Thursday 23 May 2024

 ....and what's new this friday morning, dazzlenation?...well, i tend to forget how to spell dr jenny 'rumsey's name...something that i've done all of my life and for no apparent reason....hmmm....anyway, having found out 'how' - upon the following webpage....i will not do so again, in future.....see previous posts....go figure:

 next up....the relation to another 'sylvia' anecdote, let us say.....seeing as oscar had told me that mike weale was organising the memorial event and had asked everybody to supply anecdotes....maybe that's the thing to do, nowadays...."keeps it all cheerful" replies BI online....that sort of thing....hmmm...A 'n' E CD....something that rimington had coded in....relating to the overview....and that had been the british royal princes, prince andrew, the 'jet-setting' duo (from my EFL prep. cert. - aston univ), harari et al and finally the sephardim of the mossad, who had been running rodway....and in that pecking order.....from top to bottom......regarding rodway's father as stand-in for john scarlett....who had given him that 'men of zion' project to run....and what else?

The 'anecdote' which sonia fisher 'n' MI6 younger had known all about, for starters and so we can say 'russian intelligence' dr jenny rumsey....and therefore it is all about that competition with the mossad...getting 'rodway' etc etc...anyway, they had wondered who i was really working for, at the time....oh and at that point in my life...i had been teaching english in eastern europe....and so let's answer 'that one' first....and in relation to something that pentagon/CIA brenda had told me emphatically, years later on - regarding that 'two swans' flying into the sunset, upon manningtree estuary...after i had thrown into it...a couple of smashed figurines and that one-year-slave-marriage cheap golden wedding relation to that satanic marriage to martin gill - conducted by the NY beit din....oh and RH and cielo had attended the ceremony, along with the rest of them from 'green tower', little italy, NY....anyway, brenda had stated emphatically "you did it for yourself!"....hmmm....whilst i had been hoping for some comment....or rather spiritual insight (we were in jerusalem, at the time) into the synchronicity between the two events....two smashed figurines....two swans flying off into the sunset, in the distance - across the estuary...spooky, huh?..."you did it for yourself!"....and well, i suppose that i had, in retrospect....and regarding pretty much everything - in relation to 'intelligence' work....and so yes, i hadn't been specifically working for US intelligence, at the time....nor the japanese or the chinese...or anybody else for that matter...does that answer your question?...and so a healthy 'disrespect' given to all of them - regarding their 'satanic' ways, or should one say 'left hand path leading to hell' etc short, doing it for myself had become a 'necessity' and from an early age....seeing as all of those around me, appeared to have been so eager to jump onto uncle bobby's band wagon and then to jump on my back, accordingly...."slave-driving cult"...precisely so....and seeing as i have never been a mercenary...the fact that i was to find out that i should have been paid for all of those times when i had chosen to be 'helpful' to BI, along with various other agencies, along the way..."rented out by british intelligence"...for that money to then be illegally 'apprehended' (mcgowan et al i.e....'tards'-at-work, at the Met - remember 'scarlett's police office?...the room without 'windows' in the heart of that metropolitan police building etc etc) and behind my back by those 'tards'....hmmmm......and within the wider sphere, those who had effectively surrounded and then mobbed me...whilst pretending to be 'family and friends' and for all of my life etc etc...hoping that it would all work out for them - if they were as abusive as it was possible, for them to be - without showing any 'visible' signs of the extreme abuse that i had been subjected to and by their hands....see previous notes upon the 'raised scars' upon my body etc it  goes, eh?

....back to that anecdote.....hmmm.....sylvia didn't last long in that public health director role, did she?....oh and in a very short space of time...she had been promoted hugely....from castle vale/good hope hospital 'public health director' then find out that there had been a 'merger' and that whilst presumably at least one other director had lost their job - she had been kept on and then appointed to run both north and south (which included east b'ham)....hmmm....a points of the compass number?....oh and i am assuming that uncle bobby's mob had also had their eye upon the west.....anyway, it didn't last long...if i remember rightly....about a month later, she was sacked....and then another director appointed....and so anyway, what is that anecdote all about?....sylvia's sacking...or 'redundancy' as they were to call it, later on....because that is what had happened, although firstly - you will need a little bit more background info...along the following lines:

