Well, yes it appears to be posting now and so I will have to test it when I get back home...to see if the fact that I haven't been able to post for so long...is because of my laptop...
See my ALTERVISTA site for recent posts over the last few days....
Thursday, 12 May 2011
What happened today? My mum rang she told me about various things:
ARNOLD’s funeral was to be on the Wednesday - my siblings weren’t going and so need for me to do so either - so I agreed, naturally. Secondly that he had died of septicaemia…from a bed sore…I remarked that this was the first time that I had heard of somebody dying of a bedsore…anyway, apparently my father had been left alone with him for 3 hours in the hospital…and ARNOLD had said one word ‘HUMPHREY’…
I am sorry but I am quite sure that my father is being stitched up by the ROCKEFELLERS…we shall see…the whole family has been stitched up by them and ever since CAPTAIN GYDE first made a fool of them in NY over that SOE prank regarding a faked UFO…see previous notes.
Anyway, this morning I remembered how the rebel ROTHSCHILD had got the better of AMADEUS early on…whilst we were at 14 ST BERNARDS ROAD…he knew how to write the future too…and ‘geared things our way’ as a family, let us say…the ROCKEFELLERS were nothing but a rather poisonous insect in the ointment upon the way…and that was to get the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY…and their IRISH JOOISH network…
…and that in summary, is what I did, this morning…scanned the ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER lookalike, in the queue…in front of me at M&S…she was holding everybody up…a huge queue behind me…asking for brochures and whatnot…after having done £200 worth of shopping so naturally the assistants had to run around obediently…they all ‘knew her’…a BIG SPENDER eh? Money talks and who cares about the rest of the queue…
Which is rather silly really because if you pissed off the rest of the queue that much and they decided not to shop in M&S anymore…and let us say, their shopping total cost combined, probably came to more than £200...the argument here is this - why keep the elite happy when it is the others with whom you do ‘the most business’…
Anyway, this woman’s husband was dressed in ‘the usual’ as in hunting/shooting/fishing gear near to the exit of M&S…no doubt patiently waiting until his stupid wife had ‘made a nuisance of herself’ all over the shop…demanding attention everywhere ,over the other customers…
I mean WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND with any SOCIAL SKILLS whatsoever…would hold a very long queue up by slowly packing all of her shopping into bags BEFORE she paid the cashier (she didn‘t attempt to pack until the whole lot had gone through)…whilst persisting in asking for the ‘most up-to-date M&S catalogue’ during and after her shopping had gone through the till…after having been offered the most up-to-date catalogue …a pile of these magazines were sitting by her shopping at the end of that cashier row.
The woman kept on protesting that this MAY/JUNE edition wasn’t the ‘most up-to-date’ until eventually another assistant came along and managed to bustle this absurd woman off…in the politest terms possible, of course…she wouldn’t have left otherwise…that much was clear…making a nuisance of herself…in a way that those ‘born with a silver spoon in their mouths’ tend to do…
…and what did she mean by the ‘most up-to-date M&S catalogue’ anyway?
The MAY/JUNE catalogue was offered to her…and yet this woman wouldn’t leave until she had made enough of a fuss…in order to get ‘special attention’…an assistant came up and took her away, promising her that she would ‘see what she could do’…
I am now getting it…
Let us go back a few days….for some reason, an M&S assistant really really wanted me to have the MAY/JUNE M&S catalogue and so I took one of these magazines home with me… I have it right here, sitting by my laptop…
…It is the 12th MAY today and so this magazine is right up to date, just like the ones at that cashier till…
Therefore one can deduce that this woman was either BATTY or she was asking for something ‘in code’…and another assistant was then called over to ‘deal’ with her…
I mean to say…if the MAY/JUNE catalogue isn’t up to date - then what is?
Yet the woman was persistent enough to gain ‘special attention’ and was then led away…
Okay so the whole affair was rather un-nerving for me…mainly because I had to wait so long behind this woman who was exuding really NEGATIVE energy…the rest of the queue were looking at me sympathetically as I looked back down the line…
I thought about dumping my shopping and moving on but decided to psychicly attack the programming of the upper-class woman in front of me, she looked scared…it worked…I then walked past her, to have a look at the cards and drained her energy off, in passing…that got her moving a bit quicker…but not that much, let us say…
It was a real battle…but I won it…upon the telepathic microchipped networks…despite the fact that I was really tired…after having gone for a longish cycle down the promenade…
So what was that network? One can call it the aristocratic/upper-class ANGLO-IRISH JOOISH network…the TREES of the BRITISH ISLES…
I might also add that I had to breath deeply through my nose - about 3 times…and relax my stomach muscles whilst concentrating upon the ’job’ because TOMLINSON’s programming had kicked in…as in a potential ‘anxiety attack’…TOMLINSON had tortured all of his slaves into that number…so as not to interfere with networks ‘higher than themselves’…he taught us, under drugs and hypnosis to ‘stop breathing’ literally….which is what a lot of people do when they have an anxiety attack…they ‘forget to breathe’…a medical phenomenon spotted by psychologists but not ‘understood’ let us say…because BREATHING is the most natural thing that you can do…and when under threat or stress - for any reason…you do not ‘forget’ to breath - an impossibility…you were ill-cult programmed if you do it, when stressed…that much is certain.
Upon that note…I can remember AMADEUS and his ‘colleagues’ at the FRENCH SCHOOL…he had boasted to them that he had taught me as a child NOT to breathe through my nose at all…they had done this via the usual drugging/torture system…
…and so as a child, I began to breathe through my mouth…even whilst asleep…again PSYCHOLOGISTS know this to be an ‘odd phenomenon’ but they do not know the real reasons why…which are ill cult drugging and torture at an early age…designed to stop the ‘forehead gland’ gaining enough oxygen…starving it of oxygen…
My SWISS GRANDMOTHER knew that the ill would do this to me…and whilst staying at her house in SURBITON…we were alone together…she told me snappishly that I had to now relearn how to do it…and I replied that it was ‘no longer natural’…I had to think about it, before doing it…my grandmother got angry and told me that I had to do it and that was that…
GILL was the same as my grandmother…yet again, he repeatedly told me to ‘breathe through the nose’…never through the mouth…
The interesting difference in advice…was that my SWISS GRANDMOTHER believed that you had to ‘breathe through the nose and out of the mouth’ or ‘it wouldn’t work’ whatever it was…
GILL however, solely breathed through the NOSE and out again…
Lastly I remember having a conversation with PETRONELLA in one of her ‘good alters’ at the TEMPLAR CASTLE…I asked her how she ‘stayed healthy’ in relation to breathing through the nose because MARK R was reprogramming everybody NOT to breathe through the nose…and if he caught you doing it…there was ‘all hell to pay, quite literally’…yes, all ill cult slaves being reprogrammed, were ‘watched’ whilst we slept…to catch us out, at a subconscious level…were we breathing through the mouth or the nose?
PETRONELLA replied that whilst sleeping and waking…she breathed through BOTH her nose and mouth…and that had fooled MARK R…and I thought ‘what a good ploy’…it appeared to work….
Let me remind you of STEPHEN DALDRY - PRAGUE 1995 - who had asked that ill cult Presario TREVOR NUNN - the Sephardic NT theatre director (‘retired’ to Paris, in order to start up his new theatre - under the name of PETER BROOKS in order to misguide everybody as far as I can see, unless he was simply ‘running‘ BROOKS there)….for advice upon ‘how to direct’ early on in his career…and had got the reply:
“I LEARNT HOW TO BREATHE…that‘s all….”
DALDRY looked at me meaningfully…basic knowledge but also perhaps the most important of all…
“most definitely the most important advice of all” the networks are telling me.
DALDRY went on a bit further “if you can control your breathing….you can control your life…you can control the world, even…”
NUNN didn’t like GILL…that is true…he didn’t mind myself….I have no idea what that amounted to but probably the ‘unknown JAPANESE’ network…
Have I talked about SCARLETT’s desk and the PINK PLANET (Japanese afterlife/heaven/hell/UNDERWORLD)….and the GREEN PLANET (lizard lowlifes - guess who?)….and the GOLD PLANET (those who work really hard for not much money)…
…I have another one to add…and that was the INVISIBLE PLANET within that ‘quantum physics’ dimension, upon SCARLETT’S DESK….
The invisible planet that got ‘blown out of existence’ in the end…every member hunted down….
The ill cult networks are really ‘scary’ this morning with comments such as:
As if, I - or anybody else upon this planet, would want to be these people’s ‘friends’…it is all so weird…all of it….and laughable...although I do not find it laughable...i find these people so 'worrying' because they are so 'wrong in the head'...that yes, I am now really smiling...they are 'entertainment' - that is all, in terms of their mad comments.
ARNOLD’s funeral was to be on the Wednesday - my siblings weren’t going and so need for me to do so either - so I agreed, naturally. Secondly that he had died of septicaemia…from a bed sore…I remarked that this was the first time that I had heard of somebody dying of a bedsore…anyway, apparently my father had been left alone with him for 3 hours in the hospital…and ARNOLD had said one word ‘HUMPHREY’…
I am sorry but I am quite sure that my father is being stitched up by the ROCKEFELLERS…we shall see…the whole family has been stitched up by them and ever since CAPTAIN GYDE first made a fool of them in NY over that SOE prank regarding a faked UFO…see previous notes.
Anyway, this morning I remembered how the rebel ROTHSCHILD had got the better of AMADEUS early on…whilst we were at 14 ST BERNARDS ROAD…he knew how to write the future too…and ‘geared things our way’ as a family, let us say…the ROCKEFELLERS were nothing but a rather poisonous insect in the ointment upon the way…and that was to get the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY…and their IRISH JOOISH network…
…and that in summary, is what I did, this morning…scanned the ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER lookalike, in the queue…in front of me at M&S…she was holding everybody up…a huge queue behind me…asking for brochures and whatnot…after having done £200 worth of shopping so naturally the assistants had to run around obediently…they all ‘knew her’…a BIG SPENDER eh? Money talks and who cares about the rest of the queue…
Which is rather silly really because if you pissed off the rest of the queue that much and they decided not to shop in M&S anymore…and let us say, their shopping total cost combined, probably came to more than £200...the argument here is this - why keep the elite happy when it is the others with whom you do ‘the most business’…
Anyway, this woman’s husband was dressed in ‘the usual’ as in hunting/shooting/fishing gear near to the exit of M&S…no doubt patiently waiting until his stupid wife had ‘made a nuisance of herself’ all over the shop…demanding attention everywhere ,over the other customers…
I mean WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND with any SOCIAL SKILLS whatsoever…would hold a very long queue up by slowly packing all of her shopping into bags BEFORE she paid the cashier (she didn‘t attempt to pack until the whole lot had gone through)…whilst persisting in asking for the ‘most up-to-date M&S catalogue’ during and after her shopping had gone through the till…after having been offered the most up-to-date catalogue …a pile of these magazines were sitting by her shopping at the end of that cashier row.
The woman kept on protesting that this MAY/JUNE edition wasn’t the ‘most up-to-date’ until eventually another assistant came along and managed to bustle this absurd woman off…in the politest terms possible, of course…she wouldn’t have left otherwise…that much was clear…making a nuisance of herself…in a way that those ‘born with a silver spoon in their mouths’ tend to do…
…and what did she mean by the ‘most up-to-date M&S catalogue’ anyway?
The MAY/JUNE catalogue was offered to her…and yet this woman wouldn’t leave until she had made enough of a fuss…in order to get ‘special attention’…an assistant came up and took her away, promising her that she would ‘see what she could do’…
I am now getting it…
Let us go back a few days….for some reason, an M&S assistant really really wanted me to have the MAY/JUNE M&S catalogue and so I took one of these magazines home with me… I have it right here, sitting by my laptop…
…It is the 12th MAY today and so this magazine is right up to date, just like the ones at that cashier till…
Therefore one can deduce that this woman was either BATTY or she was asking for something ‘in code’…and another assistant was then called over to ‘deal’ with her…
I mean to say…if the MAY/JUNE catalogue isn’t up to date - then what is?
Yet the woman was persistent enough to gain ‘special attention’ and was then led away…
Okay so the whole affair was rather un-nerving for me…mainly because I had to wait so long behind this woman who was exuding really NEGATIVE energy…the rest of the queue were looking at me sympathetically as I looked back down the line…
I thought about dumping my shopping and moving on but decided to psychicly attack the programming of the upper-class woman in front of me, she looked scared…it worked…I then walked past her, to have a look at the cards and drained her energy off, in passing…that got her moving a bit quicker…but not that much, let us say…
It was a real battle…but I won it…upon the telepathic microchipped networks…despite the fact that I was really tired…after having gone for a longish cycle down the promenade…
So what was that network? One can call it the aristocratic/upper-class ANGLO-IRISH JOOISH network…the TREES of the BRITISH ISLES…
I might also add that I had to breath deeply through my nose - about 3 times…and relax my stomach muscles whilst concentrating upon the ’job’ because TOMLINSON’s programming had kicked in…as in a potential ‘anxiety attack’…TOMLINSON had tortured all of his slaves into that number…so as not to interfere with networks ‘higher than themselves’…he taught us, under drugs and hypnosis to ‘stop breathing’ literally….which is what a lot of people do when they have an anxiety attack…they ‘forget to breathe’…a medical phenomenon spotted by psychologists but not ‘understood’ let us say…because BREATHING is the most natural thing that you can do…and when under threat or stress - for any reason…you do not ‘forget’ to breath - an impossibility…you were ill-cult programmed if you do it, when stressed…that much is certain.
Upon that note…I can remember AMADEUS and his ‘colleagues’ at the FRENCH SCHOOL…he had boasted to them that he had taught me as a child NOT to breathe through my nose at all…they had done this via the usual drugging/torture system…
…and so as a child, I began to breathe through my mouth…even whilst asleep…again PSYCHOLOGISTS know this to be an ‘odd phenomenon’ but they do not know the real reasons why…which are ill cult drugging and torture at an early age…designed to stop the ‘forehead gland’ gaining enough oxygen…starving it of oxygen…
My SWISS GRANDMOTHER knew that the ill would do this to me…and whilst staying at her house in SURBITON…we were alone together…she told me snappishly that I had to now relearn how to do it…and I replied that it was ‘no longer natural’…I had to think about it, before doing it…my grandmother got angry and told me that I had to do it and that was that…
GILL was the same as my grandmother…yet again, he repeatedly told me to ‘breathe through the nose’…never through the mouth…
The interesting difference in advice…was that my SWISS GRANDMOTHER believed that you had to ‘breathe through the nose and out of the mouth’ or ‘it wouldn’t work’ whatever it was…
GILL however, solely breathed through the NOSE and out again…
Lastly I remember having a conversation with PETRONELLA in one of her ‘good alters’ at the TEMPLAR CASTLE…I asked her how she ‘stayed healthy’ in relation to breathing through the nose because MARK R was reprogramming everybody NOT to breathe through the nose…and if he caught you doing it…there was ‘all hell to pay, quite literally’…yes, all ill cult slaves being reprogrammed, were ‘watched’ whilst we slept…to catch us out, at a subconscious level…were we breathing through the mouth or the nose?
