Saturday 18 May 2024

 ....oh and what's the flowery F.O.X' all about, here - dazzlenation? rather 'deja vu', let us say....and yes, marr had etc etc...go figure:,-0.0077861,3a,15y,46.34h,79.13t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMFOsZeNjijFu96ad72pAjIbs4McEmy95LvOywP!2e10!3e11!!7i11264!8i5632?entry=ttu

and the odd coincidental thing, about 'this one' - dazzlenation....more that a man with a scottish accent, buying natural yoghurt and two cartons of strawberries - in morrison's, this morning....was to wave around his spectacles....which were magenta-dipped, down the marr had said he would do etc etc....and yes, he'd looked a bit 'foxxy'....go figure:


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