MI6 younger 'n' sonia fisher were to have another look in depth at what had gone on...the day that i had map-read for sylvia - whilst taking the 'country route' to work....because she had started to get panic attacks whilst driving in to work - using the motorway system....and yes, i'd planned the route out for her.....written out the villages that she would pass then talk her though it, whilst driving in to work etc etc....very helpful indeed...rather like the time that i had pointed out that 'public health' were paying her a salary far lower than the pro rata scale, that the guardian used to advertise, in its jobs pages...but we'll leave that for now and concentrate upon what had happened, that day...sylvia was to arrive at work....greet her secretary and then take me on a brief walk around the hospital to introduce me to some of her colleagues....most acted like 'frightened rabbits' whilst she was at her most charming and 'motherly'...."i'll need that report in by the end of the week" she had laughed to one of them - who looked mutinous....anyway, seeing as she had then told me that i didn't need to wait order to help her drive home again....i left the hospital, to look for the bus stop - i had checked upon the map, i knew where it was but even so etc etc....the bus to take me back into town, with just enough left over to get me a train ticket back to olton etc...anyway, outside of 'good hope hospital' - i then met a man - whom both fisher and younger had known....he appeared vaguely familiar to, had i met him on that MI5 russian course or had he been one of rodway's gay prostitution gang etc etc?...i couldn't decide....anyway, we fell into conversation...he then told me quite a few things - which had included...that sylvia was dangerous but that the 'other one' was worse....and then asked me for money, for that information....i replied that i only had £5 which was barely enough to pay the fare home...but on second thoughts, i could ask sylvia for a bit more...and so i went back inside...made my way to sylvia's find out that she had a tray of jam doughnuts and a cup of coffee - including an ashtray of 3 cigarette stubs....along with a water cooler and drinks machine (coffee, tea), within the room that she was to call her office...anyway, she had been seated, eating doughnuts and reading the newspaper (with some other women's magazines strewn around what was otherwise a bare office space - apart from a computer) when i knocked on the door...and it had been a locked door, mark first i had knocked and then loudly....and then finally told sylvia to open up "it's only me" etc response...i was to finally go back to her secretary who told me in a rather bored way "she's in there" and so i then went back, once again..."i know you're in there -your secretary told me" etc then hear a lot of 'rustling' after a while, sylvia then opened the door.......anyway, after she had let me in...she then tried to drug me....i pretended to be drugged...she then told me to do a bit of work upon her computer...i did so....whilst knowing that she would have no idea, whatsoever - if what i had done was 'right' or 'wrong', let us then hide it upon the system....she wasn't computer literate....oh and i might add that there was no paperwork around that office at all - nothing...only a locked filing cabinet and lockers...and yes, i had 'tried it' - lol, at the time...pulled a drawer - locked.....anyway, after that...whilst still pretending to be drugged...i told her that i needed the fare home and that £20 would do...."why can't you walk home?" she tittered...from castle vale to solihull - think about it, you know what i mean?....i repeated "£20" whilst staring into middle-distance with my eyes wide-open...that 'glassy-eyed' look etc etc....she then sighed and gave it to me...i began to walk out, in a 'robotic' sort of way...."don't forget your bag" she laughed....and then i was find that young man give him a fiver....another man was walking down the road...after describing that young man - he replied that he often saw him around the carpark....i went over...saw him, whilst under the 'eaves' of the building, let us say....and gave him a shout....later on, fisher was to tell me that had been risky...."she might have heard you"....seeing as her office was upon the first floor....however, her windows hadn't been open and it had been on the other side of the building....after that, i walked round to the front and hailed a taxi....which conveniently stopped - further down the road.....and so what had it all been about, eh?...well, first up - that young man had known about sylvia 'n' rodway, attempting to frame up and blackmail her CEO....."i heard about that" regarding a certain somewhat infamous 'public health' event within the locality etc etc....and her CEO's reaction?...well, he had waved a warning finger at sylvia..."you won't get away with it, sylvia!" etc etc....she was then summarily sacked....for it to be overturned later on, by bobby's masons.....with a large redundancy package attached.....and so how had the pair of them, tried to frame that CEO and his colleagues up?...well, it had begun with a 'community' event - which was to go disastrously a local community short, it had been a 'public health' drive to get the local prostitutes in, in order to get them to 'open up', talk about their needs and what could then be done to improve etc etc etc....and somebody had had the bright idea of having a whole 'bar' of spirits, not to mention wine and beer...all an enticement...."otherwise they would never have come" sylvia was to titter....and when they did turn up, along with the CEO and other board members, who had also been invited....well, according to sylvia...the prostitutes all then got very drunk..."and started to fight" sylvia had tittered - amongst themselves, apparently....although that wasn't all - was it? short, rodway had marched in with mike then photograph the CEO with a large gin 'n' tonic in his hand and a prostitute on his arm...."you won't get away with this, sylvia!" etc etc and she didn't....although as we can now didn't do the rest of her 'prestigious' career, any harm now - did it?....see previous posts....go figure.

oh and the tards' comeback upon all of that (see above) dazzlenation?....hmmm....shall i bother to 'out' their latest insane rants, upon my blog or not....perhaps i will.....not that i normally bother...anyway, a bit of a compare 'n' contrast number....along the lines writing is comparatively lucid, cogent and cohesive, compared to etc etc and yes, i have no idea what any of 'that' means and care

who the hell is 'eddie gluskin', anyway?...oh i see - 'comedians' at work:

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