Monday, 9 May 2011

I had another re-think about ARNOLD's funeral and how strange it is, that nobody has been in contact with me - to tell me whether it was a 'private funeral' for only closest family or not...

So I began to realise that MARK R hadn't wanted my mother to see my father's email to me...I received it on the Sunday...but when you forward it to HOTMAIL - one can see that he sent it at about 11.30pm at night on the Saturday...and if they were travelling down by car on the Sunday...i would have no means of doing so, relation to public transport to BOGNOR REGIS...

Therefore there is 'something afoot' here...but I am not quite sure what...

All I know is that the ROCKEFELLERS were trying to screw me in every way that they could...and manipulating my family to do so...

The worst that could happen is that my mother gets the wrong end of the stick and starts screaming at me for being an 'autistic' for 'not caring' and not wanting to go to the funeral...and then tells the entire BOGNOR family, that this is the case...

Even worse, if the rest of the GYDE family have turned up...e.g. ED and HELEN...that they will be told the same too...and all because my father decided to tell me 'so late in the day'...because normally funerals are held within the week...normally after a couple of days...and according to my father's email, ARNOLD died upon the Wednesday...

So what can I do apart from to 'forget about it all'...because I am obviously 'not wanted' and for whatever reasons, at my uncle's funeral...see previous notes.

Secondly and more perniciously...the ROCKEFELLERS used to really 'screw families up' by the reading of the WILL...yes, that 'old chestnut' plot device, in horror/detective movies...

...and my mother was always of the opinion that my father had never got his 'just deserts' and that ARNOLD had taken everything, from their in retrospect, I am very glad to have been spared 'all of that'...because if the funeral was on a SUNDAY, then they will be staying on afterwards, down in BOGNOR for the 'reading of the will'...because that ansaphone message is still on their MANNINGTREE father saying that they are 'out' and to leave a they evidently haven't returned yet...

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