Monday, 9 May 2011

I do not know if MARK R/AMADEUS/JADE ever got onto those lists...I mean to say...JADE appeared to be the first 'experiment' to find out what the ill had done to her brain, by BI scientists/surgeons...and so it is doubtful that she recovered from that early 'recce' operation to find out 'what the ill had done'...but did AMADEUS know it at the time?

The horror is...that the BI crew might have just 'sewn her up again' and let her continue as normal...because she was still jerking around like an electrified frog on the operating table...even though by 'normal scientific evaluation' - she should have been brain-dead...they had cut open her brain like a peach to find out what was in the centre...

...when one looks at ZORK NEMESIS...and the 'asylum' section...

...and I know that the ill could 'resuscitate' even people who had been clinically dead for about 12 oxygen to the brain etc etc...

...and that is a key point isn't it - 'oxygen to the brain'...specifically it is to the PITUITARY GLAND behind your forehead...

...and as i can now see...the actual BRAIN can still be resuscitated long after this GLAND has 'died'...been 'burnt out'...

However, this GLAND is the 'home of the SOUL'...the GOLDEN ENERGY GAS...and without that 'home' - there is 'nobody home' - just a ROBOT....the bare bones of memory, remembered actions...but not 'I' in the FREE WILL human being..

...and that was the whole point of this ill cult experimentation - wasn't it? To create a race of ROBOTIC human get rid of their 'I' and their 'soul'...

...the ill had managed it, put simply.

They had found a way to create 'zombies'...bodies without an 'I' or a 'soul' who could be run via microchip.

Yes one can feel sorry for those like AMADEUS/MARK R/JADE...but at the end of the day they were highly dangerous robots.

A shadow and shade of what they once had been...simply bodies/personalities but no 'I' there 'soul'...

...and that is why we then began to look at 're-igniting' this gland...if we could do it with AMADEUS - kindle a spark in that gland (re-activation of cells) which would produce/enable/faciliate a small amount of 'golden soul gas'...then who knows? See previous notes....

We still didn't know precisely what we were dealing with...only that the GAS appeared in that gland...if you could bring the gland to life again...even in the smallest of ways...

...and now I can remember, after that brain surgery....JADE walked away from the table...once she had recovered...they had left her there to recover...and then she simply got up, as if nothing had happened...and spooked all of the scientists out...a body walking but without an 'I'...she had been clinically DEAD during life support systems, need.

...and you can guess what the ill termed that one:

'the second coming'...

Yes that is what ill cult scientists termed it...because they hadn't removed anything apart from the examine it....then sewn her up again....and like an electrified frog, after surgery...the NETWORKS animated her again...she still had a large amount of microchips in her body....and the frequency channels 'set her into motion' again...the 'chemical soup' of this FREQUENCY BELLJAR at that point in world history...

See previous notes upon THE THREE MONKEYS and their sabotaging of WALT DISNEY's hopes and dreams...resting in his cryogenic tank...

MARK R had the microchips to animate his body again - as with JADE - see above...but the 3 MONKEYS didn't implant them...they simply videoed those like WALT DISNEY being re-animated, like really gross ZOMBIES...until their flesh decomposed so horribly that they 'died on the floor' eventually...

the point here is this: ill cult science had got to a level where the 3 MONKEYS could have put in new microchips....animated the body into cellular rejuvenation...and then re-activated the 'gland behind your forehead' commonly known as the PITUITARY GLAND....

...but they didn't.

It was a class case of revenge, M'LORD.

...and if you don't get that, you don't get anything.

SATANISTS trying to be immortal because they are too FRIGHTENED to 'meet their maker' should be sent to their 'maker' as soon as possible...

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