Thursday 23 May 2024

 .....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, the other day - a scottish lady had a chat with me upon station road about the disappearance of barclays bank and 3 cashpoints...she appeared to be very well up on what the banks are up to, nowadays...but clacton library?...i knew that the royal mail P.O. from the high street had moved into WHSmiths on pier avenue and a long time ago now but even so - it came as a bit of a surprise to learn etc in partnership with the local library...linda's mob etc etc....go figure:

thursday, dazzlenation?
...anyway, apparently it is across the board, in essex....oh and i'm beginning to 'get' it note upon the system...something around uncle bobby's mob as 'blue birds' down the cistern - at the library....on, in point of fact....go figure:
and what else, dazzlenation?...well, marr had left a note upon the timer system...something around a 'grauniad retraction' after dr ramsey's information has been investigated, let us short, 'tardy' sylvia had been sacked from her public health post after it had been found out that she had not been suitably qualified, let us say....."and incompetent in the job" replies  BI online...which had resulted in a fat pay-off...."to save face" - hence the large pension......hmmmm....isn't that normal for CEOs who are 'under-performing'?...i didn't know that it also applied to directors of public what else?...well, i can remember rodway's first collaboration with sylvia and it dates back to my time at 6th form, at that point in time - i had hardly known rodway...and so it was a big surprise to see her upon christmas day....she had just barged through the frontdoor of 14 st bernards road....into the living room and then handed me an extremely expensive looking, great aunt emilie and aunt nini had been present at the time....along with hanni gloor.....sylvia then bellowed and to the entire gathering - about how i was a worthless and good-for-nothing daughter...who hadn't even bothered to buy her 'good friend' a christmas present but not to worry, she would put things right....she then went upstairs and found a designer piece of clothing, to then make a big show of giving it to rodway - how very 'generous' eh?... remember where most if not all of the housing keeping used to go?...on sylvia's weekend shopping sprees in london...more laughter...and yes, she hadn't been working at the time.....well, only half a day p.w. - for dr ramsey's place of work i.e. the houghton's surgery....and there's more...and it gets worse...hanni gloor backed her up....whilst nini and emilie watched in horror.....emilie was to tell nini that she thought that sylvia was dangerously french of course...nini laughed in reply and told her not to be so point of fact, emilie had called her 'psychopathic' having been a very old lady, by that point in time - who had just been severely intimidated by sylvia's ranting and bawling - in the kitchen as well as the living see, emilie didn't speak a word of english and so she couldn't understand a thing - only this woman charging up and down the place, bawling in a very aggressive and intimidating manner...rodway then exited with what she had come for....and what else had rodway managed to acquire along the way?.....well, remember that hand-made furniture - sent to me, by swiss matthew...which then ended up in rodway's house? wasn't until 2008, that bethli - hanni's sister was to discover what she had then tell hanni what a stupid worthless peasant she have played such a mean and cruel trick upon her poor husband....who had started to cry, by that point in time etc etc....and it gets worse....ed gyde could remember sylvia's attempt at christmas dinner...and yes, she'd begun to beef about how she was the most marvellous chef...cordon bleu etc etc as she normally did...such a big 'act' in the kitchen etc etc....and yes, i can remember nini and emilie laughing about sylvia's mix-up, in the kitchen - regarding the inedible christmas pudding..."are you trying to poison us, sylvia?!?" uncle michael had roared and yes, he had been invited, too - that loudly, that i could hear him upstairs - i had retired to an upstairs bedroom, in order to watch tv on an old b/w set...having not been able to bear sylvia's psychotic attack...something that normally occurred during the christmas period - remember how she used to tell her 'birthing' stories, as a tradition, whilst at table - including the one about how i had been born, covered in black hair from top to toe etc etc....oh and the turkey had been 'raw' and the potatoes underdone, that particular christmas and so not just