Friday 31 May 2024

 ....and what's new this friday morning, dazzlenation?...another stream of 'mossad fairy likud' filth - according to sonia fisher 'n' alex younger, at MI6 (and no, he hadn't retired, as such - working behind the scenes, in order to ensure that 'tardy' moore, didn't etc etc)...and yes, sonia 'n' alex had let the whole somerville 'alma doll' horrorshow - out into the public domain (i.e. police and press, had been present) without bothering to try and 'clean up'...guess for my own part?....i'm trying to keep out of it, as much as i can - whilst viewing the next 'appallin' footage, sent to me - to then report back upon my blog, regarding the latest obscenity etc etc...and yes, 'sonia' (and those like her) swears that she wasn't responsible for any of the following etc etc..nota bene, i don't trust any of them - would you?....anyway, the very latest footage back - includes rodway's tards - having gone through 'anaphylactic shock', let us say - in relation to their..."musselmen" according to BI online.....and so francesca and her 'blond' older step-brother (the only one with any 'sense'  but then he had been so many years older) had then got in contact with 'uncle ari' at the mossad - to be told by said 'uncle ari' - that francesca was nothing but a 'filthy slovenly bitch' and that he was not the 'uncle' of any of them and to simply follow orders, or else i.e. continue to attack me and then the 'magic' would work...more laughter...which they then declined to do, obviously so - having seen through the fallacy, of what was being asked of them etc etc...hmmm...sylvia had been the original 'alma', of the mossad - that rodway had then modelled herself upon...both were to end up 'masorti-alma-dolls-transmitting' etc etc...oh and did i mention that it had not only been that 'jet-setting-duo's number, the other day but also a 'libby golby' number?...kate golby had previously denied any knowledge of a link between her family in solihull and 'libby golby' etc etc...anyway, i can understand, to an extent - how rodway's adoptees are now feeling, i might add, as it unravels etc etc....and about the entire horrorshow, as it now stands...i.e. adopted by an 'alma' of the mossad etc etc...although of course, 'sylvia' had made a fatal mistake, regarding the treatment of myself...whereas rodway had apparently not - regarding her own 'adopted' children, whilst 'living the dream' of a hard-working professional 'mossad-alma-dolly', who had managed to raise 4 children almost single-handedly....whilst being part of the 'champagne-socialist' network of eliza manningham-buller's 'queen's women' etc etc...which had included 'donut-eating' and public health CEO-framed-up, with a large gin and tonic in one hand - along with a prostitute upon the other arm....'absolutely fabulous' eh?...a word of warning - it might all be 'fabulously' funny, as it stands....but these people are actually really not nice, at joanna lumley was to say about her own character role....they're not 'nice' - you don't want to be like them, in real life or suffer the consequences, as was inferred..."stuffed alma doll" replies BI online...they're and then, they're hilarious - just leave it at that...unless you want to go further, as the police and press have done - regarding photos of etc etc...hmmm...just like hanni's remains and an 'un-marked-location' in a certain interlaken hospital graveyard..."there was a plaque, somewhere" oscar had said - trying to remember....but he was really unsure....not on christian grounds, at any rate - which is what she had hoped for....been told to expect, by that satanic cult.....they could all 'cheat' God etc etc and well, i don't know about God - whatever religion, you might follow....but obviously, the swiss had had enough of 'hanni gloor'....oh and according to the masons, she had started off the whole horrorshow, in the first place - remember grandpa clayton's photograph of her - at ingabot's christening etc it goes, eh?

...oh and now for a complete change of 'spectacle' of it all, eh?....go figure:

and what's new this friday evening?...another steam of likud mossad filth - courtesy of rodway's adoptees - max 'n' lewis....go figure:

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