PETRONELLA replied that whilst sleeping and waking…she breathed through BOTH her nose and mouth…and that had fooled MARK R…and I thought ‘what a good ploy’…it appeared to work….
Let me remind you of STEPHEN DALDRY - PRAGUE 1995 - who had asked that ill cult Presario TREVOR NUNN - the Sephardic NT theatre director (‘retired’ to Paris, in order to start up his new theatre - under the name of PETER BROOKS in order to misguide everybody as far as I can see, unless he was simply ‘running‘ BROOKS there)….for advice upon ‘how to direct’ early on in his career…and had got the reply:
“I LEARNT HOW TO BREATHE…that‘s all….”
DALDRY looked at me meaningfully…basic knowledge but also perhaps the most important of all…
“most definitely the most important advice of all” the networks are telling me.
DALDRY went on a bit further “if you can control your breathing….you can control your life…you can control the world, even…”
NUNN didn’t like GILL…that is true…he didn’t mind myself….I have no idea what that amounted to but probably the ‘unknown JAPANESE’ network…
Have I talked about SCARLETT’s desk and the PINK PLANET (Japanese afterlife/heaven/hell/UNDERWORLD)….and the GREEN PLANET (lizard lowlifes - guess who?)….and the GOLD PLANET (those who work really hard for not much money)…
…I have another one to add…and that was the INVISIBLE PLANET within that ‘quantum physics’ dimension, upon SCARLETT’S DESK….
The invisible planet that got ‘blown out of existence’ in the end…every member hunted down….
The ill cult networks are really ‘scary’ this morning with comments such as:
As if, I - or anybody else upon this planet, would want to be these people’s ‘friends’…it is all so weird…all of it….and laughable...although I do not find it laughable...i find these people so 'worrying' because they are so 'wrong in the head'...that yes, I am now really smiling...they are 'entertainment' - that is all, in terms of their mad comments.
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By Anonymous on Stephen Daldry on 11/05/11
Purses in (to) & # 179; in (to) purse store internet bag david jones fashion bag 2011 fashion bag 2011 purse & # 179 oskie; url 11/05/11 david jones bag bag leather bag bag cheap bag david jones bag bag leather bag trunk [ = ] bag leather [ / url ] oskie kazar listonoszki http://torebki4you.com Anonymous Stephen Daldry
torebki damskie w³oskie torebki damskie sklep internetowy torebki david jones modne torebki 2011 modne torebki 2011 torebki damskie w³oskie david jones torebki torby skórzane torebki kazar torebki listonoszki tanie torebki david jones torebki torebki skórzane torebka kuferek [url=http://torebki4you.com]torebki skórzane [/url]
By Anonymous on Stephen Daldry on 11/05/11
Purses in (to) & # 179; in (to) purse store internet bag david jones fashion bag 2011 fashion bag 2011 purse & # 179 oskie; url 11/05/11 david jones bag bag leather bag bag cheap bag david jones bag bag leather bag trunk [ = ] bag leather [ / url ] oskie kazar listonoszki http://torebki4you.com Anonymous Stephen Daldry
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
i have no idea what SCART...I mean SCRATCH is all about...but in point of fact, something is coming back in relation to oldstyle SCART programming and TV sets...will this change with DIGITAL?
The 'in the cloud' idea suggests to me a metaphor of the ill cult 'building castles in the sky'...all a bit 'ivory towers fantasy world'....
i have no idea what SCART...I mean SCRATCH is all about...but in point of fact, something is coming back in relation to oldstyle SCART programming and TV sets...will this change with DIGITAL?
The 'in the cloud' idea suggests to me a metaphor of the ill cult 'building castles in the sky'...all a bit 'ivory towers fantasy world'....
Anyway, i got to the library and onto an internet computer and found a BLACK pen entitled TACON by it...and realised that I was walking through what JADE was supposed to walk through today...this pen would relate to AMADEUS' plans for the north Norfolk 'switchover' radio tower...so I binned the pen immediately...
I have just got the library and onto an internet computer....after quite a cycle...down to the sewage farm between CLACTON and FRINTON...to see fire personnel using suction upon the stagnant waters in front of that sewage plant...and I instantly remembered that TOMLINSON used to dump loads of heroin there...and secondly that the couple who passed me cycling towards that place...he was wearing a BRIGHT MID-GREEN ZIP-UP TOP and she had a SILVER NECKLACE around her throat...well, he was part of the HEROIN RING and she was his mind control slave...she had told me beforehand that she would wear that very necklace so that I would remember her and 'report' the lot upon my blog...
Anyway, I asked the fire personnel what it was all about...the 'emergency' and they told me that it was just a 'training procedure'....maybe it was, this time around but I KNOW what the ill used to use that stagnant water for...it runs into a series of small ponds/lakes...and ROZ and myself were drowned there by the ill, to then be resuscitated upon the bank because ROZ had had to dive for TOMLINSON's stuff...and afterwards - drowning slaves was a quick way of putting them into 'memory dump'...
Anyway, I asked the fire personnel what it was all about...the 'emergency' and they told me that it was just a 'training procedure'....maybe it was, this time around but I KNOW what the ill used to use that stagnant water for...it runs into a series of small ponds/lakes...and ROZ and myself were drowned there by the ill, to then be resuscitated upon the bank because ROZ had had to dive for TOMLINSON's stuff...and afterwards - drowning slaves was a quick way of putting them into 'memory dump'...
...as far as COLLIE's lookalikes go...an OBAMA lookalike appears to have parked his large WHITE car...a STAR WARS type, if you know what I mean...a bit like those 'dancing white/black robots' that MCDONALD was so fond of...he used an animation of them 'dancing' and told us that it was him and SC dressed up in the robot suits...upon THE SUN IS UP site...that BLUE TILE ROOF blogspot...

...not a brilliant photo I know but that's all you're getting...
...one of MCDONALD's robo animations - here is a still of it:
...not a brilliant photo I know but that's all you're getting...
...one of MCDONALD's robo animations - here is a still of it:
...and the comments that have been left, are quite 'cryptic':
"Hidden fires."
3 Comments - Show Original Post
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riffle said...
I'm guessing he lost a bet and had to get the Fire of London inscribed on his torso.
BTW, I saw this wonderful Renaissance painting (no joke) and thought of you for some reason.
Or, if this works to make it clicky:
Portrait of a Young Boy holding a Child's Drawing, ca. 1515
Can't wait for the next series of Cabin Pressue, but glad to see and hear your name on every third UK program I happen across. Excelsior!
5:08 AM
Ginge said...
I feel like I should probably be disturbed, but...hm.
7:44 AM
kodama said...
The man is hot!
8:11 AM
"Hidden fires."
3 Comments - Show Original Post
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riffle said...
I'm guessing he lost a bet and had to get the Fire of London inscribed on his torso.
BTW, I saw this wonderful Renaissance painting (no joke) and thought of you for some reason.
Or, if this works to make it clicky:
Portrait of a Young Boy holding a Child's Drawing, ca. 1515
Can't wait for the next series of Cabin Pressue, but glad to see and hear your name on every third UK program I happen across. Excelsior!
5:08 AM
Ginge said...
I feel like I should probably be disturbed, but...hm.
7:44 AM
kodama said...
The man is hot!
8:11 AM
Lots of photos of co-author CLIVE HAMILTON but none of RICHARD DENNISS on a google images search...i wonder why?
We also have an OZ reference in the mix there...
...and something is coming back...this had been SUE WALKER's idea...and she had sung that BLONDIE song 'evilly' around the CASTLE 'deni deni with your eyes so blue, I got a crush on you'...
...so something around BLUE EYES too...
TOMLINSON in 'irish journo' mode perhaps...with stick-on eye contact lens...
Maybe GILL perhaps...you see at one point, he had them lasered on...'blue eye contact' lens...
I have had great difficulty in terms of getting onto AMPERSAND DUCK today...and realised that something was afoot...my internet connection kept on cutting out...
Anyway, the photo of the eyebrows look like COLLIE and DENIS HEALEY to me...who knows?
Why do BI not want anybody - particularly myself to know about this forthcoming EXHIBITION:
The opening is on Wednesday at 6pm, 1 Rosevear Place, Dickson
...I 'know' that BI were involved and that I shouldn't be allowed to highlight that one, upon this blogspot:
Monday, May 09, 2011
Having not been in any exhibitions yet this year, I'm now in two in the same week.
The first is a group show of ANCA tenants celebrating the kickass fact that we now have a wonderful roof of solar panels powering our gallery and office and feeding back into the ACT grid in a way that will pay them off within five years and then will generate a lovely bit of income for us, so that hopefully we can keep having hired help to run the gallery etc instead of having to do it ourselves.
I've been helping to hang the show after work and I must say that it's a really, really cool show, full of strong, diverse and engaging work.
The opening is on Wednesday at 6pm, 1 Rosevear Place, Dickson, and we're having some interesting people speaking: Dr Richard Denniss from the Australia Institute, Anne Clark from local organisation See-Change, plus there will be lots of information available for anyone interested in knowing more about solar installation and rebates. To add a bit of zing, we have wine and food sponsors (Casella Win, the ANU Food Co-Op, Homeleigh Olives and Choku Bai Jo) to help you relax and enjoy the art, darlings.
We're also having a few open studios at ANCA Dickson and Mitchell from 12 to 5 on Saturday (14 May) if you want to have peeks at working artists and see the show.
Anyway, the photo of the eyebrows look like COLLIE and DENIS HEALEY to me...who knows?
Why do BI not want anybody - particularly myself to know about this forthcoming EXHIBITION:
The opening is on Wednesday at 6pm, 1 Rosevear Place, Dickson
...I 'know' that BI were involved and that I shouldn't be allowed to highlight that one, upon this blogspot:
Monday, May 09, 2011
Having not been in any exhibitions yet this year, I'm now in two in the same week.
The first is a group show of ANCA tenants celebrating the kickass fact that we now have a wonderful roof of solar panels powering our gallery and office and feeding back into the ACT grid in a way that will pay them off within five years and then will generate a lovely bit of income for us, so that hopefully we can keep having hired help to run the gallery etc instead of having to do it ourselves.
I've been helping to hang the show after work and I must say that it's a really, really cool show, full of strong, diverse and engaging work.
The opening is on Wednesday at 6pm, 1 Rosevear Place, Dickson, and we're having some interesting people speaking: Dr Richard Denniss from the Australia Institute, Anne Clark from local organisation See-Change, plus there will be lots of information available for anyone interested in knowing more about solar installation and rebates. To add a bit of zing, we have wine and food sponsors (Casella Win, the ANU Food Co-Op, Homeleigh Olives and Choku Bai Jo) to help you relax and enjoy the art, darlings.
We're also having a few open studios at ANCA Dickson and Mitchell from 12 to 5 on Saturday (14 May) if you want to have peeks at working artists and see the show.
Well PROJECTDARKBOOK has 'switched over' and in such a way that you would hardly believe...what on earth is going on here?
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a new video from MR ICKE's newsletter this morning...and it is all about the dangers of CHROMAKEY in relation to DIGITAL DECEPTION:
Be Wary of Digital Deception
Tuesday, 10 May 2011 06:54
yes CHROMAKEY used to be a 'shade of BLUE' and then MARK R decided that it should be 'his brand of GREEN'...but you could use any colour at all, as far as I know...
Anyway, before I watched this video...i read something 'odd' in the brochure:
...and it was about NORTH NORFOLK:
"If you live in north Norfolk and want to receive Anglia Tonight or Look East, you will need to watch in analogue until the Tacolneston transmitter group switches to digital in November 2011."
Now i have no idea what set off alarm bells about that one...but it did...something I haven't quite remembered as yet...
Be Wary of Digital Deception
Tuesday, 10 May 2011 06:54
yes CHROMAKEY used to be a 'shade of BLUE' and then MARK R decided that it should be 'his brand of GREEN'...but you could use any colour at all, as far as I know...
Anyway, before I watched this video...i read something 'odd' in the brochure:
...and it was about NORTH NORFOLK:
"If you live in north Norfolk and want to receive Anglia Tonight or Look East, you will need to watch in analogue until the Tacolneston transmitter group switches to digital in November 2011."
Now i have no idea what set off alarm bells about that one...but it did...something I haven't quite remembered as yet...
Two men in suits - one with a clipboard and the other with a camera…came to view the back of TRAVELODGE next to BELLE COURT…specifically behind the GENERATOR ROOM for some reason…and took photos…
I wonder who had sent them and why…one can only hope that it is positive in the sense of stopping people dumping garbage around that area…and that somebody takes responsibility for cleaning the whole place up…a lot of construction junk left around there too…not to mention the weeds/ill cult planted trees etc…the roots will screw up the generator room if not dealt with sooner or later…
I finished that DITKO comic book today and I shall take it back to the library…lots more programming stuff which I have already covered in various ways…so ‘each to their own’ - if you want to deprogram, read the book and work it out for yourself…
CHARLIE AND LOLA …the latest BBC edition…is probably the nastiest…featuring what I would call a TEDDY BEAR’S picnic…and some sparkly pieces of ‘stick on’ stuff that look a bit like that DRAYLON NASA star burst which I commented upon the other day…
ROTHSCHILDS and the RED team in general…appear to be classified as SPACE HOPPERS and also in charge of the WICKER basket - picnic hamper…(and WICKERMAN programming, no doubt)…
I have a large WICKER BASKET - a square one, in this flat…and before I moved in…I knew that the ‘mice would come in to steal’ (the ill had given them keys to do so) but that nobody would dare to lift the lid of that basket…so whatever was important, I should put in there…simply because it was an emblem in ‘the magic of everyday things’ as RIMINGTON called it…an emblem of the ROTHSCHILDS…
I also noted the ‘next edition advertisement’ for CHARLIE AND LOLA in this magazine…and it stars as BLACK WOODEN HOUSE which I can remember - was all about DEREK JARMAN’s ‘black wooden house’ upon the beach at DUNGENESS…
I wonder who had sent them and why…one can only hope that it is positive in the sense of stopping people dumping garbage around that area…and that somebody takes responsibility for cleaning the whole place up…a lot of construction junk left around there too…not to mention the weeds/ill cult planted trees etc…the roots will screw up the generator room if not dealt with sooner or later…
I finished that DITKO comic book today and I shall take it back to the library…lots more programming stuff which I have already covered in various ways…so ‘each to their own’ - if you want to deprogram, read the book and work it out for yourself…
CHARLIE AND LOLA …the latest BBC edition…is probably the nastiest…featuring what I would call a TEDDY BEAR’S picnic…and some sparkly pieces of ‘stick on’ stuff that look a bit like that DRAYLON NASA star burst which I commented upon the other day…
ROTHSCHILDS and the RED team in general…appear to be classified as SPACE HOPPERS and also in charge of the WICKER basket - picnic hamper…(and WICKERMAN programming, no doubt)…
I have a large WICKER BASKET - a square one, in this flat…and before I moved in…I knew that the ‘mice would come in to steal’ (the ill had given them keys to do so) but that nobody would dare to lift the lid of that basket…so whatever was important, I should put in there…simply because it was an emblem in ‘the magic of everyday things’ as RIMINGTON called it…an emblem of the ROTHSCHILDS…
I also noted the ‘next edition advertisement’ for CHARLIE AND LOLA in this magazine…and it stars as BLACK WOODEN HOUSE which I can remember - was all about DEREK JARMAN’s ‘black wooden house’ upon the beach at DUNGENESS…
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
...and my comments have been ignored as usual - upon this website...actually GILL did reply once, to one of them but that was it...so he was 'in on the game' but the rest of them 'writing comments to be released at a future date upon the internet' but were not 'au fait' with what was really going to happen (intervention of a 'free radical' etc etc):
May 6, 2011
Kooly The Bear Surprises Mother With Month's Supply Of True Soda
Black Rabbit said...