the inedible christmas short, sylvia had a large earthenware pot labelled 'SALT'....which she had used instead of sugar.....nini was to point it out, laughing...emilie laughed too - after nini had rapidly translated 'sel'/''salt' etc etc..."but sylvia - it says 'salt' - it tastes of salt and so why did you..." etc etc....anyway, after a stand-up row with uncle michael - sylvia then told him to get out....he then slammed the frontdoor so loudly that he almost broke it and didn't come back....nini and emilie left soon after - laughing to oscar that it was a mad-house and that they would not be coming back, either...."once was enough" nini had said, at the door etc etc....hmmm...back to sylvia's christmas pudding...reminds me of the time that hanni gloor had made a cake and then used salt instead of sugar to dust it....omg....that was so embarrassing....seeing as the occasion had been the first time that helen browne had come to lunch....we must have been about 10 years old, at the time....oh and the main meal had also been inedible, as ingabot could remember, only too well...a liver dish with a sauce that was so disgusting - absolutely nobody could eat it....anyway, RH then lightened the whole 'food horrowshow'  number up...making browne go into peals of laughter....doing his 'food trance' number, at the kitchen table..."you know what i dream of, browne?, chips peas" if he were floating off to heaven....the gloor then began to threaten browne and she must have been well over 20 stone, at the time...shouting her to leave the table and go home etc was so embarrassing but browne didn't seem to mind...she just sat tight...and laughed her way through it - whilst telling me not to be so silly etc only child, you understand....who must have figured it was a 'laugh' to be in such an 'anarchic' family situation...although at the time, i then moved my chair to make sure that hanni couldn't get at her - which she then tried to do....lest - browne ended up 'left-for-dead-in-the-garage' - regarding what had happened to me, at 9 years old  - see previous notes upon 'all of that' etc short, browne had under-estimated etc etc having whispered "they won't attack somebody who isn't a family member"....however, hanni would have done and was going to, if i hadn't placed my chair so that she had to remove me first....which would have given browne a clue as to just how dangerous the situation had become...because hanni then tried to lift me up bodily to get to browne (with her back against the wall, behind that kitchen table)....until sylvia called her off, that is....and from that point on, hanni had hated browne, almost as much as she was to hate henrietta bullard, later on...."don't let her near my son!" etc etc - said at artos, interlaken well, in retrospect - hanni gloor, was wrong there because she might just do him a power of good, in a way that sylvia had never done etc etc......hanni gloor, let me see..she had become extremely enormous 'hulk' as MI6 younger, had put it, later on - whilst refering back to my childhood, as well as his - in relation to his experience and understanding of the 'hanni gloor' from the 60's in blackheath, onwards....and there's more....regarding hanni gloor at artos 2008....telling me that i had to look after her son - i replied, even though it didn't seem to be obvious, to hanni - at the time.... that i could not because i didn't have enough money to pay for a roof over my head and at over 40 years old, never mind etc etc...she then told me that she would leave me something in her will - to be spent upon keeping her son 'safe' i.e. oscar....hmmm....and how much was that, then - eh?...given that marr et al, had arranged the will in keeping with her last wishes, i suppose or not as the case might be...enough money to enable me, to keep him 'safe' from henrietta bullard? much was in that will, again?...a few thousand pounds?..."deluded peasant" replies BI online....more laughter...anyway, i have no bone to pick with henrietta bullard - considering the fact that she had diagnosed sylvia's 'mental condition' and during my teens - so accurately...munchausen's by authentic professional diagnosis, unlike what sylvia and the rest of those 'tards' - whilst attempting to pass themselves off as 'doctors' had managed to 'diagnose' etc etc...oh and regarding henrietta's 'husband' i.e. that ex-head of broadmoor - she had given him the best of care and right up until the end....what more could one ask for - even by sylvia's 'slanting' of it, during her recounting of the so-called 'marriage' short, he had had a bedroom in a lovely town house, with a beautiful