Thursday 23 May 2024

 ....and what's new this thursday evening, dazzlenation?...well, obituaries are often known to massage the truth, let us say...obviously, so.....only the obituaries of somebody like hitler or dr mengele wouldn't conform to that general rule of 'don't speak ill of the dead' - a very basic superstition, within most societies....and now first laugh of the evening....and why, so many laugh at what private eye calls 'grauniad' gaffes...and yes, the paper had once managed to call itself the 'grauniad' instead of 'guardian'....go figure:

anyway, i begin to wonder if marr had had a hand in this....after i had advised oscar to contact him, regarding his difficulty in getting sylvia's obituary into the guardian - seeing as marr used to write a column for them......he's managed it, at any rate - although the grauniad appears to have somewhat undercut themselves etc etc....go figure:

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