ANDREAS - I can see that you are highly talented with the wizardry of PHOTOSHOP - could you give us a few NASA shots of fatal asteroids/meteorites about to hit planet Earth or perhaps a newly discovered galaxy or comet?
May 10, 2011 12:32 AM
Black Rabbit said...
Andreas - see my blog for details.
I created quite a spectacular SUPERNOVA for the FBI who sold it on to NASA for use upon their website - out of a 'bit of old rope' - quite literally.
a friend of mine produced the 'cotton wool bud' image and that was also accepted by NASA (see my latest post upon my blog, this morning).
Have a go yourself...
May 10, 2011 12:49 AM
Ceska said...
Foremost, let me commend your uncrowdedness during this subject. I am not an expert during this theme, but after reading your write-up, my understanding has developed well. Please allow me to catch your rss nourish to stay in touch with any long term updates. Wholesome career and will extend it on to acquaintances and my audience.
May 10, 2011 4:50 AM
Sir GAmzu said...
I am totally cool with you extending this with your acquaintances and audience.
But they have to understand they can's go around saying things about people like "You are scared to subscribe to Andrea's blog"
Nobody has a right to go around saying that.
NOt you acquaintances and not your audience.
In case you haven't noticed, there are NO JABRONIS here.
Also your audience should be warned that this site is just an astroturf shill for selling True Soda which is some of the worst tasting corporate swill ever bottled in the Good 'Ol US Of A
May 10, 2011 6:30 AM
Andreas din gud said...
The other guys is the friends of me, you knowe the danish guys, or all my clones. Okay to be honest not all the clones...
He knows when i sleep...
May 10, 2011 10:01 AM
Meve said...
Listen, guys, we come to this site for many things, some of which are important. But one thing which we do not come to this site for, but which may be important, is trumpeting up our own blogs with our big old blog trumpets. Flute dog knows what I'm talking about.
For instance, I have referenced on several occasions my blog (e.g. http://andreasdanishes.blogspot.com/2011/05/square-danishes-defy-gravity.html). This is wrong. For several reasons.
1) Gamzu would never do it, and Gamzu is the true Gamzu of virtue.
2) Proudy is still dead, and we have no idea who killed him.
3) A second tiger is dead. We don't know who the tiger was, let alone who the killer is.
4) several other reasons which we all know and I need not list here.
I would like to take the blame myself, but unfortunately justice will not so permit. It is with a heavy heart and a tasty danish that I turn to Mayor Brainyboy for guidance and help on these and other troubling matters.
May 11, 2011 12:07 AM
May 6, 2011
Kooly The Bear Surprises Mother With Month's Supply Of True Soda
Black Rabbit said...
ANDREAS - I can see that you are highly talented with the wizardry of PHOTOSHOP - could you give us a few NASA shots of fatal asteroids/meteorites about to hit planet Earth or perhaps a newly discovered galaxy or comet?
May 10, 2011 12:32 AM
Black Rabbit said...
Andreas - see my blog for details.
I created quite a spectacular SUPERNOVA for the FBI who sold it on to NASA for use upon their website - out of a 'bit of old rope' - quite literally.
a friend of mine produced the 'cotton wool bud' image and that was also accepted by NASA (see my latest post upon my blog, this morning).
Have a go yourself...
May 10, 2011 12:49 AM
Ceska said...
Foremost, let me commend your uncrowdedness during this subject. I am not an expert during this theme, but after reading your write-up, my understanding has developed well. Please allow me to catch your rss nourish to stay in touch with any long term updates. Wholesome career and will extend it on to acquaintances and my audience.
May 10, 2011 4:50 AM
Sir GAmzu said...
I am totally cool with you extending this with your acquaintances and audience.
But they have to understand they can's go around saying things about people like "You are scared to subscribe to Andrea's blog"
Nobody has a right to go around saying that.
NOt you acquaintances and not your audience.
In case you haven't noticed, there are NO JABRONIS here.
Also your audience should be warned that this site is just an astroturf shill for selling True Soda which is some of the worst tasting corporate swill ever bottled in the Good 'Ol US Of A
May 10, 2011 6:30 AM
Andreas din gud said...
The other guys is the friends of me, you knowe the danish guys, or all my clones. Okay to be honest not all the clones...
He knows when i sleep...
May 10, 2011 10:01 AM
Meve said...
Listen, guys, we come to this site for many things, some of which are important. But one thing which we do not come to this site for, but which may be important, is trumpeting up our own blogs with our big old blog trumpets. Flute dog knows what I'm talking about.
For instance, I have referenced on several occasions my blog (e.g. http://andreasdanishes.blogspot.com/2011/05/square-danishes-defy-gravity.html). This is wrong. For several reasons.
1) Gamzu would never do it, and Gamzu is the true Gamzu of virtue.
2) Proudy is still dead, and we have no idea who killed him.
3) A second tiger is dead. We don't know who the tiger was, let alone who the killer is.
4) several other reasons which we all know and I need not list here.
I would like to take the blame myself, but unfortunately justice will not so permit. It is with a heavy heart and a tasty danish that I turn to Mayor Brainyboy for guidance and help on these and other troubling matters.
May 11, 2011 12:07 AM
in fact the 'we were nuked' article has now entirely disappeared off HENRY MAKOW's site.
Why would that be?
Secondly, the last time I posted a comment to this site - that article also disappeared.
What is going on?
There are so many 'crazy comments' posted under 9-11 articles - was mine any more 'crazy' than anybody else's?
Why cannot I get that comment posted upon HENRY MAKOW's site...yet loads of other 'crazy stuff' gets posted...you tell me...
in fact the 'we were nuked' article has now entirely disappeared off HENRY MAKOW's site.
Why would that be?
Secondly, the last time I posted a comment to this site - that article also disappeared.
What is going on?
There are so many 'crazy comments' posted under 9-11 articles - was mine any more 'crazy' than anybody else's?
Why cannot I get that comment posted upon HENRY MAKOW's site...yet loads of other 'crazy stuff' gets posted...you tell me...
Looking at the SENT MAIL which is in my minniecricket inbox...I sent this email a reply to a HENRY MAKOW article and as far as i know...when I last checked - it hadn't been put up as a comment - why?
You see last night I began to remember how I had begun to treat GILL in his 'bro-ken' alter - as shit under my shoe, basically.
...and then I remembered how the ill had put that 'cheap secondhand' gold wedding ring which GILL had bought off a NY jooish market to put on my finger during that 'one year slave marriage'...the ring was then given to my mother who claimed that she had no idea of where it had come from, it had simply 'turned up' in her jewellry box...and so she gave it to me...
I then threw the ring into the estuary...at its deepest level - so that it would never be retrieved...i could have sold it on but didn't...it was 'too disgusting' for me to even contemplate 'trading it in' for money.
I then thought about the JOOISH FEDERAL RESERVE 'gold temple' under NY...and how this satanic joos worshipped GOLD.
I thought about that massively expensive GOLDEN 'RA CULT' necklace of GRANDMOTHER CLAYTON's...she had worn it all of her life...a gift from Egypt from her husband...anyway, my mother also gave me that necklace but I couldn't wear it...'something was wrong' and so I gave it back to her...and she promptly gave it to her brother MICHAEL's daughter who loved it...
You see - I was never a real satanic 'JOO' was I...i didn't worship gold...meaningless to me...or should I say SATANIC BEK as in SABATEI ZVI follower?
Anyway, this is my response to that 9-11 article:
A First Responder - "We Were Nuked on 9-11"
A repy to the above article:
The MOSSAD put bombs under the twin towers - in the basement - attached to 'gas and electrics'.
I saw the whole thing firsthand - I was part of the British Intelligence team who were posing as the 'Israeli art students' - we studied the 'op'.
Why did the MOSSAD want to do it?
They were attempting to save NY from the most terrible threat imaginable. An illuminati cult paramilitary base - which only the PENTAGON knew about but was powerless to remove.
Attached to this paramilitary base was the 'masonic temple' of the FEDERAL RESERVE - a BABYLONIAN temple - all gold.
The FEDERAL RESERVE satanists worshipped gold and blood, in this temple. They sacrificed financial workers who had not performed well enough, during the financial year. These unfortunates were tied to BABYLONIAN golden statues - and bled to death - there was a 'swimming pool' of human blood, running down the middle of this GOLDEN Temple.
So what had ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE got to do with any of the above?
They wanted to cover it up, it was an embarrassment to JEWS worldwide - so they blew up the paramilitary base - which effectively melted this BABYLONIAN temple of gold (located underground beside it) and buried it. The FEDERAL RESERVE no longer has any recognisable 'gold bars' underneath it.
As the head of the MOSSAD was later to speculate - blowing up the TWIN TOWERS as a distraction exercise - to hide what they were really doing - was a 'mistake'.
Yes, it was but they also saved NY from the' illuminati cult horrors' beneath its collective feet.
If you check with SEISMOLOGISTS upon 9/11 - you will see that earth tremors happened - a small earthquake - BRITISH INTELLIGENCE asked my team (which was operating in NY at the time - 'rented' out to the CIA/FBI) to find out what had really happened - as above.
At the time US seismologists were 'confused' about the same thing - obviously a minor earthquake/tremors could NOT have been caused by the falling towers...
There is more - but that should be enough to provoke further discussion of 'what really happened' that day...
You see last night I began to remember how I had begun to treat GILL in his 'bro-ken' alter - as shit under my shoe, basically.
...and then I remembered how the ill had put that 'cheap secondhand' gold wedding ring which GILL had bought off a NY jooish market to put on my finger during that 'one year slave marriage'...the ring was then given to my mother who claimed that she had no idea of where it had come from, it had simply 'turned up' in her jewellry box...and so she gave it to me...
I then threw the ring into the estuary...at its deepest level - so that it would never be retrieved...i could have sold it on but didn't...it was 'too disgusting' for me to even contemplate 'trading it in' for money.
I then thought about the JOOISH FEDERAL RESERVE 'gold temple' under NY...and how this satanic joos worshipped GOLD.
I thought about that massively expensive GOLDEN 'RA CULT' necklace of GRANDMOTHER CLAYTON's...she had worn it all of her life...a gift from Egypt from her husband...anyway, my mother also gave me that necklace but I couldn't wear it...'something was wrong' and so I gave it back to her...and she promptly gave it to her brother MICHAEL's daughter who loved it...
You see - I was never a real satanic 'JOO' was I...i didn't worship gold...meaningless to me...or should I say SATANIC BEK as in SABATEI ZVI follower?
Anyway, this is my response to that 9-11 article:
A First Responder - "We Were Nuked on 9-11"
A repy to the above article:
The MOSSAD put bombs under the twin towers - in the basement - attached to 'gas and electrics'.
I saw the whole thing firsthand - I was part of the British Intelligence team who were posing as the 'Israeli art students' - we studied the 'op'.
Why did the MOSSAD want to do it?
They were attempting to save NY from the most terrible threat imaginable. An illuminati cult paramilitary base - which only the PENTAGON knew about but was powerless to remove.
Attached to this paramilitary base was the 'masonic temple' of the FEDERAL RESERVE - a BABYLONIAN temple - all gold.
The FEDERAL RESERVE satanists worshipped gold and blood, in this temple. They sacrificed financial workers who had not performed well enough, during the financial year. These unfortunates were tied to BABYLONIAN golden statues - and bled to death - there was a 'swimming pool' of human blood, running down the middle of this GOLDEN Temple.
So what had ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE got to do with any of the above?
They wanted to cover it up, it was an embarrassment to JEWS worldwide - so they blew up the paramilitary base - which effectively melted this BABYLONIAN temple of gold (located underground beside it) and buried it. The FEDERAL RESERVE no longer has any recognisable 'gold bars' underneath it.
As the head of the MOSSAD was later to speculate - blowing up the TWIN TOWERS as a distraction exercise - to hide what they were really doing - was a 'mistake'.
Yes, it was but they also saved NY from the' illuminati cult horrors' beneath its collective feet.
If you check with SEISMOLOGISTS upon 9/11 - you will see that earth tremors happened - a small earthquake - BRITISH INTELLIGENCE asked my team (which was operating in NY at the time - 'rented' out to the CIA/FBI) to find out what had really happened - as above.
At the time US seismologists were 'confused' about the same thing - obviously a minor earthquake/tremors could NOT have been caused by the falling towers...
There is more - but that should be enough to provoke further discussion of 'what really happened' that day...
So NAGISA OSHIMA was another rebel to the ill cult - he would have to be - having made MERRY CHRISTMAS, MR LAWRENCE...
funny how it all turns out...in his late twenties...GILL had told us all at the CIA LAB that he had always identified with Ryūichi Sakamoto's role in this film.
1980s and 1990s
In 1983 Ōshima had a critical success with a film made partly in English, Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence, which is set in a wartime prison camp, and features David Bowie and Ryūichi Sakamoto as examples of Western and Eastern military virtue. Max, Mon Amour (1986), written with Luis Buñuel's frequent collaborator Jean-Claude Carrière, was a comedy about a diplomat's wife (Charlotte Rampling) whose love affair with a chimpanzee is quietly incorporated into an eminently civilised ménage à trois.
funny how it all turns out...in his late twenties...GILL had told us all at the CIA LAB that he had always identified with Ryūichi Sakamoto's role in this film.
1980s and 1990s
In 1983 Ōshima had a critical success with a film made partly in English, Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence, which is set in a wartime prison camp, and features David Bowie and Ryūichi Sakamoto as examples of Western and Eastern military virtue. Max, Mon Amour (1986), written with Luis Buñuel's frequent collaborator Jean-Claude Carrière, was a comedy about a diplomat's wife (Charlotte Rampling) whose love affair with a chimpanzee is quietly incorporated into an eminently civilised ménage à trois.