garden view - a nurse that had attended to him, daily....and a small open bottle of morphine - upon the bedside table, to help with the pain of incurable cancer etc etc...hmmm....better than what a private hospital might offer, never mind NHS 'pallative' care...and so yes, henrietta hadn't 'done him in' to get his money - as sylvia had been suggesting, at the time - in relation to his wife and children....and so rather like aunt valentine's nurse etc etc...which had been a bit of a 'lesbian' affair - despite aunt valentine having been one of those 'ladies' run by british intelligence/F.O. according to peter mandelson - who were so adept at seducing men etc short, valentine lived to an extraordinarily old age - aided by her nurse.....and then her nurse, inherited all....which is 'right' as far as i am concerned....oh and there's more....what about henrietta bullard telling sylvia to spin me a story about 'michael gyde' and his nurse...."she's got to believe that money is going to come from somewhere" - past the age of 40 etc etc....and so sylvia had then spun me a story that aristocratic 'michael gyde' - apparently a multi-millionaire, who had then left it all to his relation to a 'trust fund' that she couldn't pass on, once she had died - she would then have to give it to the children of uncle arnold and oscar's children...."you'll all be rich!" sylvia had simpered..."but it will be a long time before the nurse dies"......unbelievable, but true, eh?....but without recourse to lawyers etc etc...and yes, henrietta and sylvia had known that i would have to accept it all upon 'face value' - whilst not remembering etc etc...some knew it was a lie and simply wondered why they were bothering to attempt to create such a web of lies etc etc....i.e. i had found them all out - whilst 'on a job' with 'crappy' his logistics officer in the US navy etc etc....and yes, upon the system - i could find out every single little bit etc etc...of all of their falsehoods and their lies ....anyway, i digress...let's get back to browne's father, - so many decades ago now - who was to tell his daughter to "be more careful next time" etc etc...oh and let's not go near that 4U 'birthday party' number, earlier on.....another sylvia/gloor collaboration which had resulted in etc previous notes upon 'all of that'....and what else?...well, out of 'pity' for oscar....who had lived the life of a 'violent paedophile' because of that mossad chip above a tooth - in his gum...which used to give him such a searing pain, to the point where  he disassociated completely and then went into an 'alter' or 'altered state' of mind, let us say....which is what rodway (working for the mossad) used to use him in....i.e. she used to put a white 'baby cap' on his head, to then watch him abuse/rape...with a glazed expression to his wide-open blue eyes - whilst looking upward to the 'heavens'....and now, i finally begin to realise why caroline hughes gone ballistic upon dartington college campus and at a couple of female jewish students..."you filthy dirty joos!" she kept on shouting at them....again and again...until they walked away....and yes, one of them had looked rather like 'rowling'....whilst i had had no idea of what it was all about, in my front alter..."you can't say that - it's so anti-semitic....caroline, what are you thinking of?" etc etc...hmmm...and what about rodway's collaboration with sylvia?...."zionist joos" replies BI online..."men of zion"...well, the eldest taschmann had said that sylvia had been adopted by the claytons  and that she had come from a german jooish family - adopted whilst grandpa and grandma clayton were 'holidaying' in wales...a child-trafficking number....anyway, for most of my life i appear to have been caught in between...'the devil and the deep blue sea'...whilst watching the 'tards' cavort around me etc etc....tossed from pillar to post, as they all mobbed me, trying to ride upon my back- regarding the 'maths' etc etc...and so i was left - having to decide and upon a sliding scale....who wasn't quite as bad as the next abusive 'tard' in my life etc etc and for the entirety of my life.....and so of course, hanni had been 'better' than sylvia - as a mother...until she lost her temper and became violent etc etc...whilst i attempted to look after sylvia because i knew that she was 'sick' - as all of the professionals, around her - had done but been unable to do anything about it and for whatever reason...anyway, both had been put in as 'protectors' of oscar...protectors of that satanic zionist cult etc it goes, eh?

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