Thursday 23 May 2024

....and what's new this thursday morning, dazzlenation?...well, CHP has just sent me a text saying that the plumbing job, that i had reported is job number 20459328....oh and yes, a 'little bird' tells me etc etc...the irony of CHP jobs now beginning with 204 - regarding 204 radio frequencies etc etc...not that i would make anything of that, obviously - only 'tards' like mcgowan's daughter at GCHQ would do, and yes, it had been under her and whalley's desk reported that mcgowan has been blinded (sent me the footage) - to the point where he only has 'peripheral vision nowadays and' in his left eye' regarding his 'tardy' sickness and stupidity, in ordering the 'blinding of myself' - which had resulted in a £75 pound 'fine', let us say...regarding all of that 'pink tubing' around a certain police compound, in so not 'down the sewers', yet - mcgowan...they're saving you up, for something worse to come...and what else?...well, anyway, i was to meet 'donna' outside of mcdonald's, earlier on - they all queue up there, for their early morning 'fix' 'donna' was shall one put it?....she was to tell me - that she had a large number of bikes (so many in her cage, in belle court's indoor shed, as well as two mountain bikes, in her flat)....hmmm....she didn't offer, the use of any of them etc etc....oh and when i said that seeing as she knew so much about 'bikes' then could she find me one under £25?...not that i even have that much money, for a bike - on benefits...she didn't even offer to loan me one of hers - not one...and i had thought that she was a 'friend'....and after all of the money, that i had spent upon her, not to mention the time - as an unpaid 'therapist' - regarding etc etc over the years - therapy that had done her so much good - taken her from 'suicidal' back to 'normality' etc etc but 'tards' aren't like that, are they?...they don't feel 'grateful' for anything, do they?.....look at how i'd looked after that 'tardy' gyde number and for all of those decades  and not just them - even down to their household pets i.e. the various cats and dogs that came and went - because none of them would lift a finger etc etc...let's get up-to-date now and in relation to 'donna' - instead of what I would expect a 'friend' to do, having supported her and for so long (whilst at templar castle horrorshows, down the years etc etc) - i was to receive a 'wicked witch' response from 'earning it by being evil' number, no less....along the lines of 'beg and then accept the crumbs from our table' i.e. bobby's mob of 'special-in-the-head-tards' - with the sally morgan desk, running, i am not in the business of begging from a satanic table of tards.....more laughter...and that is because 'donna' had inferred that she could arrange for an 'under-£25-bike' upon illegal networks, let us say....i then retorted that i wasn't going to cycle around clacton upon a stolen bike and walked off.....having told donna that walking was as good as cycling for exercise and i was quite happy, to do just that - rather than etc etc...'donna' began to then shout that she had never stolen a bike!....more laughter...of course, she wouldn't have done - she would have got somebody else to do it, to then trade it as stolen goods etc etc...and so she wasn't lying but 'as good as'....and as a postscript, i had done so much to help 'donna' over the years...rather like my extended family etc etc...and yet, when push comes to shove - they are all the same i.e. that satanic jooish masonry number....'no heart'...'no soul'...."I-me-mine" etc etc...and that, is why - this country has become, what it is heart, no soul....just tards-on-the-make and going down fast...whilst uncle bobby's mob all pat themselves upon the back and congratulate each other for being so "hur hur hur - it's clever - we're geniuses" etc etc....go figure.

....'tard, tard and tard, again', eh? the tune of potts' accordion - whilst tomlinson (ex-muslim) danced - to that british royal 'taschmann' ashkenazim ukrainian 'baal shem tov' rhythm:


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