Ai no korīda - that was it...and it will be related to ill cult programming which CAROLINE and myself went through...'the language of the unknown/birds'...GEISHA GIRL techniques...
Does anybody remember the pop-song that sounded like 'ai no korida'...perhaps it was a veiled clue to the above...
The Ceremony (1971) was a satirical look at Japanese attitudes, famously expressed in a scene where a marriage ceremony has to go ahead even though the bride is not present.
Ōshima is best known for In the Realm of the Senses (Ai no korīda; 愛のコリーダ 1976), a film based on a true story of fatal sexual obsession in 1930s Japan. Ōshima, a critic of censorship and his contemporary Akira Kurosawa's humanism, was determined that the film should feature unsimulated sex and thus the undeveloped film had to be transported to France to be processed and an uncensored version of the movie is still unavailable in Japan.
In his 1978 companion film to In the Realm of the Senses, Empire of Passion (Ai no bōrei; 愛の亡霊), Ōshima took a more restrained approach to depicting the sexual passions of the two lovers driven to murder, and the film won the 1978 Cannes Film Festival award for best director.
Does anybody remember the pop-song that sounded like 'ai no korida'...perhaps it was a veiled clue to the above...
The Ceremony (1971) was a satirical look at Japanese attitudes, famously expressed in a scene where a marriage ceremony has to go ahead even though the bride is not present.
Ōshima is best known for In the Realm of the Senses (Ai no korīda; 愛のコリーダ 1976), a film based on a true story of fatal sexual obsession in 1930s Japan. Ōshima, a critic of censorship and his contemporary Akira Kurosawa's humanism, was determined that the film should feature unsimulated sex and thus the undeveloped film had to be transported to France to be processed and an uncensored version of the movie is still unavailable in Japan.
In his 1978 companion film to In the Realm of the Senses, Empire of Passion (Ai no bōrei; 愛の亡霊), Ōshima took a more restrained approach to depicting the sexual passions of the two lovers driven to murder, and the film won the 1978 Cannes Film Festival award for best director.
Akira Kurosawa...as far as I know...this film director was a rebel to the ill cult and his films are definitely worthy of analyse within this context...
When KUROSAWA makes a film based upon KING LEAR...he will have done so to 'out' something about the ill and 'future projections' let us say...
Additionally, as far as I can remember another JAPANESE FILM which outed GEISHA GIRL techniques as far as I can remember...it was screened at WARWICK in 1997...and the 'boy/girl' whom the other JAPANESE women found very suspicious, who was upon my course...s/he was in fact run by MCDONALD...called IKO (not a JAPANESE name, apparently)...began to rage that no WESTERNER should see that film because they would be RACIST VOYEURS for doing so...
...now the 'Geisha film' had a title that sounded like a British pop song of the 1980s...something like 'ai-kido' ...something around that...but I know that MARK R changed the name of the film to hide it...he would, wouldn't he?
So it might be on the above film list that he put together but on the other hand, it might not...
When KUROSAWA makes a film based upon KING LEAR...he will have done so to 'out' something about the ill and 'future projections' let us say...
Additionally, as far as I can remember another JAPANESE FILM which outed GEISHA GIRL techniques as far as I can remember...it was screened at WARWICK in 1997...and the 'boy/girl' whom the other JAPANESE women found very suspicious, who was upon my course...s/he was in fact run by MCDONALD...called IKO (not a JAPANESE name, apparently)...began to rage that no WESTERNER should see that film because they would be RACIST VOYEURS for doing so...
...now the 'Geisha film' had a title that sounded like a British pop song of the 1980s...something like 'ai-kido' ...something around that...but I know that MARK R changed the name of the film to hide it...he would, wouldn't he?
So it might be on the above film list that he put together but on the other hand, it might not...
PETRONELLA might have thought that 'RANA' was her Indian ill cult name but guess who would have been really behind it all?
Ran (乱?, "chaos" or "revolt") is a 1985 film written and directed by Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa. It is a jidaigeki (Japanese period drama) depicting the fall of Hidetora Ichimonji (Tatsuya Nakadai), an aging Sengoku-era warlord who decides to abdicate as ruler in favor of his three sons. The story is based on legends of the daimyo Mōri Motonari, as well as on the Shakespearean tragedy King Lear.
Ran was Kurosawa's last epic. With a budget of $12 million, it was the most expensive Japanese film ever produced up to that time.[1] After Ran, Kurosawa directed three other films before he died, but none on so large a scale. The film was hailed for its powerful images and use of color—costume designer Emi Wada won an Academy Award for Costume Design for her work on Ran. The distinctive Gustav Mahler-inspired film score, written by Tōru Takemitsu, plays in isolation with ambient sound muted.
PETRONELLA might have thought that 'RANA' was her Indian ill cult name but guess who would have been really behind it all?
Ran (乱?, "chaos" or "revolt") is a 1985 film written and directed by Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa. It is a jidaigeki (Japanese period drama) depicting the fall of Hidetora Ichimonji (Tatsuya Nakadai), an aging Sengoku-era warlord who decides to abdicate as ruler in favor of his three sons. The story is based on legends of the daimyo Mōri Motonari, as well as on the Shakespearean tragedy King Lear.
Ran was Kurosawa's last epic. With a budget of $12 million, it was the most expensive Japanese film ever produced up to that time.[1] After Ran, Kurosawa directed three other films before he died, but none on so large a scale. The film was hailed for its powerful images and use of color—costume designer Emi Wada won an Academy Award for Costume Design for her work on Ran. The distinctive Gustav Mahler-inspired film score, written by Tōru Takemitsu, plays in isolation with ambient sound muted.
…and a really strange memory came back…and it is related to the LIONESS CUB for some reason…this is what I remembered:
THE NETHERLANDS…the 3 MONKEYS and AMADEUS had ROZ and myself, virtually held prisoner in a downtown hotel somewhere in suburbia…but I cannot remember where…it was a programming venue I suppose…they had certain hotels which were used for such a purpose, all over the world…
Now in Slavic languages…’th’ isn’t used…so speakers of Slavic languages tend to have a hard time learning the two different ways of pronouncing ‘th’ as in THE/THIGH etc…
…so NETHERLANDS tends to be pronounced as NEVERLANDS…you see what I am getting at?
…and on top of that the TASCHMANN code for themselves:
The heart of the TASCHMANN operation was in the NETHERLANDS - their ‘broken heart’…their smuggling route…IRELAND to RUSSIA…’with Loeve’ no doubt…
Anyway, GILL was still shepherding me around in a child alter at that point in time…the ill then locked me in a small bedroom with no food or water…I had been ‘disobedient’ by crying…and so AMADEUS had told them to starve me until I was compliant…
I wasn’t ‘compliant’…I jammed the bed across the doorway so they couldn’t get in, even after unlocking the door…and then I smashed the window and proceeded to throw the BOOKS from a small shelf above where the bed had been…out of the hotel…and then the bedside LAMP too…in order to cause a commotion…
….and when the hotel staff came to check what was going on…to see the MONKEYS trying to get in but failing…I began to yell to them to call the POLICE…
The POLICE turned up but AMADEUS knew how to get them under control…so I yelled to them that I had a BOMB and that they had better get the MILITARY POLICE in fast…they did so…and that was when the 3 MONKEYS and AMADEUS were finally arrested…and I went down the local police station to make a statement…along the lines of ‘abused mind control slave’ etc etc…
Anyway, as far as I know - AMADEUS paid a large amount of money in bail and then skipped the country but I do not know if the others were ‘so lucky’…
However it is likely that the ill BRITISH PRINCES turned up to free them at some point…they always turned up eventually, as LORDS AND MASTERS of any given ‘ill cult’ event…
Why do I link this all to that LIONESS CUB?
i figure that I was in contact with PUTIN's network at the time...which gave me the strength to get the ill who were holding me prisoner...I was given the image of a LION in order to create my independence from GILL...nothing but tiny MICE the lot of them...
THE NETHERLANDS…the 3 MONKEYS and AMADEUS had ROZ and myself, virtually held prisoner in a downtown hotel somewhere in suburbia…but I cannot remember where…it was a programming venue I suppose…they had certain hotels which were used for such a purpose, all over the world…
Now in Slavic languages…’th’ isn’t used…so speakers of Slavic languages tend to have a hard time learning the two different ways of pronouncing ‘th’ as in THE/THIGH etc…
…so NETHERLANDS tends to be pronounced as NEVERLANDS…you see what I am getting at?
…and on top of that the TASCHMANN code for themselves:
The heart of the TASCHMANN operation was in the NETHERLANDS - their ‘broken heart’…their smuggling route…IRELAND to RUSSIA…’with Loeve’ no doubt…
Anyway, GILL was still shepherding me around in a child alter at that point in time…the ill then locked me in a small bedroom with no food or water…I had been ‘disobedient’ by crying…and so AMADEUS had told them to starve me until I was compliant…
I wasn’t ‘compliant’…I jammed the bed across the doorway so they couldn’t get in, even after unlocking the door…and then I smashed the window and proceeded to throw the BOOKS from a small shelf above where the bed had been…out of the hotel…and then the bedside LAMP too…in order to cause a commotion…
….and when the hotel staff came to check what was going on…to see the MONKEYS trying to get in but failing…I began to yell to them to call the POLICE…
The POLICE turned up but AMADEUS knew how to get them under control…so I yelled to them that I had a BOMB and that they had better get the MILITARY POLICE in fast…they did so…and that was when the 3 MONKEYS and AMADEUS were finally arrested…and I went down the local police station to make a statement…along the lines of ‘abused mind control slave’ etc etc…
Anyway, as far as I know - AMADEUS paid a large amount of money in bail and then skipped the country but I do not know if the others were ‘so lucky’…
However it is likely that the ill BRITISH PRINCES turned up to free them at some point…they always turned up eventually, as LORDS AND MASTERS of any given ‘ill cult’ event…
Why do I link this all to that LIONESS CUB?
i figure that I was in contact with PUTIN's network at the time...which gave me the strength to get the ill who were holding me prisoner...I was given the image of a LION in order to create my independence from GILL...nothing but tiny MICE the lot of them...
...and so that is why the ill began to become wary of me...they tended to kill each other or themselves, every time they openly attacked me...
The last attempt was at the CONTINENTAL HOTEL, Harwich in 2008...after that the ill had constructed this ill cult game to kill me off by various methods and too many to mention eg. 'a car hitting me upon my bike'...being made homeless/penniless...in other words 'less direct ways'...
...and yes, now you know why MCDONALD had decided to call ill cult drugs TRUE SODA...a double-entendre in relation to what had happened at GARDEN COTTAGE...
Secondly I can remember JADE trying to tempt me to take PURE HEROIN at the TOTNES flat..telling me that everybody should try it once and that she could 'get some'...I refused straight down the line and warned her not to offer any to ROZ because she was trying to stay clean, the drug had ruined her life...
The topic was all about 'drugs' that day...and I mentioned how drug pushers cut up their 'white powder' with CLEANING FLUIDS and just how dangerous that was...
JADE replied with a laugh:
...that is what she called IMPURE HEROIN...
...and then she added nervously:
"BAD JEW-JEW"...and asked me if I thought that what she had just said was ANTI-SEMITIC?
i replied that as far as I knew...JUJU was a South-American reference...and linked to VOODOO...so it probably meant something like 'bad magic' and nothing to do with the JOOS...
JADE looked disbelieving and worried...
The last attempt was at the CONTINENTAL HOTEL, Harwich in 2008...after that the ill had constructed this ill cult game to kill me off by various methods and too many to mention eg. 'a car hitting me upon my bike'...being made homeless/penniless...in other words 'less direct ways'...
...and yes, now you know why MCDONALD had decided to call ill cult drugs TRUE SODA...a double-entendre in relation to what had happened at GARDEN COTTAGE...
Secondly I can remember JADE trying to tempt me to take PURE HEROIN at the TOTNES flat..telling me that everybody should try it once and that she could 'get some'...I refused straight down the line and warned her not to offer any to ROZ because she was trying to stay clean, the drug had ruined her life...
The topic was all about 'drugs' that day...and I mentioned how drug pushers cut up their 'white powder' with CLEANING FLUIDS and just how dangerous that was...
JADE replied with a laugh:
...that is what she called IMPURE HEROIN...
...and then she added nervously:
"BAD JEW-JEW"...and asked me if I thought that what she had just said was ANTI-SEMITIC?
i replied that as far as I knew...JUJU was a South-American reference...and linked to VOODOO...so it probably meant something like 'bad magic' and nothing to do with the JOOS...
JADE looked disbelieving and worried...
i then remembered what had happened the second time that the 'IRISH TINKER' had paid a call to GARDEN COTTAGE, East Bergholt...where I was living hand to mouth on £50 per week but loving being in the countryside...even though as my mother was to say 'no central heating' and a septic tank in the backyard that kept on overflowing, was hardly 'idyllic' but the small garden out front was beautiful...and I loved looking out over fields in the morning...that made it all worthwhile...
Anyway, that man had come round the first time...with a bag of cleaning fluids and managed to bully me into buying an item for about £5 even though I had carefully explained to him at the time, that I was on £50 per week and that I couldn't afford a thing and certainly not at his prices...he began to threaten me with ROMANY curses that sort of shit...and to get rid of him...I bought something and then shut the door...
He came round again, a week or two later...as threatening as ever...and so I simply told him that I didn't have the money and shut the door on him...he began to swear loudly...
i was alone in that cottage and it was all rather frightening...
anyway, later on he managed to get in via the living room window...I walked into the room and he began to swear at me again...and then took out a STUN-GUN and electrocuted me...I passed out...but as I did so, I then took action...
the man went into the kitchen, found the CAUSTIC SODA crystals under the sink...put them into a cup, poured water over them and then drank them...he died on the floor...
The ill then turned up to torture me...found me passed out on the floor and the man dead in the kitchen...
...so that is when and where I began to protect myself from the ill...
...on top of that...the ill who had turned up...I cannot remember their faces clearly but they were all projecting SCARLETT/TOMLINSON/RIMINGTON so most probably run from that desk...I got them to kill each other...the networks are telling me that the woman was actually called ALEXANDRIA...and then the 3 MONKEYS turned up...MARK R told GILL to give me a sedative by injection...he eventually gave it to me himself...my big toenail was severely damaged by that point...the ill had shoved a metal screw up it (it was to turn black later on - and I wondered why, upon this side of the mirror - no memories)....GILL wanted to find out what was going on beforehand but I couldn't wouldn't tell him, mainly because I didn't trust him one bit...
So this was all about BIG TOE programming then...the ill were trying to contact the BIG TOE alter...and it got them to kill each other/themselves.
...and I link this all to the IRISH JOO network of the ROYALS...AMADEUS' network was far more powerful by that point in time...circa 2000...
Anyway, that man had come round the first time...with a bag of cleaning fluids and managed to bully me into buying an item for about £5 even though I had carefully explained to him at the time, that I was on £50 per week and that I couldn't afford a thing and certainly not at his prices...he began to threaten me with ROMANY curses that sort of shit...and to get rid of him...I bought something and then shut the door...
