Monday 27 May 2024

 ....and what's new this monday evening, dazzlenation?...well, remember eliza manningham-buller's mind control command..."have you got the time?"...and closing down code "sleep tight and hope the bed bugs don't bite".....well, talk about the mean-green-witch-of-greenwich....not to mention a rather strange caption attached to the following photo of ruth belville etc etc...oh i see - this appears to be one of 'daldry's....and it is all about programmed 'time-keepers' a bit like zoo-keepers, except that they control the 'doctor who's...."time travelers" replies BI online...remember sylvia talking about oscar's 'unaccounted for time' etc etc...the idea being, that they reset the clocks, let us say...after they have drugged their victim - flowery teacups time etc etc......go figure:

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