Friday 30 July 2010

I'm at a bit of a loose end today...I went for my 30th swim...saw a 'Swedish au pair' with a British family (RIMINGTON had told me 'she's a lesbian' - what do I know?)...and was reminded of ANNETTE our 'highly intelligent' Swedish au pair - at 14 St Bernards Road...RIMINGTON had also told me that I wouldn't have much to do at the end of the game apart from to read MR ICKE's new book...yes, I can see that all of our research went into it - including our efforts at artwork...

I remember COLLIE complementing me upon my image of 'what dark matter looks like' beyond the colour spectrum...yes the CIA LAB bastards had given me the worst subject matter of all...because you cannot transpose those other dimensional, BLACK HOLE mind control manuals and 'spaces' - for what of a better word - in an understandable way, visually - and so i half-heartedly filled in a few strange things - which people might expect...and then gave up...

I also noted that we had all supplied a poem or text at the beginning of the book and I had given DON MACLEAN's song "Now I think I know..." about VINCENT VAN GOGH with a nod to MR ICKE for going through the same hell of being branded as 'mad' in public...but continuing to work...and to expose the ill...until the day he died.

We all get re-warded in the end.

That is why I opted to go through this 13TH ONE ill cult game instead of TOMLINSON because I 'knew' enough to win - and to expose the lot of them for everything along the way.

I whizzed through the MOON section this is a statement of how far we had got - at that point in time in relation to working out what the ill cult had done in relation to MOON BASE - which was on TERRA FIRMA I might add...but appeared to have been modelled upon MOON frequencies I suppose...I cannot remember...but it would appear to be the case.

The CIA LAB or COLLIE added disinformation - in relation to saying that ALIEN LIZARDS had colonised the MOON in the sky and were using it against us - not quite 'it' - MOON CIA base was located upon a JAPANESE island.

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