He came round again, a week or two later...as threatening as ever...and so I simply told him that I didn't have the money and shut the door on him...he began to swear loudly...
i was alone in that cottage and it was all rather frightening...
anyway, later on he managed to get in via the living room window...I walked into the room and he began to swear at me again...and then took out a STUN-GUN and electrocuted me...I passed out...but as I did so, I then took action...
the man went into the kitchen, found the CAUSTIC SODA crystals under the sink...put them into a cup, poured water over them and then drank them...he died on the floor...
The ill then turned up to torture me...found me passed out on the floor and the man dead in the kitchen...
...so that is when and where I began to protect myself from the ill...
...on top of that...the ill who had turned up...I cannot remember their faces clearly but they were all projecting SCARLETT/TOMLINSON/RIMINGTON so most probably run from that desk...I got them to kill each other...the networks are telling me that the woman was actually called ALEXANDRIA...and then the 3 MONKEYS turned up...MARK R told GILL to give me a sedative by injection...he eventually gave it to me himself...my big toenail was severely damaged by that point...the ill had shoved a metal screw up it (it was to turn black later on - and I wondered why, upon this side of the mirror - no memories)....GILL wanted to find out what was going on beforehand but I couldn't wouldn't tell him, mainly because I didn't trust him one bit...
So this was all about BIG TOE programming then...the ill were trying to contact the BIG TOE alter...and it got them to kill each other/themselves.
...and I link this all to the IRISH JOO network of the ROYALS...AMADEUS' network was far more powerful by that point in time...circa 2000...
Remember ANALYZA KOMORK…the signature upon the MI HOTEL painting?
…and I have to add here that unlike the PALESTINIAN money-lenders (how times have changed in the OLD CITY)…the D’AJANI FAMILY behaved impeccably…they had standards and they looked after their guests despite being screwed into the ground by the ill and threatened with having the hotel taken from them…and I still have a debt to them which I will repay.
Anyway, ANALYZA KOMORK…I then remembered MARK R’s new ‘source code’:
…TOMLINSON was ‘in on it’…
RYZ was a reference to RICE in POLISH and I would also guess a reference to CONDOLEEZA RICE.
For example:
ANA-LYZ is probably a reference to QUEEN ELIZABETH II
ANA-RYZ is probably a reference to CONDOLEEZA RICE
I then thought about WRYSTIO codes…and remembered something around:
BIG TOE instead of WRIST
…and as far as I know…TODDY liked:
…although various things were mentioned…such as:
…in fact as far as I know…BISTO GRAVY was used to program with…yes, really.
I then looked at ALAN…I meant ANALYZAKOMORK backwards:
…and the networks are saying ‘LANA TURNER’ for some reason…
Yes I can guess why because the new system was this:
RAN was a famous film or was it the name of a famous film director…was it about the JAPANESE MILITARY…or INDIAN…I never saw it myself but my parents did in the 1980s…at the ARTS LAB in B’HAM…
Anyway, I can remember PETRONELLA being chosen as ‘RANA’ instead of the old ‘LANA’…
…and I also remembered TODDY laughing about how easily I was fooled:
“you tell her something…she’ll believe anything…”
He had told me that PETRONELLA had a ‘heart of gold’ as a child…well, obviously not then…that makes a lot more sense…her support of JADE and TOMLINSON for example…a BEK through and through then…another CENTURION ROBOT…although TOMLINSON was more than likely to have been ROMAN GENERAL…
…and then the strange military jingle that ‘didn’t make sense’…as taught to me by GRANDFATHER CLAYTON:
“LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT….I had a good home and I left“…(as you marched along)
…he had ‘got it wrong’ or had he? You see L, R, R, L is a code on ZORK NEMESIS…to do with the skulls as far as I can remember…
I then thought about L/R…
RALEIGH…TOMLINSON had been made to enact out RAYLEIGH in relation to QUEEN ELIZABETH II…for some reason…
….and as I was to joke to DALDRY…he’d wipe that CLOAK away fast…either that or put it over a bottomless pothole…
…and then the anagram of KOALA…and I realised that KOAL-C was hidden there…
…and then ‘a lot more’ came back…
Remember ANALYZA KOMORK…the signature upon the MI HOTEL painting?
…and I have to add here that unlike the PALESTINIAN money-lenders (how times have changed in the OLD CITY)…the D’AJANI FAMILY behaved impeccably…they had standards and they looked after their guests despite being screwed into the ground by the ill and threatened with having the hotel taken from them…and I still have a debt to them which I will repay.
Anyway, ANALYZA KOMORK…I then remembered MARK R’s new ‘source code’:
…TOMLINSON was ‘in on it’…
RYZ was a reference to RICE in POLISH and I would also guess a reference to CONDOLEEZA RICE.
For example:
ANA-LYZ is probably a reference to QUEEN ELIZABETH II
ANA-RYZ is probably a reference to CONDOLEEZA RICE
I then thought about WRYSTIO codes…and remembered something around:
BIG TOE instead of WRIST
…and as far as I know…TODDY liked:
…although various things were mentioned…such as:
…in fact as far as I know…BISTO GRAVY was used to program with…yes, really.
I then looked at ALAN…I meant ANALYZAKOMORK backwards:
…and the networks are saying ‘LANA TURNER’ for some reason…
Yes I can guess why because the new system was this:
RAN was a famous film or was it the name of a famous film director…was it about the JAPANESE MILITARY…or INDIAN…I never saw it myself but my parents did in the 1980s…at the ARTS LAB in B’HAM…
Anyway, I can remember PETRONELLA being chosen as ‘RANA’ instead of the old ‘LANA’…
…and I also remembered TODDY laughing about how easily I was fooled:
“you tell her something…she’ll believe anything…”
He had told me that PETRONELLA had a ‘heart of gold’ as a child…well, obviously not then…that makes a lot more sense…her support of JADE and TOMLINSON for example…a BEK through and through then…another CENTURION ROBOT…although TOMLINSON was more than likely to have been ROMAN GENERAL…
…and then the strange military jingle that ‘didn’t make sense’…as taught to me by GRANDFATHER CLAYTON:
“LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT….I had a good home and I left“…(as you marched along)
…he had ‘got it wrong’ or had he? You see L, R, R, L is a code on ZORK NEMESIS…to do with the skulls as far as I can remember…
I then thought about L/R…
RALEIGH…TOMLINSON had been made to enact out RAYLEIGH in relation to QUEEN ELIZABETH II…for some reason…
….and as I was to joke to DALDRY…he’d wipe that CLOAK away fast…either that or put it over a bottomless pothole…
…and then the anagram of KOALA…and I realised that KOAL-C was hidden there…
…and then ‘a lot more’ came back…
Last night I decided to eat a bit more ‘pa-slay-source-code’ to find out the following:
…the SAS knew all about this number and why it had been implemented upon the BRITISH ROYALS…they are now CURSED until they pay every penny back…and it is the most terrible curse of all…
I also remembered TOMLINSON taking me to a London flat circa 1988...it was very similar to that BARBICAN flat as far as I am aware…one of those flats in a block around ELEPHANT & CASTLE…it was another ill cult ‘party’ held in one of those small living rooms…how many BI or quasi-BI personnel lived in those flats around ELEPHANT & CASTLE?
See previous notes in relation to that MARR/DALDRY party at a similar flat…with all of MARR’s ‘little mice’ as I used to call them…his journo-slaves…
Anyway, TOMLINSON marched me in there and pointed out a man to the back of the room…it was OBAMA…TOMLINSON then told me that he was going to introduce me to a ‘YARDIE IRISH JOO’ and that filled me with fear…NOT OBAMA’s appearance but the description…and so I had my guard up immediately…
OBAMA began to question me in every way that he could…to find out as much as he could about my ID whilst not telling me a thing about himself…and eventually I laughed and said that I was going to lay a few ground rules…I could ask a question - get an honest answer, as he had already done with me…and then he would be allowed to ask the next question and get another honest answer…OBAMA grinned at me and stopped asking questions…but he looked FURIOUS.
TOMLINSON used to play the same game at POWERGEN…see previous notes…he was the best out of the ‘graduate trainee programmers’…DALDRY and MARR…
TOMLINSON used to be able to tell you ‘absolutely nothing’ in a lot of words - whilst getting information out of you…whilst grinning smugly as he parried every attempt to get any sort of information out of him, at all…
Both men were obviously very used to this type of puerile game…a BI technique…which I never saw as ‘beneficial’…most people just walk off when they encounter such a ‘slimy smartarse’…
…the SAS knew all about this number and why it had been implemented upon the BRITISH ROYALS…they are now CURSED until they pay every penny back…and it is the most terrible curse of all…
I also remembered TOMLINSON taking me to a London flat circa 1988...it was very similar to that BARBICAN flat as far as I am aware…one of those flats in a block around ELEPHANT & CASTLE…it was another ill cult ‘party’ held in one of those small living rooms…how many BI or quasi-BI personnel lived in those flats around ELEPHANT & CASTLE?
See previous notes in relation to that MARR/DALDRY party at a similar flat…with all of MARR’s ‘little mice’ as I used to call them…his journo-slaves…
Anyway, TOMLINSON marched me in there and pointed out a man to the back of the room…it was OBAMA…TOMLINSON then told me that he was going to introduce me to a ‘YARDIE IRISH JOO’ and that filled me with fear…NOT OBAMA’s appearance but the description…and so I had my guard up immediately…
OBAMA began to question me in every way that he could…to find out as much as he could about my ID whilst not telling me a thing about himself…and eventually I laughed and said that I was going to lay a few ground rules…I could ask a question - get an honest answer, as he had already done with me…and then he would be allowed to ask the next question and get another honest answer…OBAMA grinned at me and stopped asking questions…but he looked FURIOUS.
TOMLINSON used to play the same game at POWERGEN…see previous notes…he was the best out of the ‘graduate trainee programmers’…DALDRY and MARR…
TOMLINSON used to be able to tell you ‘absolutely nothing’ in a lot of words - whilst getting information out of you…whilst grinning smugly as he parried every attempt to get any sort of information out of him, at all…
Both men were obviously very used to this type of puerile game…a BI technique…which I never saw as ‘beneficial’…most people just walk off when they encounter such a ‘slimy smartarse’…
I then thought about MARK R who had also gone through this ill cult game and many years before I was to do so...and apparently 'his friends' had gone through it too...
He only had one friend who had managed to stay in ISRAEL and that would presumably have been GILL...
How did GILL manage it? Firstly he had the credentials to become a citizen - having been on an ORTHODOX JOO list beforehand...which raises questions about MCDONALD and SC...either they hadn't been put through this game or they weren't upon a JOOISH ORTHODOX list for some reason...
Secondly, as soon as he got there...he used the same credit card to debit to the limit...at every single money-lending 'usurer point' that he could in the entire city of JERUSALEM - old and modern...so that for example, with one credit card with up to £1000 limit...he had about 10 venues to visit and so would have withdrawn about £10,000 in one day upon it...MARK R told me that he had managed to withdraw £30,000 which tided him over, so he had 3 CREDIT CARDS then... this was all about 'a hole in the system' - CREDIT CARDS didn't work in the same way as DEBIT CARDS - they weren't updated until 24 hours later....
Anyway, £30,000 tided GILL over (who else would it have been?) until he got a job...after instating his CITIZENSHIP and getting a work permit etc etc...
I wonder what year that was then?
You see MARK R told me that they had all been through it...in their twenties...early on...including MCDONALD come to think of it...how odd...so not 'ORTHODOX' according to the ISRAELIS...
...I wonder if they all had to stay in this BELLE COURT block then...or maybe it wasn't built at that point in time...unlikely, I would suppose...
...and MARK R told me that the ROYAL PRINCES added on new stages every time they played this sick game...just to make sure that nobody would ever get to the end...because that would mean that the ill had been defeated.
He only had one friend who had managed to stay in ISRAEL and that would presumably have been GILL...
How did GILL manage it? Firstly he had the credentials to become a citizen - having been on an ORTHODOX JOO list beforehand...which raises questions about MCDONALD and SC...either they hadn't been put through this game or they weren't upon a JOOISH ORTHODOX list for some reason...
Secondly, as soon as he got there...he used the same credit card to debit to the limit...at every single money-lending 'usurer point' that he could in the entire city of JERUSALEM - old and modern...so that for example, with one credit card with up to £1000 limit...he had about 10 venues to visit and so would have withdrawn about £10,000 in one day upon it...MARK R told me that he had managed to withdraw £30,000 which tided him over, so he had 3 CREDIT CARDS then... this was all about 'a hole in the system' - CREDIT CARDS didn't work in the same way as DEBIT CARDS - they weren't updated until 24 hours later....
Anyway, £30,000 tided GILL over (who else would it have been?) until he got a job...after instating his CITIZENSHIP and getting a work permit etc etc...
I wonder what year that was then?
You see MARK R told me that they had all been through it...in their twenties...early on...including MCDONALD come to think of it...how odd...so not 'ORTHODOX' according to the ISRAELIS...
...I wonder if they all had to stay in this BELLE COURT block then...or maybe it wasn't built at that point in time...unlikely, I would suppose...
...and MARK R told me that the ROYAL PRINCES added on new stages every time they played this sick game...just to make sure that nobody would ever get to the end...because that would mean that the ill had been defeated.
...i was thinking about the 'central banking system' that knows what is in your account and passes that information on to ALL cashpoints...before it even appears upon a print-out statement from the HSBC machines...and thought about JERUSALEM again.
you had PALESTINIAN kiosks around JAFFA GATE...and they had a way around the ill cult block upon my debit and credit card...you see both had been blocked for some reason even though I had money in my account...I couldn't use them in cashpoints in ISRAEL..then somebody at the MI HOTEL said that banks automatically did that if they figured that you were in the 'wrong country' and suspected that your cards had been stolen...and that it often happened to tourists in ISRAEL...
So I then wrote an email to my bank...who replied that there was a block and that they would take it off...but they didn't...it took several emails before they did so...
Anyway, the PALESTINIAN kiosks could get around the block - see what was in your account and then debit it...despite the BANK block...or would that be BI block?
Interesting eh?
How did they know? what did they know?
...on top of that, the PALESTINIAN kiosk closest to the MI HOTEL managed to diddle me out of £100 because i hadn't checked what they had given me at the time...in relation to the exchange...I simply worked it out later and asked them about it...they smiled in my face and put their hands up...
