Essex girl’ during her time within the SPICE GIRLS….at the ROYAL WEDDING…the ROYALS had decided to dress her up in ‘what she would really hate’…as in a PORK PIE HAT…yes, she had NO CHOICE in what she would wear….despite ‘designing most of the rest of it’ including KATE MIDDLETON’S wedding dress (aided and abetted by the PRINCE OF MONACO who was ‘overseeing‘ the whole thing - and therefore wanted the design to be similar to that of his mother’s wedding dress - but for what reasons I am still a little unclear)…assigned to MCLEAN of course, as usual….a very gay and very talentless man, who should, by all rights…have only got a job on a factory line or ‘cleaning’ somewhere….because he hadn’t ‘got it’ to do anything else in life, apart from to be ‘oh so gay’…

No, as usual - my short-term memory plays me up....I meant MCQUEEN....and his 'substitute' - another 'queen' called:

SARAH news on her just another 'evil queen' who is as talentless as MCQUEEN and would have been better 'suited' to 'shoplifting in a shellsuit, from Milton Keynes 'pound stores' - because that is obviously her 'level' in life...............just like J K ROWLING....fake authoress JANE GREEN etc etc....


What else happened today? I went to the library and passed a black woman with a stick, with a young child…..LAING was supposed to go up and HUG her and chant gaily, in a child-like way ‘MY SISTER!’….yes, that was AMADEUS again…his instructions to her.

I had ‘checked this woman out’ previously….easily capable of becoming another RIMINGTON if pushed the wrong way….but not, she had weathered the storm…she kept the ‘stick’ that she walked with, even though she didn’t need it…because she was petite and black and had had ‘trouble with her neighbours’ beforehand….when she waved the stick at them….they disappeared…I utterly sympathised…I would do the same, in her position.

The unfortunate point is that this woman had been taught to use her stick to whip ill cult slaves with…and JADE was supposed to activate her to do so….get into the whole ill cult program again…

So naturally it ‘didn’t happen’…even though this woman and her young boy - sat at the table by the COMPUTER 4 which I was using, for almost the whole time that I was there (yes the number of the MASONS’ computer has now changed but still in the same position - in the ‘LOCAL HISTORY’ section)…..and I could ‘feel’ that she and the young boy, didn’t mind….he was ‘flying’ around the room, making ‘sounds’….and a very annoyed LIBRARY REP…that was ‘eagle dwain’ came up to tell him off….and I remote-viewed him telling the ‘behind the scenes MI8’ that they had screwed up big-time…nothing had worked….I wasn’t supposed to be using that computer and particularly not today but it takes too much time to explain….

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