Monday 27 May 2024

 .....and what else, dazzlenation?....oh, this is so funny....and rather 'deja vu', i might short, 'gerhard richter painting' (2012) is on the timer system - available upon MUBI....and why, funny?...well, i can remember rodway 'n' gill - sent to meet him....they were to find him by that desk and wall with a couple of pics of that woman's-torso-without-arms sculpture....rodway made an obscene joke about her 'tits' whilst supposedly 'pregnant' in relation to etc etc...anyway, after a brief conversation with richter...he was to put his hands up in either despair or disgust and say "no, no! she doesn't understand me, at all" and walked retrospect - one can see that the pair of them might have been sent along, so that he could 'absorb' whatever he could about etc etc?....anyway, having watched the first part of this documentary...i was immediately put in mind of 'alma dolls' and 'tomahawk missiles'....oh and later on...'tomahawk' came up again, let us say...regarding certain paintings in relation to le-mons/lemon yellow...along with a frequency program that i had remembered - a diagram 'in triangles' which had brought up something similar...however, richter is working in 'differentials', let us say...imagine the colours photographed in b/w, to give you a clue....oh and what about his 'grey boards'....remember emet and the 'grey screen' in relation to stenson's 'white snake' juggernaut etc etc.....anyway, tomahawk, in relation to tomlinson's programming...'the last of the mohicans' etc etc....go figure:

and what else, dazzlenation?...hmmm...and all because the sick 'n' the stupid have just suggested to me that 'sylvia' might have had the same treatment as 'rodway'....i.e. stuffed-zionist-doll-with-pinplug-chip-still-relaying-to-satellite...regarding tomahawks of the US military naval system etc etc...and in a locked room, down that 'secret government' somerville college corridor -  the one that the FBI were to investigate, regarding 'tard' - alexis chapman then talk about 'alien remains' , in relation to how they were going to deal with the entire situation, at large etc etc....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....go figure.

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