Sunday 26 May 2024

....and what's new this monday morning, dazzlenation?....well, we're back to military fairyland, again....and what might possibly have changed campestre's mind about etc etc....see previous notes upon campestre 'n' macron et al...'outing' not only the latest templar shitshow in the north of france but also that mossad 'men of zion' transport number, a consequence perhaps....of wht nir et al, from israeli intelligence, who had been rather concerned about netanyahu's state of mind, let us say...letting campestre, view what had happened to the corpse of his beloved 'rodway'...and yes, he had been very taken by her, at hotelu asystenski etc etc....."that's got to have been what changed their minds" replies BI online....and what had campestre also been allowed to learn?....well, israeli intelligence had bugged out a certain room in a rather palatial suburban white house.....they had previously been worried about netanyahu's state of mind, as i have already stated....and having watched him visit said house 'on the quiet' etc etc.....anyway,they were to gain find an 'alma mahler' in one of the then let campestre view the scene....i kid you not....and having watched the footage obtained at a later date....they were to find out that timothy bolton had also been involved etc etc....and yes, netanyahu had gone back to visit, now and then...oh and they had wanted to know why netanyahu had joked about his 'dead doll' being able to speedial, in order to phone up etc etc...(cue that 'joke' around rodway back-from-the-dead contacting oscar on facebook?)...whilst playing with her, in that if she were a real 'dolly'.....well, hello dolly - it's so nice to have you etc etc...not that he was to chant that song 'n' dance was something around 'little fishes come to me!'....oh and he had also set up some equipment....a box in the corner, near to the doll....hmmmm...something around rodway's pinplug....rodway's 'all-seeing- eye' as in a satellite connection....and the deployment of a tomahawk missile....maybe more than one?.....go figure:

....looks like he'd set up nir to carry-the-can, too - doesn't it?

....oh and what about the following new comment?

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