I went off for a cycle in the sun…suddenly it is turning into rather a hot day…
I then returned having remembered a few things…one of them being a flashback to GILL telling my father that he was going to leave me out of the loop upon this operation (the ARNOLD GYDE funeral horror)…his reason being that I could mess it up as much as JADE could…
…that is absolute tripe…I was simply working at a ‘higher level’ than the rest of you…and pretending to ‘look stupid’ in order to cover my tracks…because I didn’t trust any of you and rightly so….
….on the other hand, JADE was a robot who could only be controlled by extreme force…otherwise her natural default was to do evil - and I had used ‘something like that’ in terms of argument, upon her, circa 2003, at BI offices (because they wanted to save her) - in order to try to ensure that she didn’t attempt to get into this ’EGG FLAT’…using ‘friendly warnings in relation to....
...ou know what will happen to you if you try and ‘think of yourself as much better off because you will be out of harm‘s way - back at BI and I will have to take the flak, in that flat‘ etc etc…but I could see from her eyes, that none of it was 'registering'...despite the fact that BI appeared to think that it did....
JADE was a CENTURION robot and that type of tactic didn’t work (appealing to the ‘personal safety‘ factor and a covert threat to her life if she tried to continue to be evil again)…AMADEUS was running her and she still wanted to obey him, to do evil and they both began to try to undermine the rest of us, in any and every way that they could…MARK R was included in this diabolical trio…whilst all three, were pretending to be ‘reformed characters’…
Maybe I wasn’t ‘frightening enough’ to JADE…you see, somebody like ROZ could handle a robot like OBAMA, simply by sitting opposite to him, across the table and ‘psychic him out’ wordlessly…DAVID BOWIE was to show us the CCTV footage of that one…
…anyway, none of it worked on MARK R, AMADEUS and JADE…so they all had to be ‘dealt with’ in the end…
…and yes it was ROZ…who was supposed to be helping JADE to perform her magician’s stage-show to deceive the MASONS…ROZ who was directing and supposed to be ‘coaching’ her telepathically throughout the show….but it was also ROZ who had made JADE drop her ’bouncy ball’ and JADE then had to run for it as it bounced off the stage…HOW EMBARRASSING…a magician NEVER drops his or her balls…one of the easiest things to master is ‘ball control’, within sophisticated ‘magical acts’….after that, it gets a bit more complicated…
…and there was GILL inwardly groaning in his seat…but some of the MASONS didn’t appear to mind at all…all glassy-eyed in child alters, I suppose…apart from the SAS on the back row…
Anyway, I had a look at the ROSE plant which has appeared on the ILLUMINATI ISLE ‘symbolic location’ around the Zionist area of BELLE COURT/GENERATOR ROOM/TRAVELODGE….it is called:
…and I ‘knew’ what it meant…the SAS were saying ROSICRUCIAN CULT…yes that is what this is all about, isn’t it?
The ill of the ROSICRUCIANS were the worst of the lot…in relation to drinking menstrual fluid and eating babies…etc etc…as well as a chosen CHRIST child at XMAS, I might add…
Are we talking about a RED HORSE?
“RED MOUNT” the networks are telling me…
…are we back to ROUGEMONT then?
I think that I know what the SAS are getting at…they had broken the THIGH of JADE upon that ‘isle’ after she had planted all of that GREEN MOSS seed upon the generator roof…
The SAS, after having psychicly determined that this was supposed to happen…i.e. JADE was supposed to break her thigh, after she had clumsily fallen off the roof but ...but then I had mistakenly broken her fall…to save her...because I was such an 'idiot' basically...a bit like the MASONS who had fallen for her 'little girl silliness'....
…and the THIGH is related to the WISHBONE - isn’t it?
So by breaking the THIGH of the ‘chosen one’ of AMADEUS….the one that he had wanted to ‘touch heaven’ etc etc….we had broken her programming to an extent…it didn’t stop her being evil…but it must have lessened the ill cult power being channelled through her…
…why didn’t anybody break AMADEUS’ thighs? So many questions…and unanswered…
Maybe AMADEUS was above that number…maybe he had written the whole program….who knows?
AMADEUS, TODDY and the PRINCE OF MONACO were upon a much ‘higher network’ than TOMLINSON…and I found out how to open a door to let TOMLINSON onto their network…see previous notes.
As usual…because there were so many different ill cult factions and all were trying to gain power over each other…the best tactic was to ‘make the robots fight’ and they will get rid of each other - without necessarily harming general populations…a tactic that I was to use in the microcosm as well as the macrocosm…e.g. if they are attacking me personally ‘just re-write files and make them kill each other’…
….the robots all used to lie about everything…it is so difficult to discern what might be true and what is definitely false…
...and I 'know' that the ROYALS will never let me back into an 'intelligence building' again, for fear of what might happen to their microchipped, drugged slaves in 'intelligence'...because they like playing with 'robotic armies' as a child would with 'plastic MINIATURE soldiers'....yes, i can remember remote-viewing the PRINCES exasperated with me....i was 'ruining their game' of 'PLASTIC' HUMAN SOLDIERS....
