Tuesday 7 May 2024

 ....and that handprint reminds me of joan miro's work - dazzlenation....oh i remember now...a reminder of a rather unpleasant joke that the boys of 1H langley seniors - used to aggressively shout at susan alcock..."you know what alcock, you're all cock and no balls!" etc etc....see previous posts....go figure:



anyway, congratulations to 'madame trude' aka 'agnes varda' for finding it all out, about 'jesus college, cambridge'....the dark side of the 'mother earth' goddess, in jungian terms....who sat by the shore of her subconscious sea...the lapping of the shore represents the dreams thrown up by the subconscious mind - to be rescued and then remembered by the conscious mind, in order to allow the truly 'divine' soul/spirit of creativity (and not the 'demonic') to rejuvenate and work, again etc etc....varda - having realised that 'something was up', let us say..."then decided to do something about it" replies BI online....and yes, of course - like that russian tale about 'vasilisa' in marie louise von franz's books etc etc....i will not reveal the secrets of her 'hidden domain', let us say......suffice to say - it was then necessary to re-direct the 'energy' towards who had wanted to obtain her 'fire'...more laughter....all metaphorical and wonderfully so....go figure:
and yes, she had wanted to make it quite clear - having asked for a photo to be taken of her, in precisely the following way etc etc...with 'tinges' of jade laing's last hairstyle (before she 'disappeared') 'n' melanie griffith's teenage hairstyle in-the-mix.....a zionist number, let us say...because when you can 'see-it-all' upon your beach etc etc....including - well, what sometimes people tend to say - along the lines of 'i'm too old to care, what they do to me, next' etc etc.....in terms of 'jooish zionist' manipulation...agnes varda - a marvellous life that cannot be detracted from....although "the end is always bad" as oscar was to tell me, recently - regarding sylvia....and for all of us, too - nobody is an exception...you know how it goes...'who is a joo and not a joo?' - as 'amadeus', ex-director-general of the jesuits had once laughed, or should i say 'superior general'?...lol...remember -  the masons had all been told that they were as good as, pretty much - 'men of zion' i.e. 'jooish' nowadays.....i.e. all assigned 'tribes' within masonic lodges, in the UK - according to SAS captain 'scottie' - oh and as MOSSAD agent 'sharon' in israel, was to tell me, later on..."i am from the tribe of dan - i will strike at your..." etc etc....a bit of a serpent, eh?...in the garden of eden...a 'snake' in the garden of eden etc etc....lol...you know how it goes...it's a crazy world, eh - varda....and you've just got to 'keep sane' for as long as you can....particularly in old age, let us say....go figure:

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