Thursday 16 May 2024

 ....and what's new this thursday morning, dazzlenation?...well, from the looks of it and judging by this new comment sent to my blog - see below...'tards' are 'tarding' again and like there's no tomorrow....which given their doomsday armageddon cult, there probably isn't - a tomorrow, that is...well, not for them, at any rate...suffice to say, i have absolutely no idea what that comment is all about and care less - although a little bird tells me that the comment had originated from 'haifa', no less....and so now you so let me put two and two, together...something around rodway and her adoptee children, who have apparently been waiting for her 'return' at that 'sacred house' in turkey.....more laughter....oh and i have also to mention a certain young 'morrison's assistant, who had had extremely long and fake nail extensions - whilst manning the 'self-service tills', yesterday....a bit 'winnie', i'd thought, at the time...a bit 'goth' etc etc...who had told me in a rather awkward way to "er....bring a bag, next time" (gilly_breeze has something on 'that one', yesterday evening - regarding newbies telling old timers what to do - in relation to supermarket recycled bags) despite the fact that i'd had not only a rucksack but also a large recycled bag - with me, at the time....and so her comment to 'bring a bag, next time' was redundant, to say the least - seeing as i already had two - to hand....hmmm....let me guess....gill's code to rodway to pack her 'bag' let us say, before leaving for turkey - the next day?...something along those lines, perhaps....''bring a bag', anybody? in a suitcase, on rollers etc etc?...and if so, who had been left with the travel 'instructions', let us say...hmmm....remember oscar and his 'travel arrangements' number etc etc....go figure:

...anyway, the following films are also upon the timer system....'world of glory' and 'the man without a past':

.....all more than a bit 'deja vu' and yes, BI had found 'man without a past', very amusing indeed....particularly daldry and MI5 evans....'mr big cigar', eh?....and yes, i 'know' what that all alludes short, the italian mob had found out, early on whilst at 'green tower', little italy, NY....that i used to do the 'maths' for mcdonald - whilst then having to hand it over to tomlinson, to input....tomlinson took all of the credit and the money...until one day, the mob division of the CIA, had wanted to have something done 'yesterday', let us say - which i then wrote out and in front of them - within their boardroom....mcdonald then inputted it....and they were then left wondering how and why etc etc....anyway, the first question that i was asked - as a consequence...was something along the lines of ....'did tomlinson know that this would happen, in advance and so give you it, for you to then' etc my reply "no" and mcdonald then awkwardly confessed to having taken part in the deception - to then back me up..."he's an MI6 agent and she isn't - that's why..." short, i did all of the 'maths' and tomlinson simply used to 'cash in' ie. the money and the credit for it....anyway, the whole thing is on cctv/video....oh and the mob then began to realise what MI6's 'game' was all about....a sick 'n' stupid game, that is now 'up', let us say...more essence, tomlinson had simply been a schmuck, hustling...and throughout his entire wonder he had loved life in tel aviv...."they're all at it - all hustlers!" etc brief - he had never felt so much 'at home', let us say and in his entire life, whilst residing in tel aviv etc etc...jooish culture, what can you do with it, eh?....but upon a more serious note - if the whole world is influenced by those like rodway's adoptees as 'influencers' - according to her....well, there's not much hope for it, is there?....all tards 'tarding'...schmucks on the make or 'hustling' as they say etc etc...where do the decent law-abiding people go to, then - eh?...those that want a 'decent' life, despite what might have gone before...'to make good' etc etc - because that 'class' of people is rapidly disappearing - regarding masonic 'zionist' control etc etc...what becomes of them etc wonder 'tards' appear to think that etc etc....remember one of daldry's plants? in "i'm a G don" i.e. 'armageddon', is nigh...let's take the UK as an example - you've got the highly intelligent soviet plants, within influential positions, within the UK's hierarchy.....e.g. those like 'david davis' and pat andrew's 'second-in-command' who have all been programmed not to use their intelligence, rather than to use it - quite the opposite, let us say...raised to an 'art form' - regarding the way, that they used to avoid doing any work at all etc etc - in order to bring down this western country.....all 'sanctioned' by prince phillip - regarding his 'mafia competion' which now appears to be being fought out by the mossad and russian intelligence, yet again...and yes, things just get 'worse' as a consequence and for all and to bottom, in this country etc etc.....and then you have the real 'tards' who couldn't think/talk or fight their way out of a paper bag, occupying the same elevated positions in the stratosphere, let us soviet plants...something has go to change, hasn't it....and i don't think that a 'general election' will do much, to change 'any of it'....just look at how programmed the labour party leaders are...not to mention masonic uncle bobby's mob infiltration of their etc short, could they be better than what the current unelected-by-the-general-public PM is all about?....unfortunately, i am not 'hopeful'...and yes, i will not be voting...too despairing, of all of it.....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....go figure:

oh and a footnote to it all which might seem a bit out of place but it's certainly part of the same clump....anyway, i was recently re-forwarded footage of what had happened to oscar, at that vieilley short, whilst under the control of rodway - ingabot and weale had drugged him and then made him sit with his feet in a washing up bowl of water, with icecubes in it...until his feet froze...they then chucked him in the swimming pool, whilst laughing about him being punished for having 'cold feet' about what they were up to....hmmm....and now?...well, he can remember that his lack of feeling in his feet had begun in that swimming pool but now it has got worse....extending up his shins....affects his balance..."i know how to fall!"....see previous notes upon 'all of that'...oh and then there's gilly_breeze's reminder of 'bags'....go figure:

oh and the following appears to be a pisstake of 4U and their love of that disgusting confectionary 'wagon wheels'....whilst even half-starved....poor old deb mcd used to take a few tiny bites and then give it previous notes upon 'tard' timothy bolton and what he'd got up to etc etc....go figure:

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