Thursday 9 May 2024

 ...and what's new this thursday morning, dazzlenation?...well, this is something around frederique begum (erstwhile 'best friend' of nicholas campestre) along with his 'liasion', let us say - with a british council deputy boss, in prague 1995....and in relation to the following'phantom boy' on MUBI...go figure:

and now it's time for 'fairytales', children.....regarding the FBI footage of 'what-happened-next' at somerville college....which was hilarious, i might shall i put it...well, after a couple of FBI agents had walked away from the 'secret corridor of power' relation to that 'box of fish' office....oh and the head of somerville, at the time - had told them that they had closed down the entire corridor because of the smell....more laughter...not that any of those robos would have been able to do anything about it - 'mind control' is something else, isn't it etc etc?...oh and remember warwick and susan bassnett's 'secret government corridor' etc etc....anyway, one FBI agent had said to the other, whilst walking away from that 'box of fish' office room....something along the lines of "subhumanoid" and shall we frame it as 'alien remains' etc etc....regarding what had been in the skull of said 'chapman'....and that is important....and why, you might ask?....well, the investigation of a 'subhumanoid' murder etc etc...for  example, NASA has regulations and laws, regarding how you might meet 'n' treat 'aliens'....more laughter...however, NASA's asumption is that said aliens would naturally be more intelligent than human beings....and that is not what had been found, in that somerville 'office' not much brain at all, just a large chunk of amstrad, attached to the spinal cord and nervous system....go figure...the legal debate about 'that one' as to whether or not it is legal to etc etc...a sub-humanoid.,,,is one that is obviously 'contentious'...go figure.

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