Now these people all knew me...through that PALESTINIAN guide...they knew that I had no money and yet they still STOLE from me...'lawless' and lacking any morality is hardly the word for it...I mean to say I can understand a ROBIN HOOD ethic but not a STEAL FROM THE POOR ethic...which is what the CATHOLIC contingent were to find out, upon their visit to PALESTINE...along with the 'GAZA STRIP' HARRODS store...and 'why are they all so fat when they are all supposed to starving' etc etc...BBC news and MR ICKE's site continues to lie about the CIRCUS that is ISRAEL...as COLLIE once said before...jews and arabs...as bad as each other...no real 'difference' there...it is a HOLLYWOOD puppet show and nothing more...
you had PALESTINIAN kiosks around JAFFA GATE...and they had a way around the ill cult block upon my debit and credit card...you see both had been blocked for some reason even though I had money in my account...I couldn't use them in cashpoints in ISRAEL..then somebody at the MI HOTEL said that banks automatically did that if they figured that you were in the 'wrong country' and suspected that your cards had been stolen...and that it often happened to tourists in ISRAEL...
So I then wrote an email to my bank...who replied that there was a block and that they would take it off...but they didn't...it took several emails before they did so...
Anyway, the PALESTINIAN kiosks could get around the block - see what was in your account and then debit it...despite the BANK block...or would that be BI block?
Interesting eh?
How did they know? what did they know?
...on top of that, the PALESTINIAN kiosk closest to the MI HOTEL managed to diddle me out of £100 because i hadn't checked what they had given me at the time...in relation to the exchange...I simply worked it out later and asked them about it...they smiled in my face and put their hands up...
Now these people all knew me...through that PALESTINIAN guide...they knew that I had no money and yet they still STOLE from me...'lawless' and lacking any morality is hardly the word for it...I mean to say I can understand a ROBIN HOOD ethic but not a STEAL FROM THE POOR ethic...which is what the CATHOLIC contingent were to find out, upon their visit to PALESTINE...along with the 'GAZA STRIP' HARRODS store...and 'why are they all so fat when they are all supposed to starving' etc etc...BBC news and MR ICKE's site continues to lie about the CIRCUS that is ISRAEL...as COLLIE once said before...jews and arabs...as bad as each other...no real 'difference' there...it is a HOLLYWOOD puppet show and nothing more...
more ill SPAM this morning:
Unread Alfred kere The death of Mr Abdullah ali Mustapha from Libya 4:04 10KB
Unread Alfred kere The death of Mr Abdullah ali Mustapha from Libya 3:56 10KB
Unread Rafik Jihad Mr. Rafik Jihad, Tue, 10/5/11 10KB
Unread Alfred kere The death of Mr Abdullah ali Mustapha from Libya 4:04 10KB
Unread Alfred kere The death of Mr Abdullah ali Mustapha from Libya 3:56 10KB
Unread Rafik Jihad Mr. Rafik Jihad, Tue, 10/5/11 10KB
Do you know what that reminds me of?
My grandmother CLAYTON...
Her job as the 'oldest female child' in her Northern working class family was to SHINE THE BOOTS of her father, every day - after he came back from work...
...every day that he came back from the coalface, underground labour - no light - relentless.
He got into a tin bath in front of the fire in the kitchen...and his wife scrubbed him down so that not an iota of the BLACKNESS remained....(these men used to be BLACKENED apart from the WHITES OF THEIR EYES...so MR DABYDEEN if you want to talk about 'the whites of their eyes' in ENGLISH LITERATURE being solely about 'those who worked in plantations' you have got it sorely wrong).
...my great-grandfather was SCRUBBED DOWN by his wife, every single day....so that he would look 'respectable' OVERGROUND...walking down the street....if he wanted to 'go for a stroll' before sleep and then waking again in the early hours of the morning to 'go down the mine'....I have no idea why these SHIFTS were in operation but my great grandfather obviously had the worst shifts available....
...anyway, the boots that GRANDMOTHER CLAYTON cleaned....those boots had to be PERFECT and placed upon the STEP outside of their house - which meant ON THE STREET - because their doorstep opened out onto the street....and she did it perfectly, although ONLY a child (her mother had other things to do - such as deal with many other children).
They conjure up such HARDSHIP for the NORTHERN communities of the UK....
...and yet for the NAZIS that you were in contact with....they conjure up EXTREME FASCISM and COMMUNISM....
SHINY BOOTS and a certain type of boot...the type that GILL gave me to wear around CLACTON...simply showed ID as 'having been in the army'....
I have put boot polish on them now and again...
....however the reason that I don't....'all of the time' is somewhat calculated....
I want to probe this area and i do not want it to be 'swept under the carpet'....particularly not a DRAYLON....DRAKE...DUKE...CARPET....
i might add that I met that great-grandfather before he died...he lived to a very old age...he used to find it funny to frighten me and my brother with his 'lack of fingers'...he had lost some of them trying to hold the rope of a mineshaft lift...one of his best friends died - the lift crashed.
Do you know what that reminds me of?
My grandmother CLAYTON...
Her job as the 'oldest female child' in her Northern working class family was to SHINE THE BOOTS of her father, every day - after he came back from work...
...every day that he came back from the coalface, underground labour - no light - relentless.
He got into a tin bath in front of the fire in the kitchen...and his wife scrubbed him down so that not an iota of the BLACKNESS remained....(these men used to be BLACKENED apart from the WHITES OF THEIR EYES...so MR DABYDEEN if you want to talk about 'the whites of their eyes' in ENGLISH LITERATURE being solely about 'those who worked in plantations' you have got it sorely wrong).
...my great-grandfather was SCRUBBED DOWN by his wife, every single day....so that he would look 'respectable' OVERGROUND...walking down the street....if he wanted to 'go for a stroll' before sleep and then waking again in the early hours of the morning to 'go down the mine'....I have no idea why these SHIFTS were in operation but my great grandfather obviously had the worst shifts available....
...anyway, the boots that GRANDMOTHER CLAYTON cleaned....those boots had to be PERFECT and placed upon the STEP outside of their house - which meant ON THE STREET - because their doorstep opened out onto the street....and she did it perfectly, although ONLY a child (her mother had other things to do - such as deal with many other children).
They conjure up such HARDSHIP for the NORTHERN communities of the UK....
...and yet for the NAZIS that you were in contact with....they conjure up EXTREME FASCISM and COMMUNISM....
SHINY BOOTS and a certain type of boot...the type that GILL gave me to wear around CLACTON...simply showed ID as 'having been in the army'....
I have put boot polish on them now and again...
....however the reason that I don't....'all of the time' is somewhat calculated....
I want to probe this area and i do not want it to be 'swept under the carpet'....particularly not a DRAYLON....DRAKE...DUKE...CARPET....
i might add that I met that great-grandfather before he died...he lived to a very old age...he used to find it funny to frighten me and my brother with his 'lack of fingers'...he had lost some of them trying to hold the rope of a mineshaft lift...one of his best friends died - the lift crashed.
So yes, as i had previously guessed...DR MARTENS boots are closely related to the MILITARY....
...and yes, I have 'shoe-shined' the boots that you gave me, MARTIN GILL....but I have also worn them 'a bit scuffed'....
You see 'that is the way that I am'...
...ROZ was the type to LOVE THE UNIFORM WITH PRIDE and to SHINE HER SHOES every day....
...and i loved her for it....I wanted to be 'like that' but I could never TRUST those who were in 'charge of the armies' so to speak...
I wanted to be 'in line' and i wanted SHINY BOOTS...but things never quite worked out that way....
...simply because i 'knew too much'.
I was MOSHE DAYAN's cuckoo.
So yes, as i had previously guessed...DR MARTENS boots are closely related to the MILITARY....
...and yes, I have 'shoe-shined' the boots that you gave me, MARTIN GILL....but I have also worn them 'a bit scuffed'....
You see 'that is the way that I am'...
...ROZ was the type to LOVE THE UNIFORM WITH PRIDE and to SHINE HER SHOES every day....
...and i loved her for it....I wanted to be 'like that' but I could never TRUST those who were in 'charge of the armies' so to speak...
I wanted to be 'in line' and i wanted SHINY BOOTS...but things never quite worked out that way....
...simply because i 'knew too much'.
I was MOSHE DAYAN's cuckoo.
I have just had a look at the names of the games upon this laptop and one of them is called:
…that conjures up a few images - doesn’t it?
A bit like MCDONALD and his ‘war of the dinosaurs’ at the TEMPLAR CASTLE…
TANYA from EXETER art college…the networks are telling me that her real father was the PRAGUE ROTHSCHILD…yes, tall with brown eyes…unlike her mother…it would fit…and the same sort of sense of humour…a bit FISHWICK as I was to say to ANNIE at the TEMPLAR CASTLE who then immediately adopted TANYA as a ‘close relative’…TANYA had objected to being called a ‘daughter’ because she already had a mother…so anyway, ‘join the FISHWICK clan’ time…I ‘knew’ that there was something very similar between MRS FISHWICK and TANYA if only a shared FISHWICK type of humour…and then she found out that they were a 75% DNA match which is really quite high…
TANYA had recruited me to her father’s rebel group…and yes me acting dumb in a child alter and doing what were to become ZOOLANDER script jokes…yes I can ‘remember it well’…GIGI doing her thing…clowning around…making people laugh, kept you alive…
I have just received this LANDLORD’S GAS SAFETY INSPECTION letter from CHP.
Oddly enough the number 0500 555 0500 doesn’t work…rather like on SUNDAY ringing MANNINGTREE…my ORANGE mobile doesn’t dial the number, it just gives that funny jingle and ends the call…’call ended’…
Now because I haven’t grown up in a MOBILE PHONE culture and I have no ‘gaggle of friends’ to discuss the ins and outs of using one…I have to ‘find it all out for myself’…which is slow and laborious and ‘not something that I really want to do’…
By the way, I found the NPOWER system of payment by phone…extremely long and tedious but ‘you get there in the end’…
…anyway, the sharing of knowledge about how to use a MOBILE…probably why ED’s initiative to bring the ‘young and old’ together was a good one…as in ‘TEACH YOUR GRANNY HOW TO TEXT’…a shared skill and ‘interest’ - whether or not you ‘really want to learn how to do it’…
Anyway, I called up the SECOND NUMBER which wasn’t a CHP one…and got RGF (rg francis) direct….to book a MORNING appointment…knowing that JADE was supposed to have booked and afternoon one, for some reason…01245 459800
They told me that the letter was nonsense….you couldn’t book a time - you could only book morning or afternoon….
So what was CHP on about|? Giving us tenants a phone number that doesn’t work….to book a time…
Read their letter:

I met my FLAT 1 neighbour this morning…she told me that you could get WALKING BOOTS from DOROTHY PERKINS at about…was it £7 reduced from about £45...and I miss my walking boots from that HARWICH FLAT…so useful for cycling in…I have no idea where they went to ‘after the move’…particularly the dull green ones…
Perhaps she was supposed to say this to JADE LAING…I suppose that would be the case…THESE BOOTS ARE MADE FOR WALKING AND THAT’S JUST WHAT THEY’LL DO….
ROZ used to sing that one and laugh…
…particularly the time that she got the ‘authentic version’ of DOC MARTENS BOOTS from Colin…as a present…she loved them…just loved them…
I pointed out, unwisely…that most people who wore DOC MARTENS ‘on the street’…tended to have battered them into the ground…to prove ‘street cred’ - all scuffed and so on…they weren’t shiny black and new…like the ones that ROZ had…
…and then ROZ’ DOC MARTENS disappeared almost immediately…perhaps RIMINGTON confiscated them…things ‘went walkies’ so often - when the ill didn’t think that you were allowed to have them…I never saw her in those boots, again…
MARTIN GILL left me a pair of his old black boots - for my time in this flat…he called them his ARMY BOOTS…and that ‘everybody would know’ when I wore them…and yes I have worn them extensively…my only boots…not WALKING BOOTS anymore…’army boots’ I suppose…
I can remember the other day, cycling by that REMEMBRANCE ANGEL statue to see WWII veterans at a ‘happy gathering/reunion’ in the sunshine…and I wondered about those boots upon my feet…MARTIN’s boots…
Yes I had never had to wear a MILITARY UNIFORM in my life…unless I was undercover and pretending to be of a certain military order…but on the other hand, I was in ‘military intelligence’ and of the highest order…tackling the most terrible things in this world…as a ‘black ops’ PSI agent…undercover for my entire life…which sounds extremely silly, when I read back what I have just written but so many people know that I am not lying and so many people were in ‘the same boat’ so to speak…”and still are” the networks are laughing.
SHARON YITSZAK (aka AVIV KATSAV in 1980) ‘knew’ everything - in JERUSALEM…he told me that I had seen the sickest and most terrible underbelly of civilisation I.e. the illuminati cult…but that isn’t what most ‘normal people’ were like…and I should return to ‘normal life’ - get a job and just ‘carry on as normal’ and not pursue the matter, any further…
I replied words to the effect of ‘how could I do that?’…the ill would beat me into the ground if I didn’t go on the ‘offensive’ and publish everything that the ill were doing to me, upon the internet…THAT kept me safe….exposing what they were planning to do to me, BEFORE they did it, kept me extra safe.
WWII never ended…as I can now see…the NAZIS in the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY and their aristocracy….the NAZIS in MI6...
My grandfather CAPTAIN GYDE was a member of the SOE - beaten into the ground by the BRITISH NAZIS after WII…he faked his own death and survived for some time in a NY hotel….
My uncle ARNOLD was also in the BRITISH ARMY too and to all intents and purposes ‘not liked’ according to my mother…but then the ill had decided to screw my family into the ground and it is very easy to ‘make a person look bad’ when they are not…when the ill have ganged up to ‘mob’ you, in the most sadistic ways…
Both my uncle and his father were called GYDE which complicates things…
My SWISS GRANDMOTHER used to say that her son ARNOLD was ‘too kind’ and that was the ruin of him…
…her son HUMPHREY (my father) wasn’t the same…he had joined the ill cult wholesale in the end…too much torture and too much pressure…
So now you know why the ROCKEFELLERS and BRITISH ROYALS have tried to beat my family into the ground….the SOE incident…that faked UFO…see previous notes…and whatever else grandfather CAPTAIN GYDE was up to, during WWII and afterwards…
Yes I know that from what AMADEUS was saying at OBAMA‘s CIA ‘central intelligence court‘ - at which even MI6 Presario JOHN SCARLETT had to pay obeisance…NOTE that one carefully…anyway:
According to JESUIT DIRECTOR GENERAL ‘Amadeus‘…the JOOS of CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE had turned into ‘out of control’ satanic robots - controlling the money of the top ill…
…and that is why the top ill were fighting their own bankers…and they managed to kill a lot of them and then ‘shepherd the rest’ according to ROCKEFELLER AMADEUS….across EUROPE in a ‘eugenics’ project experiment….to see which ‘robots’ were the fittest…those who actually managed to get into the ‘SHANGHAI’ and ISRAEL’ camps of ‘limited numbers’…
…the idea being, that the super-computer robots who survived…would be suitably terrorised by the power of the MONARCHIST ill…the mind control program, begun by JESUITS….and renamed MKULTRA by fanatical Catholic HEAD OF THE FBI ‘LOEHRMANN’ (his real name I might add).
