Wednesday 8 May 2024

 .....and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation?...well, mr putin et al - had told eliza manningham-buller etc which she was to exclaim..."so i'm the fool?"...having formerly called me 'gimpel the fool' etc etc....they were all classified as 'fools' upon the system....remember rictus-grin chapman etc etc....oh and sylvia had been given the following pic of 'emelya' to identify with...'pike' is synonymous with the 'masons' and their wishes....see previous notes upon bobby's mob etc etc....hmmm....allowing 'tards' to 'earn it by being evil' - reach the top of the system in order to destroy the entire country - upon the wishes of a jooish soviet satanic elite - is not my idea of a 'good time', let us say...and yes, i am not classified as 'emelya' for obvious reasons....go figure:

and all because a 'magical' creature allows it? for 'magic' read 'maths'....depends upon who is the best mathematician, now - doesn't it.....go figure:

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