Wednesday 29 May 2024

 ....and what's new this wednesday evening, upon my reddit homepage - dazzlenation?...well, first up - we have a 'mandrake' also known as 'mandragora' according to comments....hmmm...puts me in mind of shakespeare's 'antony and cleopatra'...hmmm....interesting because the plant and the context, within that work....brings up some of my issues regarding zionist media bias....for example, climate change has been going on since the dawn of time....and migration has not been something that anybody could do anything creatures simply had to move on to other regions....for example - whilst at the CIA lab, little italy, NY...we were to find out that the land around the pyramids had once been lush many underground streams had carved out natural tunnels underground etc etc....and so one can assume that those who had built the pyramids had then relocated to other terrains....hence the knowledge of 'how' - lost in time etc etc....and so why is everybody talking about climate change rather than deadly and destructive pollution etc etc...oh and upon the note of 'mardian'....another one of my issues, let us with 'trans'....which should be a good thing but in the current cultural climate is not and yes, i agree with rowling upon quite a few points - regarding chemicals/operations etc etc...which makes one fear that tavistock experimentation might be on the agenda etc etc....additionally, it should be 'okay' for boys to wear skirts and put on make-up for a laugh, much as girls might teach them a thing or two - bring them all together - rather than continue 'the battle of the sexes' etc short, 'hermaphroditism' has also been going on, since the dawn of is therefore normal and natural - despite not being prevalent and so why can't we just accept that - instead of having to decide to be one or the other and then having an operation on our 'bits' etc etc.....go figure:


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