Friday 31 May 2024

 ....and what else is 'new' this saturday morning, dazzlenation?...well, tards are 'tarding' again - regarding the latest comments sent to my blog....and let me see...yes - why am i still alive and yet so many of them are not? must seem obvious - to those who have working brains, that is....i.e. why is a top mathematician still alive - opposed to those 'earning it by being evil'? never get it - do they?...more laughter...and that is why i have argued and consistently - that 'subhumanoid' has to be the closest 'fit' for that type of 'lowlife', let us say....and now my wish has come true - after the FBI decision to etc etc....see previous posts upon 'all of that'....go figure:

and more 'tardy' insanity - this saturday evening - dazzlenation....most probably because the tards now know that buller 'n' branson's pier hotel bullshit....had been just empty shell etc etc....let the dead bury the dead...'eleanor rigby' and all that....see previous posts....go figure:

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