What was with, AMADEUS?
All I can posit, for example is this - the ROCKEFELLER view:
AMADEUS told us that during WWII, they (his ill cult group) had ‘shepherded’ the ‘robots’ across EUROPE to ISRAEL and to SHANGHAI…he meant the JEWS…only the fittest ‘satanic robots’, bred from those shtetl ’programming camps’, survived…
…and that meant that once ISRAEL had been populated with ‘satanic jooish robots from EASTERN AND CENTRAL EUROPE’ - who were all easily controlled by the ROCKEFELLERS/VATICAN…that the ROCKEFELLERS could use the country as a massive DISTRACTION ploy….and Moshe Dayan knew it, the whole lot.
ISRAEL and JERUSALEM have only ever been a distraction ploy…
....whilst the BRITISH ROYAL LIZARDS ploughed an almost incalculable amount of money, into creating ASTANE…ROYAL ARCH FREEMASONRY city - in KAZAKHSTAN….
....KAZAKHSTAN is the real 'heart of the world' to the ill cult...upon which, EVERYTHING turns, for some reason...I have no idea why...maybe a knowledge of 'esoteric geometry' might help...but I figure that it is far more simple than that...a 'lawless region' controlled by various MAFIA as in 'if you've got the money - then you are a god and you can behave as a god does'....which is what the BRITISH ROYALS love....
...in order to continue the LIZARD RELIGION of worshipping blood, gold and the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY's accompanying ‘interests’ such as - paedophilia and hunting down human beings as ‘sport’ etc etc…their BABYLONIAN pursuits….ROMAN pursuits…whatever you want to call it....
To complicate matters…AMADEUS/MARK R/ROCKEFELLERS/TADCO…all ate babies and drank human blood and worshipped gold….
...yet they saw themselves as 'above' the JOOS that they had programmed in shtetls to DO THE SAME THING....
They saw the JEWS as ‘less than themselves’…but at the same time…they were practising a pretty similar religion - something ‘not right there’ eh?
AMADEUS saw himself as a descendent of one of the most archaic families of ROME…one of the families who had set up the CATHOLIC CHURCH/VATICAN…he cited PETER AND PAUL as his forefathers…the FISHERMEN…
He then posed me the question:
“who is a joo and who is not a joo?”
He saw his family as descended from the JOOS but the hatred of them, was palpable….
So what can one say?
AMADEUS saw himself as a joo by hereditary genes…a CATHOLIC by religion…and he had been the DIRECTOR-GENERAL of the JESUITS whilst the POLISH POPE was in power….
…so a jewish-catholic-Jesuit-Satanist….
...a jewish-catholic-Jesuit-Satanist,
…who was telling OBAMA’s KANGAROO ‘intelligence court’…which had to be obeyed…SCARLETT broke down within it, whilst at the podium giving evidence, about his son who had been murdered by EMB at a TEMPLAR CASTLE event…AMADEUS was telling this KANGAROO COURT….that the MOSSAD were just ROBOTS and highly dangerous…the implication being, that all joos/Israelis should be exterminated…
…and that is what I really, really didn’t like about the whole tone of the proceedings…
I have always been in favour of ‘targeted military killings’…and the above smacked of GENOCIDE.
So why did that jooish guy, approach me, afterwards - after this massive court had come to a close (the 'closed and ultra-secret 'intelligence' court, was held, in a half-circle auditorium of seating - rather like the auditoriums that the EU use - it was massive - a ROMAN theatre, in a way but hi-tech)...
…anyway, why did this jooish guy talk about the INFERENCE and not the IMPLICATION…because AMADEUS was not ‘inferring’…that is a much lesser term than ‘implication’ - AMADEUS was IMPLYING and in no uncertain terms, in relation to what he was really saying as in ‘kill all the joos‘…
...maybe the jooish guy was being ‘polite’ in LAWYER-speak….but that is probably not the case…
…back to you then, MR FUR….RICHARD TOMLINSON…
Yes AMADEUS had a very good point…and he was pointing us all along the line of BLADERUNNER in a way….get rid of the really bad news robots…and yes JOOISH SATANIC ROBOTS controlling banks and governments have to be ‘dealt with’…
…yet if one looks at the most evil of all…that was the ROCKEFELLERS…and AMADEUS was most certainly one of them…the head of the clan, as far as I am aware…but also a product of something ‘terrible’ which SCARLETT knew about…the destruction of the pineal gland almost, the blackening of it…and then the implanting of a microchip….’the soulless and the bloodless’…
…and that leads us straight back to SCARLETT’S DESK at MI6...and the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY of LIZARDS.
Sunday, 8 May 2011
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