It is all TRAGEDY isn’t it?
…and nobody admitting to a damn thing.
…or doing much about it, as far as I can see.
Let us go from the macrocosm down to the microcosm and I noted something strange today…although in point of fact, it isn’t ‘strange at all’ - it happens everyday and for everybody paying out money via debit cards:
I went into the HSBC to use one of their ‘machines’ to see if the money paid to NPOWER this morning had been withdrawn and paid.
That worried me a bit.
The last withdrawal upon my debit card - had been a ‘shop’ the other day.
I then cycled off to SAINSBURYS in order to do a bit of shopping and decided to use my debit card in the SAINSBURYS machine.
The MACHINE told me that my balance was ‘as normal’ without the NPOWER debit…but also told me that a huge whack had gone out of my account and that my balance was now £463.96 down.
So SAINSBURYS cash point knew that the NPOWER TRANSACTION had gone through…but why do not the HSBC machines in their local branch, I thought….
I therefore decided to ‘test’ the HSBC cash point…
…it also told me that my balance was ‘as normal’ but that a huge whack had gone out of it…to the tune of £463.96.
So why didn’t the HSBC machines INSIDE of the bank - register the same?
The money has been taken…but I have no proof of ‘who did it, where and why’ as yet.
Most people take the above as NORMAL…yes, it has happened for as long as anybody can remember…
…but maybe there is something ‘AFOOT’ here?
You see - as I knew at GREEN TOWER and watching the GREEN LINE SYSTEM….a monetary transaction by computer/laptop etc…takes a NANO-SECOND.
You press a button - it happens.
So WHY this lengthy delay?
EVEN SAINSBURYS cash point knows that the money has been taken out of my account by NPOWER…but it is NOT showing up on my HSBC statement of balance, as yet….
There is a ‘centralised bureau’….which the public do not know about….and all transactions go through it…before ‘going out’ the other end…that is the best way that I can describe this one…and it is FRAUD all of the way….
Let me make it simpler:
There is a CENTRALISED ENERGY COMPANY in the UK (nobody else supplies gas and fuel to the UK - the big names like NPOWER are simply companies that have ‘bought the franchise‘ so to speak, to pretend that they are literally doing it - when they are not)…this CENTALISED COMPANY is ‘nameless’ in the public domain and certainly ‘not known about’…apart from those like CAMERON…who know far more about it than they should, for the FRAUD SQUAD for example…
There is a CENTRALISED BANK as well….and it used to be called the ‘GREEN LINE’ system….
…and that is what we are now looking at….
A weird message from HENRY to MARTINE…
You’ll never catch me by sitting around with EMILY….I will never come back until you’ve gone back to MARTIN GILL….
So there you go, MARTINE.
…that conjures up a few images - doesn’t it?
A bit like MCDONALD and his ‘war of the dinosaurs’ at the TEMPLAR CASTLE…
TANYA from EXETER art college…the networks are telling me that her real father was the PRAGUE ROTHSCHILD…yes, tall with brown eyes…unlike her mother…it would fit…and the same sort of sense of humour…a bit FISHWICK as I was to say to ANNIE at the TEMPLAR CASTLE who then immediately adopted TANYA as a ‘close relative’…TANYA had objected to being called a ‘daughter’ because she already had a mother…so anyway, ‘join the FISHWICK clan’ time…I ‘knew’ that there was something very similar between MRS FISHWICK and TANYA if only a shared FISHWICK type of humour…and then she found out that they were a 75% DNA match which is really quite high…
TANYA had recruited me to her father’s rebel group…and yes me acting dumb in a child alter and doing what were to become ZOOLANDER script jokes…yes I can ‘remember it well’…GIGI doing her thing…clowning around…making people laugh, kept you alive…
I have just received this LANDLORD’S GAS SAFETY INSPECTION letter from CHP.
Oddly enough the number 0500 555 0500 doesn’t work…rather like on SUNDAY ringing MANNINGTREE…my ORANGE mobile doesn’t dial the number, it just gives that funny jingle and ends the call…’call ended’…
Now because I haven’t grown up in a MOBILE PHONE culture and I have no ‘gaggle of friends’ to discuss the ins and outs of using one…I have to ‘find it all out for myself’…which is slow and laborious and ‘not something that I really want to do’…
By the way, I found the NPOWER system of payment by phone…extremely long and tedious but ‘you get there in the end’…
…anyway, the sharing of knowledge about how to use a MOBILE…probably why ED’s initiative to bring the ‘young and old’ together was a good one…as in ‘TEACH YOUR GRANNY HOW TO TEXT’…a shared skill and ‘interest’ - whether or not you ‘really want to learn how to do it’…
Anyway, I called up the SECOND NUMBER which wasn’t a CHP one…and got RGF (rg francis) direct….to book a MORNING appointment…knowing that JADE was supposed to have booked and afternoon one, for some reason…01245 459800
They told me that the letter was nonsense….you couldn’t book a time - you could only book morning or afternoon….
So what was CHP on about|? Giving us tenants a phone number that doesn’t work….to book a time…
Read their letter:
I met my FLAT 1 neighbour this morning…she told me that you could get WALKING BOOTS from DOROTHY PERKINS at about…was it £7 reduced from about £45...and I miss my walking boots from that HARWICH FLAT…so useful for cycling in…I have no idea where they went to ‘after the move’…particularly the dull green ones…
Perhaps she was supposed to say this to JADE LAING…I suppose that would be the case…THESE BOOTS ARE MADE FOR WALKING AND THAT’S JUST WHAT THEY’LL DO….
ROZ used to sing that one and laugh…
…particularly the time that she got the ‘authentic version’ of DOC MARTENS BOOTS from Colin…as a present…she loved them…just loved them…
I pointed out, unwisely…that most people who wore DOC MARTENS ‘on the street’…tended to have battered them into the ground…to prove ‘street cred’ - all scuffed and so on…they weren’t shiny black and new…like the ones that ROZ had…
…and then ROZ’ DOC MARTENS disappeared almost immediately…perhaps RIMINGTON confiscated them…things ‘went walkies’ so often - when the ill didn’t think that you were allowed to have them…I never saw her in those boots, again…
MARTIN GILL left me a pair of his old black boots - for my time in this flat…he called them his ARMY BOOTS…and that ‘everybody would know’ when I wore them…and yes I have worn them extensively…my only boots…not WALKING BOOTS anymore…’army boots’ I suppose…
I can remember the other day, cycling by that REMEMBRANCE ANGEL statue to see WWII veterans at a ‘happy gathering/reunion’ in the sunshine…and I wondered about those boots upon my feet…MARTIN’s boots…
Yes I had never had to wear a MILITARY UNIFORM in my life…unless I was undercover and pretending to be of a certain military order…but on the other hand, I was in ‘military intelligence’ and of the highest order…tackling the most terrible things in this world…as a ‘black ops’ PSI agent…undercover for my entire life…which sounds extremely silly, when I read back what I have just written but so many people know that I am not lying and so many people were in ‘the same boat’ so to speak…”and still are” the networks are laughing.
SHARON YITSZAK (aka AVIV KATSAV in 1980) ‘knew’ everything - in JERUSALEM…he told me that I had seen the sickest and most terrible underbelly of civilisation I.e. the illuminati cult…but that isn’t what most ‘normal people’ were like…and I should return to ‘normal life’ - get a job and just ‘carry on as normal’ and not pursue the matter, any further…
I replied words to the effect of ‘how could I do that?’…the ill would beat me into the ground if I didn’t go on the ‘offensive’ and publish everything that the ill were doing to me, upon the internet…THAT kept me safe….exposing what they were planning to do to me, BEFORE they did it, kept me extra safe.
WWII never ended…as I can now see…the NAZIS in the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY and their aristocracy….the NAZIS in MI6...
My grandfather CAPTAIN GYDE was a member of the SOE - beaten into the ground by the BRITISH NAZIS after WII…he faked his own death and survived for some time in a NY hotel….
My uncle ARNOLD was also in the BRITISH ARMY too and to all intents and purposes ‘not liked’ according to my mother…but then the ill had decided to screw my family into the ground and it is very easy to ‘make a person look bad’ when they are not…when the ill have ganged up to ‘mob’ you, in the most sadistic ways…
Both my uncle and his father were called GYDE which complicates things…
My SWISS GRANDMOTHER used to say that her son ARNOLD was ‘too kind’ and that was the ruin of him…
…her son HUMPHREY (my father) wasn’t the same…he had joined the ill cult wholesale in the end…too much torture and too much pressure…
So now you know why the ROCKEFELLERS and BRITISH ROYALS have tried to beat my family into the ground….the SOE incident…that faked UFO…see previous notes…and whatever else grandfather CAPTAIN GYDE was up to, during WWII and afterwards…
Yes I know that from what AMADEUS was saying at OBAMA‘s CIA ‘central intelligence court‘ - at which even MI6 Presario JOHN SCARLETT had to pay obeisance…NOTE that one carefully…anyway:
According to JESUIT DIRECTOR GENERAL ‘Amadeus‘…the JOOS of CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE had turned into ‘out of control’ satanic robots - controlling the money of the top ill…
…and that is why the top ill were fighting their own bankers…and they managed to kill a lot of them and then ‘shepherd the rest’ according to ROCKEFELLER AMADEUS….across EUROPE in a ‘eugenics’ project experiment….to see which ‘robots’ were the fittest…those who actually managed to get into the ‘SHANGHAI’ and ISRAEL’ camps of ‘limited numbers’…
…the idea being, that the super-computer robots who survived…would be suitably terrorised by the power of the MONARCHIST ill…the mind control program, begun by JESUITS….and renamed MKULTRA by fanatical Catholic HEAD OF THE FBI ‘LOEHRMANN’ (his real name I might add).
It is all TRAGEDY isn’t it?
…and nobody admitting to a damn thing.
…or doing much about it, as far as I can see.
Let us go from the macrocosm down to the microcosm and I noted something strange today…although in point of fact, it isn’t ‘strange at all’ - it happens everyday and for everybody paying out money via debit cards:
I went into the HSBC to use one of their ‘machines’ to see if the money paid to NPOWER this morning had been withdrawn and paid.
That worried me a bit.
The last withdrawal upon my debit card - had been a ‘shop’ the other day.
I then cycled off to SAINSBURYS in order to do a bit of shopping and decided to use my debit card in the SAINSBURYS machine.
The MACHINE told me that my balance was ‘as normal’ without the NPOWER debit…but also told me that a huge whack had gone out of my account and that my balance was now £463.96 down.
So SAINSBURYS cash point knew that the NPOWER TRANSACTION had gone through…but why do not the HSBC machines in their local branch, I thought….
I therefore decided to ‘test’ the HSBC cash point…
…it also told me that my balance was ‘as normal’ but that a huge whack had gone out of it…to the tune of £463.96.
So why didn’t the HSBC machines INSIDE of the bank - register the same?
The money has been taken…but I have no proof of ‘who did it, where and why’ as yet.
Most people take the above as NORMAL…yes, it has happened for as long as anybody can remember…
…but maybe there is something ‘AFOOT’ here?
You see - as I knew at GREEN TOWER and watching the GREEN LINE SYSTEM….a monetary transaction by computer/laptop etc…takes a NANO-SECOND.
You press a button - it happens.
So WHY this lengthy delay?
EVEN SAINSBURYS cash point knows that the money has been taken out of my account by NPOWER…but it is NOT showing up on my HSBC statement of balance, as yet….
There is a ‘centralised bureau’….which the public do not know about….and all transactions go through it…before ‘going out’ the other end…that is the best way that I can describe this one…and it is FRAUD all of the way….
Let me make it simpler:
There is a CENTRALISED ENERGY COMPANY in the UK (nobody else supplies gas and fuel to the UK - the big names like NPOWER are simply companies that have ‘bought the franchise‘ so to speak, to pretend that they are literally doing it - when they are not)…this CENTALISED COMPANY is ‘nameless’ in the public domain and certainly ‘not known about’…apart from those like CAMERON…who know far more about it than they should, for the FRAUD SQUAD for example…
There is a CENTRALISED BANK as well….and it used to be called the ‘GREEN LINE’ system….
…and that is what we are now looking at….
A weird message from HENRY to MARTINE…
You’ll never catch me by sitting around with EMILY….I will never come back until you’ve gone back to MARTIN GILL….
So there you go, MARTINE.
in GREEN: opfoc
I have also sent my mother an email:
npowerTuesday, 10 May, 2011 10:26
From: "emily gyde"Add sender to ContactsTo: sgyde@hotmail.comCc: ogyde@cix.co.ukMessage contains attachments1 File (56KB)npoweremail.JPG
Dear Mum,
I hope you had a good time in North Norfolk - thank you for the message left on my ansaphone - I gave Dad a call this morning and he told me that he thought that there was probably a queue of funerals held in Bognor Regis at this point and that he would keep me informed.
Also, I have finally reached an ‘agreement’ with NPOWER that this combined bill of £463.98 settles my gas/electricity account up until the 8th April 2011.
I have worked out that my combined fuel bill comes to about £10 per week on average, which sounds a little steep but with rising fuel prices - it probably isn’t.
Anyway, I have paid it off with my debit card via their automated phone service and have written them an email to get confirmation that this has ‘gone through’ - I will also check with my bank.
Lots of love
I have also sent my mother an email:
npowerTuesday, 10 May, 2011 10:26
From: "emily gyde"
Dear Mum,
I hope you had a good time in North Norfolk - thank you for the message left on my ansaphone - I gave Dad a call this morning and he told me that he thought that there was probably a queue of funerals held in Bognor Regis at this point and that he would keep me informed.
Also, I have finally reached an ‘agreement’ with NPOWER that this combined bill of £463.98 settles my gas/electricity account up until the 8th April 2011.
I have worked out that my combined fuel bill comes to about £10 per week on average, which sounds a little steep but with rising fuel prices - it probably isn’t.
Anyway, I have paid it off with my debit card via their automated phone service and have written them an email to get confirmation that this has ‘gone through’ - I will also check with my bank.
Lots of love
in DARK BLUE: mustinse
i have just paid that NPOWER bill off - over the phone for the £463.98 amount - the transaction was 'successful' according to the automated service but I would like to make sure...
So firstly I will now write an email to MRS RICHARDSON asking her to confirm that the amount has been paid.
Secondly, I will check with my bank.
I mean to say - one doesn't want this type of amount to 'go missing' from my account - as it did with my mother, paying NPOWER through NATWEST...would one?
I do not see how NPOWER and the ill could possibly try to cheat again...but you just know that they will try...
i have just paid that NPOWER bill off - over the phone for the £463.98 amount - the transaction was 'successful' according to the automated service but I would like to make sure...
So firstly I will now write an email to MRS RICHARDSON asking her to confirm that the amount has been paid.
Secondly, I will check with my bank.
I mean to say - one doesn't want this type of amount to 'go missing' from my account - as it did with my mother, paying NPOWER through NATWEST...would one?
