Wednesday 22 May 2024

 .....and what's new this wednesday morning, dazzlenation?...well, having watched a bit of an evans/putin documentary number, regarding east vs west, in relation to europe - upon MUBI....entitled 'import/export'...something that the tards had programmed with, along the lines of 'you're exportant and we're important' etc etc....go figure:

....with evans'/putin's spotlight upon 'jooish culture' aka zelenskyy's effect upon the ukraine etc etc....i was reminded of so many things - not least - elliot's mob taking out that abject, satanic jooish ukrainian number (run by MI6 younger), who had pretended to be a muslim, whilst dressed as the worst type of 'street-walker out'...taken out with a hairdryer (with the fuse extracted) - at that residence, provided to EFL students, whilst at shane school of so from the macro to the micro...can russian intelligence be trusted?....more laughter...the quick answer is 'no' - regarding 'tardy' cyclemart bloke and 'tardy' intercom bloke...given what i have experienced, regarding evans' tards-at-work in clacton....all 'on the make' and trying to 'hustle'..... to hurt 'n' harm, the 'zionist way'......i.e. steal and then laugh in your face...all 'tel aviv' culture and the like.....hmmm...thinking about it now...the entirety of the ukraine appears to be even worse than tel aviv culture, eh?..regarding zelenskyy's 'hustling' influence....oh and then there's 'tardy sylvia' who was to boast the most appalling things...along the lines of 'i'm clever because i wangled a fat pension by doing nothing except....' etc etc...horribly brain-damaged and from an early age....sylvia clayton - a real 'dursley' type of bullying tard...or should we call her 'petunia' etc etc...the implication being that if you have 'nothing' because the tards have stolen it all off of you.... you are therefore 'nobody'....and the reality is?....because you have been lucky enough not to be that brain-damaged and are not 'earning it by being evil' - then you can escape their tragic lives and terrible fates....i hadn't had most, if not all, of my brain taken out, as they had done - chipped up to the hilt etc etc....porcelain brains, anybody? cameron etc etc...oh and a little bird tells me that they can now fill a tard's brain with somebody else's 'fresh' dead order to cover up the chips/brain-stem macabre, once the original brain has 'rotted', let us say....which is what had happened to ingabot's brain - X-rayed, whilst sylvia had been told that the scans were of her own brain - what sort of a 'f--k' up, is that?...and yes, sylvia had been made to view the results, all of those years ago, now...what a hideous satanic spectacle and so what can i do but sit back and laugh?....because the 'tards' are now working towards their zionist can i say?...all 'tards' and 'tarding' together, in order to get to their programmed future....i.e. an NWO - whereby most of them - if not all, get taken out and by each other.... 'tards' taking out 'tards' willy nilly and all over the globe - upon their 'tardy' networks....and that is precisely what bobby's mob are working towards, given that 'memorial' - hideous little satanic robos - trying to set up a new circuit etc etc.....oh and with no self-respect and no self-esteem, whatsoever...rather like tardy rodway - with her adoptee children...having copied tard sylvia and her tards - as a 'hubba hubba' jooish muvver etc etc....hence the terrible 'black dog' depressions, that sylvia and also rodway were to experience and throughout their whole lives i.e. self-hatred, mitigated only by the illusion of 'self-worth' as in living through their tardy adoptees, within that 'men of zion' shitshow etc short, 'living the dream' turns out a nightmare, for all tards and not just one or two...tardy muvvers and their tardy adoptees....."a tragic, worthless and useless life" replies BI online...however, they won't be told, will they?...and so let's continue the 'spectacle'....and a postscript to all of the above, this wednesday evening....a little bird has just told me that hughes also ended up down the sewers, drowning in that 'poisonous mud', let us say....another hubba hubba muvver job.....hmmm....and i am reminded yet again of just how early on - 'crappy' had ended up sinking into the 'poisonous mud' - of olton mere...what a metaphor, eh....with that ghastly corollary in real life....perhaps they all gravitate towards it, eh?....'earning it by being evil' etc etc...oh and again, i am reminded of 'crappy's dream....the one that he had sold his soul for....he had wanted to be president of the USA....and guess what?...that had been uncle bobby's dream, too....which is why that interlaken event had happened...and will happen again, let us say and that's why i'm steering clear of all of them - whilst watching from afar...more laughter.....oh and perhaps MI5 evans would like a reminder of one of his favourite david lynch movies....regarding 'tard warfare' in the suburbs?...'blue velvet' anybody?...and having refreshed my memory of it, upon youtube...i am reminded of tardy rodway's photograph of herself with her two 'tardy' israeli adoptees (replacements for the other two that williams had taken out and then been imprisoned for it) - outside of 45 francis road, standing in front of a fire with her father as scarlett's substitute aka 'the fat man' with a 'little dog' CF reference - not to mention the 'tu-lip' phallic number...and then we get down to the real 'nitty gritty' of black stag beetles/cock-roaches fighting....remember that black cock of jesus college and the 'zionist' NWO satanic dream etc etc........go figure.

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