Saturday 25 May 2024

.....and what's new this saturday evening, dazzlenation?....well, somebody appears to be telling me that i didn't spot that 'wine crate' in sylvia's 'director of public health' office....hmmm...well, there was a supermarket wine box under a shelf by the window....along with a dead plant upon that shelf....and yes i can remember looking at those items as i turned my back upon sylvia - to find somewhere to hide etc order to pretend that i had been drugged....hmmm....looking back on it all, now....this sort of thing was so 'usual' that it was 'normal'....keeping my composure whilst feeling quietly desperate....under attack again etc etc....and nowadays?...well, everybody knows about drink-spiking etc etc...don't they?...'in the news' laws brought in to tackle etc etc.....oh and i didn't touch the donut either, i might add - just pulled a bit off it - full of jam...stuffed it into a hanky in my pocket, before turning then ask sylvia about the winebox....apparently left over from some previous 'do' held in that rather large and almost empty room....a bit of a 'muppet show party' - dazzlenation?...."red rose" replies BI online...yes, the jam had given her the idea of etc etc...regarding drugging 'n' programming, before i sat down at the computer....remember sylvia at st felix and her rather odd story about what she and her jooish best friend 'angela' used to get up to in the woods, near to that school?..according to her, they used to eat large jars of jam, to then sink the empty jars, in a pond....oh and heather kempson 'n' sylvia wood were to hear about 'that one' at the british council DTO prague - 1994...."that's covering something up"....and yes, they'd known all about that kind of thing....zygote slavery....anyway, pat andrew was just the same..."that's covering something up" etc etc...regarding 'funny' stories....and then we're back to dr guy houghton, for example....who went missing after a 'muppetshow party' at shirley golfclub....found the next day, under a hedge - in an 'altered state of mind' - talking about how he just wanted to go back to 'fairyland' etc etc....go figure:

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