Monday 27 May 2024

 .....and what's new this tuesday morning, dazzlenation?....a 1967 spanish movie entitled 'peppermint frappe' that gill had entrusted to rodway and willliams, to program me with....i.e. the film with the 'folding bike' as a getaway number - from the scene of a murder....oh and mike had been supposed to play the murderer....anyway, seeing as i couldn't stand the taste of peppermint in icecream or chocolate....never mind peppermint frappe....oh and rodway used to love it etc etc....both rodway and williams decided to lie to gill and tell him that they had done it - when they had done no such thing....more laughter...anyway, if you add it all up.....we're looking at gill - programmed as a member of the sephardim, who had known that rodway was apparently upon the same list...and oddly enough - williams, too....and if you look at the NWO number, in relation to the drums of war...the 'ana-hid' number...the pogoing stick....remember sonia fisher laughing about pogoing aviv...on a spring?...not to mention diaghilev and 'the rite of spring' etc etc....go figure:

along with something else, which is still puzzling me, dazzlenation...remember sara(h) crow - part of browne 'n' sev's 'cruelty corner' gang, at solihull  6th form?...identified as sephardic and certainly looked somewhat looked 'arabic' - rather like 'harry' i.e. 'harrison' - another of gill's mates .....and yet she hadn't been able to 'see' rodway, in that 6th form common room...and then got martin hewlett onto short, she was to tell him to walk up to the two women student 'hippies' - from the year below her - one rather tall, dyed blonde hair job compared to another gingerish number, shorter but similar...didn't wash much...a 'greasy grunge' number...smelt to high heaven of patchouli 'denim/afghan' etc etc....both standing in the middle of the walkway between the main college entrance and the outer doors, of that common room...whilst in deep conversation with rodway....who had formerly told them and in my presence, i might add....that "they never get it"...and so what had rodway's 'grungey mates' asked her?...."we are the grey...grun-grey" replies BI online...shades of that jet-skiing duo? any rate - her 'grunge' job mates had asked her - "have you learnt any new 'magic'?" which rodway had sniggered..."i've got a really big fish to catch"...whilst referring to myself, at the time.....and, yes - i had been standing, right by her and listening to every word, at the time..."they never get it"'d got it all doubt, about that....and from a much earlier age, than rodway or her 'grunge mates' - i might add, but i had also known that i had to bide my time etc etc...if i were to 'net' the whole lot, that is etc etc....and yes, i'm also talking about the time that rodway had wanted to steal my boots, whilst at 6th form - her primary reason for accosting me - my first point of contact with that parasite - during my teenage years, whilst walking through that common room etc etc...."blast to the ankles".....and that was to happen, afterwards...something that dr jenny ramsey, knew 'all about' frame it in terms of 'guy' (houghton) has been off on mountaineering holidays and now - hey, he's doing research into mountaineer injuries and their limbs..and so if your feet feel 'numb'...rub them as hard as you can, until the feeling comes back...the only way etc etc....hmmm...took about 2/3 weeks but the 'feeling' eventually came back...after that rodway/jetski attack etc....anyway, let's get back to that 6th form common....i.e. having gone up to me and asked me where i got them - rodway then get those hippies to 'zap' my foot etc etc....oh and her very best 'satanic jooish friend' i.e. kate golby - had then laughed to her...."it didn't work" short, i had ditched the boots before she could get her hands on them and then given my other pair (similar heels and cowboy boots) to then walk in 'easy heels', as toddy's NSA mate - had once laughed i.e. 'no heels'....."you don't need 'heels', in your life" etc etc (as in 'contemptible' 'self-centred' 'untrustworthy').....oh and getting back to 'crow'....she had identified as sephardic...looked 'arabic jewish' in a way that rodway could never ever done......cue - sharon in jerusalem.....telling me that 'sephardic' covered all arabic jews....he, himself - had come from 'babylon'....hmmm....which i was then to translate as 'iran', given what he could tell me about his family and ancestral train etc etc.......and yet, he appeared to have no idea of what 'joo', really was - until 'they' DNA tested you to find out...oh according to sharon, apparently those from the far east, who been had 'tested' ...i.e. those immigrants - who had filled the posts of 'cleaners' in the most expensive jerusalem hotels, for tourists....had all been given a 'pass' as having jooish DNA - in order to work, in the most terrible conditions and for the most menial pay etc etc..sharon was to descrbe their living conditions as abysmal etc etc.....anyway, back to 'crow' who couldn't 'see' rodway....she then gave martin gill an 'earful' and he was to reply "you shouldn't have known about her" i.e. rodway....and that is all he would say, as a teenager....and to another member of the sephardim...."you shouldn't have seen her coming" replies BI online...and yes, crow's network had been blind to was only when hewlett had literally walked into rodway and then stepped back in amazement as she 'appeared' in front of him - rather like CF on a barstool in that prague winebar to 'mr cern' aka stefano....or mark r at the LSE, at a staff christmas party etc very unfunny but the sad fact is that we all didn't...joo or gentile....not until it was almost too late etc etc....go figure.

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