Thursday 2 May 2024

 ....and what's new this thursday morning, dazzlenation?...well, quite a it concerns a repeat pattern....firstly, a dearlove operation....and a frequency program set, no less - that had 'bombed' - as in gone disastrously wrong and for all concerned...including whalley who had been there, at the a house upon the edge of dartmoor (remember that 'women only' artistic get-together - the posters had been all around totnes - late 80s)....and secondly - regarding the repeat program 2024? - well, it is all about a network put together by that so-called 'support worker' who had been stealing a large amount of drugs, from the medical room, at eaglehurst....remember how the male scottish nurse in charge - at the time - informed the police with the ending result, that was that she was put away for 18 months...i was then informed later on, that she was a 'reformed' character.....according to the 'met online'....more trustworthy are they?...'not'...quite definitely not....anyway, to date - she's still on the same old game but worse, this time around...and according to BI online - her network had been exposed, let us say - this morning - in morrison's....3 of them, as far as i could see...not to mention that bloke who turns up with his 'pusher' and from a restaurant, apparently - 'mr joker' had found 'that one', out - the other day, let us say....hmmm...and yes, 'restaurant bloke', had been told to do quite a bit on his phone, regarding 'jooish sundials', let us say...anyway - in short, this is an avocado/mossad number...check out the latest eco-bag design at's 'salmon' pink along with avocados....remember PKW webb as 'avocado man' i.e. dearlove's plant?...a jooish/ukrainian number - run by the holliday sisters...and all about to 'bomb'....isn't this all so 'crazy'?....and honestly, i've really had enough of the sickness and the stupidity of them all - as they cavort around me...hoping to 'get away with it' etc etc...such a sick 'n' stupid tissue of lies, based upon 'magic' rather than maths...all in their 'little/liddel' insane worlds....hmmm...the word 'cavort'....i used to say 'constellate' but this is ridiculous and so what other word can i choose?...and so what can you do but laugh etc etc...oh and the other day, i met with browne's old 'handler' who had been the masonic 'gatekeeper' regarding 'keeping the secret' and in relation to kate wood etc etc...."me and the sun - don't get on" he growled - after accosting me with a rather bright "hello" in order to attract my attention....isn't that 'odd'? so, yes - i should expect this sort of 'craziness' at this point - in a 13th one ill cult game - seeing as i am what keeps them all coming back, eh?...they can't keep away...more laughter...hoping that the 'magic' will work again, if they do...and in whatever shape or form...regarding the real 'mathematician' of the piece etc etc....oh and as an afterword - regarding all of the above....daldry f**ked up with the 'printers', let us say - all of those years ago now and to disastrous effect....more laughter....and so let me guess...your latest 'freak storm' is all about that - this thursday evening - dazzlenation?.......go figure:

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