I do not see how NPOWER and the ill could possibly try to cheat again...but you just know that they will try...
in DARK BLUE: reess
wow...DRUCKERS has really expanded in SOLIHULL...since that tiny shop of the 1980s...
One can see from the list that it is mainly a MIDLANDS/B'HAM phenomena...
wow...DRUCKERS has really expanded in SOLIHULL...since that tiny shop of the 1980s...
One can see from the list that it is mainly a MIDLANDS/B'HAM phenomena...
in GREEN: dersun
This morning I wanted to clear up any mystery surrounding ARNOLD’s funeral down in BOGNOR REGIS…I had an inkling that things were still not right…but so far so good…I got my father on the phone this morning, in MANNINGTREE and he told me that EDWIN hadn’t contacted him as yet…maybe because there was a queue, a lot of people dying at the same time in BOGNOR…and I ‘know’ this to be right…and that it is highly likely that the funeral will be on FRIDAY according to ROCKEFELLER plans…their ‘plan B’ as it were…was to screw the family up via the reading of the will…and I still do not know if ARNOLD is really dead or not…but I suspect his father’s goonish sense of humour (see ‘silk tie’ and SOE UFO within previous notes…)…but this is of course a step too far…one shouldn’t torture one’s family with one’s supposed death, if that is the case…which it may not be…that is all I can say…I mean SOPHIE was very close to her father…his ‘favourite’ etc etc…
Anyway, my thoughts then turned to BOGNOR, as a seaside resort to which people often retire…and I then remembered a very PEBBLY East Anglian beach which the CLAYTON grandparents had once taken me to…and GRANDPA had said ominously ‘people come to die here’…and grandma had then modified it in terms of ‘only very old people tend to live around here’…and the whole thing rather freaked me out…it was a very gloomy day and only ‘very old people’ around - this was around the time when I had just left ESSEX…and I replied that my grandparents weren’t that old…they were still active, driving cars etc…to which grandma replied that they were old and would die sooner or later etc etc…
…and I ‘know’ that MARK R was interested in the above…but I cannot remember the seaside resort…so a ‘block’ on it for some reason…
…MARK R loved sitting with OLD LADIES and chatting “because they know so much” he used to say…one of his favourite pastimes…
…and that is how, a deeply hidden memory from SOLIHULL came back - this morning:
DRUCKERS the ‘Viennese cake/café’ on SOLIHULL HIGH STREET.
MARK R used to frequent it to talk to the old people, who used to meet up there for a cake and coffee/tea…it was a general meeting place…
I can remember running away from GILL…after the M&S encounter…frightened out of my mind, in my 8 year old alter…I had been severely tortured and threatened by the ill, never to go near him again…and he had no idea of what was going on…he just wanted to take me back to MANCHESTER…that was during a half-term break…
Anyway, I fled and had a nervous breakdown - halfway down the High Street and held onto a grey metal street-sign pole and began to cry, I was so frightened…an old lady then guided me into DRUCKERS and told me to sit down until I felt better…I sat down…watching the people walk by upon the street…and I saw GILL pass the shop…but I ‘knew’ that he would NEVER look into it…because it was ‘out of bounds’ to him…MARK R’s territory, which he didn’t want GILL to know about…
SUE WHALLEY and her friend JAN used to have a cake and coffee at DRUCKERS at the weekend…and this was considered ‘odd’ by most teenagers….who used to go to the pubs…
Anyway, GILL then got onto his tannoy system…told me that he had made a key for his MANCHESTER flat and that I could pick it up…by that point in time my family were behaving so badly to me…they wouldn’t even allow me to have meals with them…that I immediately asked him if I could have the key that day…he told me that he would meet me halfway down ST BERNARDS ROAD but that he had to stay on with his family for the rest of the week to ‘meet relatives’ etc…so I got the key and the next morning, I was out of the front door like a shot…and then on a train back to MANCHESTER…
It was WINNIE who had sorted it all out for GILL…she had found out that I had been drowned by the ill - and then resuscitated - in the local canal near to where she lived…she took me and GILL down there…to pull that horrible memory up again…and to ‘get my 8 year old alter’ to see reason…to see the situation for what it was…anyway, it all came back in a flood…I then made a run for it…over the fence and allotments…GILL and WINNIE caught up with me on the road…and by that time, I had calmed down…and GILL just hugged me…that is how we ‘made it up’ again…and I regained my memories instead of that alter simply being too terrorised to remember anything and particularly GILL…
A decade or so later, HELEN RODWAY-WILLIAMS was to take me for a walk to that very spot where I had been drowned - see above…instructed to do so by RIMINGTON…probably in an attempt to terrorise me again, into memory dump…it didn’t work…
The only oddity about my mother’s left message is that it didn’t register upon my phone as a ‘missed call’ yesterday…but it did turn up this morning at around 9am…for a NORTH NORFOLK number but not their cottage number:
09 may 14:26
The cottage number that my mother gave me was this:
o1263 824469
That piano stool and MIKE WEALE…he had wanted that one ‘outed’…he had been programmed with it…he told MCDONALD and myself to take a photo quickly and then leave…we did so…
This morning I wanted to clear up any mystery surrounding ARNOLD’s funeral down in BOGNOR REGIS…I had an inkling that things were still not right…but so far so good…I got my father on the phone this morning, in MANNINGTREE and he told me that EDWIN hadn’t contacted him as yet…maybe because there was a queue, a lot of people dying at the same time in BOGNOR…and I ‘know’ this to be right…and that it is highly likely that the funeral will be on FRIDAY according to ROCKEFELLER plans…their ‘plan B’ as it were…was to screw the family up via the reading of the will…and I still do not know if ARNOLD is really dead or not…but I suspect his father’s goonish sense of humour (see ‘silk tie’ and SOE UFO within previous notes…)…but this is of course a step too far…one shouldn’t torture one’s family with one’s supposed death, if that is the case…which it may not be…that is all I can say…I mean SOPHIE was very close to her father…his ‘favourite’ etc etc…
Anyway, my thoughts then turned to BOGNOR, as a seaside resort to which people often retire…and I then remembered a very PEBBLY East Anglian beach which the CLAYTON grandparents had once taken me to…and GRANDPA had said ominously ‘people come to die here’…and grandma had then modified it in terms of ‘only very old people tend to live around here’…and the whole thing rather freaked me out…it was a very gloomy day and only ‘very old people’ around - this was around the time when I had just left ESSEX…and I replied that my grandparents weren’t that old…they were still active, driving cars etc…to which grandma replied that they were old and would die sooner or later etc etc…
…and I ‘know’ that MARK R was interested in the above…but I cannot remember the seaside resort…so a ‘block’ on it for some reason…
…MARK R loved sitting with OLD LADIES and chatting “because they know so much” he used to say…one of his favourite pastimes…
…and that is how, a deeply hidden memory from SOLIHULL came back - this morning:
DRUCKERS the ‘Viennese cake/café’ on SOLIHULL HIGH STREET.
MARK R used to frequent it to talk to the old people, who used to meet up there for a cake and coffee/tea…it was a general meeting place…
I can remember running away from GILL…after the M&S encounter…frightened out of my mind, in my 8 year old alter…I had been severely tortured and threatened by the ill, never to go near him again…and he had no idea of what was going on…he just wanted to take me back to MANCHESTER…that was during a half-term break…
Anyway, I fled and had a nervous breakdown - halfway down the High Street and held onto a grey metal street-sign pole and began to cry, I was so frightened…an old lady then guided me into DRUCKERS and told me to sit down until I felt better…I sat down…watching the people walk by upon the street…and I saw GILL pass the shop…but I ‘knew’ that he would NEVER look into it…because it was ‘out of bounds’ to him…MARK R’s territory, which he didn’t want GILL to know about…
SUE WHALLEY and her friend JAN used to have a cake and coffee at DRUCKERS at the weekend…and this was considered ‘odd’ by most teenagers….who used to go to the pubs…
Anyway, GILL then got onto his tannoy system…told me that he had made a key for his MANCHESTER flat and that I could pick it up…by that point in time my family were behaving so badly to me…they wouldn’t even allow me to have meals with them…that I immediately asked him if I could have the key that day…he told me that he would meet me halfway down ST BERNARDS ROAD but that he had to stay on with his family for the rest of the week to ‘meet relatives’ etc…so I got the key and the next morning, I was out of the front door like a shot…and then on a train back to MANCHESTER…
It was WINNIE who had sorted it all out for GILL…she had found out that I had been drowned by the ill - and then resuscitated - in the local canal near to where she lived…she took me and GILL down there…to pull that horrible memory up again…and to ‘get my 8 year old alter’ to see reason…to see the situation for what it was…anyway, it all came back in a flood…I then made a run for it…over the fence and allotments…GILL and WINNIE caught up with me on the road…and by that time, I had calmed down…and GILL just hugged me…that is how we ‘made it up’ again…and I regained my memories instead of that alter simply being too terrorised to remember anything and particularly GILL…
A decade or so later, HELEN RODWAY-WILLIAMS was to take me for a walk to that very spot where I had been drowned - see above…instructed to do so by RIMINGTON…probably in an attempt to terrorise me again, into memory dump…it didn’t work…
The only oddity about my mother’s left message is that it didn’t register upon my phone as a ‘missed call’ yesterday…but it did turn up this morning at around 9am…for a NORTH NORFOLK number but not their cottage number:
09 may 14:26
The cottage number that my mother gave me was this:
o1263 824469
That piano stool and MIKE WEALE…he had wanted that one ‘outed’…he had been programmed with it…he told MCDONALD and myself to take a photo quickly and then leave…we did so…
in RED: linitint
we had all chosen an image upon this website...to represent ourselves...PETRONELLA thought that i had gone for the chinese carpet and so chose a similar one to 'track me' for JADE as a 'one of the satanic princesses'...however, I had changed my object without her knowing to track JADE who had chosen that tabacco pot...
77. Jairos Jiri camelia-green glaze tabacco jar
...I chose this:
71. Chinese brass Buddha
...but somebody else had decided to track JADE more closely - he told me so - and as far as I can remember it was DAVID BOWIE who chose this (although MARR wanted to chose it, also):
44. Royal Doulton 'Rip Van Winkel' Toby jug. No 6438
You see, it is all about COLOUR...and picking up the messages to somebody else's colour frequency...
we had all chosen an image upon this website...to represent ourselves...PETRONELLA thought that i had gone for the chinese carpet and so chose a similar one to 'track me' for JADE as a 'one of the satanic princesses'...however, I had changed my object without her knowing to track JADE who had chosen that tabacco pot...
77. Jairos Jiri camelia-green glaze tabacco jar
...I chose this:
71. Chinese brass Buddha
...but somebody else had decided to track JADE more closely - he told me so - and as far as I can remember it was DAVID BOWIE who chose this (although MARR wanted to chose it, also):
44. Royal Doulton 'Rip Van Winkel' Toby jug. No 6438
You see, it is all about COLOUR...and picking up the messages to somebody else's colour frequency...
...the CHESTERFIELD family...I remember now...whilst living at 14 ST BERNARDS...my mother once took us to visit this family in the countryside...they had TWO ST BERNARDS DOGS...he was a very wealthy member of the medical profession as far as I can recall...
...or was he really into SOFAS...who knows...
...or was he really into SOFAS...who knows...
Monday, 9 May 2011
that DRAYLON search appears to be going through AMADEUS' programming in a way...for example this sofa is called THE MONK...
...and my mother got a sofa in precisely the same colour...and very similar design...she had it at the chateau...as far as I know...HELEN then had it...
...look at the WHITEBOARD behind it...with ACE upon it...the ill cult 'ACES'...
Yes MARK R hated the whole thing...he 'couldn't do' WHITE DRAGON like most of the others at GREEN TOWER basically because he was too homosexual...but he tried his best to gain control of the rest of us who had 'broken free' in this way...so a huge amount of programming around:
...and what is WHITE DRAGON doing on a DRAYLON search?
Carved Wood Relief by Dominic Koval
From the Well of Stars, Lake Elmore, Vermont
See male dragon detail [back to full image]
The Mating Dragons of Draylon 4 (female dragon detail)
Carved basswood relief | 62" x 27.5" x 1.5" | $4400
contact Dominic Koval: wellofstars@stowevt.net
The Well of Stars, Lake Elmore, Vermont 802.888.7074
...and I am being told that this was the SATANIC PRINCESSES' page...well, somebody hadn't quite got the gist, had they?
Was that JADE?

I can remember now it was...
"I just want to be different" she complained to MARK R who had to let her do 'her own thing'...
...yes, overkill with the 'blurry tool' on PHOTOSHOP...I forget what you call it...
...and I am being told that this was the SATANIC PRINCESSES' page...well, somebody hadn't quite got the gist, had they?
Was that JADE?
I can remember now it was...
"I just want to be different" she complained to MARK R who had to let her do 'her own thing'...
...yes, overkill with the 'blurry tool' on PHOTOSHOP...I forget what you call it...
...and here are a load of photoshopped FRACTALS...I don't think much of yours GILL...even if it is nearly all GOLD...and what about AMADEUS' as LUDUS....remember MR LUDO who liked to play 'latin games'? The BRITISH PRINCES used to call him LUDI-CROSS (as in the Christian element of crucifixion).
...well I guess that we are on the topic of POISONOUS 'multi-legged' insects today...call them CENTIPEDES...CATERPILLARS...whatever...
What would the ill have done around CATERPILLAR for 'child programming'?
I can see TODDY saying 'CAT A PILLAR' and then you had to stand rock still...he was talking to 'cat alters' I suppose...
...also the reference to PILLS...'cat a pill'...a long line of us, lining up to receive a pill at that MI6 'nursery'...that turquoise block in DEPTFORD overlooking our real nursery...it is now being sold off as flats...
more ill SPAM this morning:
Unread Dan Maha Confidential Respond. 7:17 10KB
Unread jonthan adams I NEED YOUR HELP WITH TRUST, 6:00 9KB
Unread David Afor Funds Claim Proposal ****Need Your Help*** Tue, 10/5/11 6KB
...yes it is something around 'DAN' as in MOSSAD and SMA milk for want of a better word - GILL agrees...
I know it sounds silly but this was formative baby 'poisoning'...my brother HUMPHREY got immensely fat as a baby, upon the stuff...luckily I didn't have to have it...SMA MILK...what was it all about...in ill cult terms?
Unread Dan Maha Confidential Respond. 7:17 10KB
Unread jonthan adams I NEED YOUR HELP WITH TRUST, 6:00 9KB
Unread David Afor Funds Claim Proposal ****Need Your Help*** Tue, 10/5/11 6KB
...yes it is something around 'DAN' as in MOSSAD and SMA milk for want of a better word - GILL agrees...
I know it sounds silly but this was formative baby 'poisoning'...my brother HUMPHREY got immensely fat as a baby, upon the stuff...luckily I didn't have to have it...SMA MILK...what was it all about...in ill cult terms?
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