Sunday 12 May 2024

 ....and what's new this sunday evening, dazzlenation?...well, 'crappy' had left a reminder upon the timer talk about our radio frequency experiment....and yes, we're going back decades relation to the termination of a mossad hack....regarding marie louise von franz' chip....and yes, she was a little old lady by that point in time....who had been sent the most terrible 'nightmares', in order to turn her to luciferianism/satanism etc etc...anyway, we'd found the tape....played it to her - "here's the pause button - stop it any time you want to" etc etc...and then we went through the resulting etc etc...."there's a huge black bird outside" she told us...she was then told to go to the window and look out..."it pecked my nose" the reply "that's just an illusion" etc etc according to a far eastern philosophical perspective, that is - regarding the breaking of illusions, whilst in a certain meditational state etc etc....and then told to put her arm out..."it's my bird" she replied...what are you seeing?...she was visualising a 'quail' - nota bene, in her work a 'quail' is symbolic of 'alertness'....and in more prosaic terms - an early warning device to the 'tard' network, on her chip (remember those quails on mount herzl etc etc)...well then, make it smaller and smaller until it is the size of your hand....sitting on your hand...and then kill it...let the bones and blood seep through your fingers....she did so and it was at that precise point in time, the equipment behind us - showed that the hack had been terminated, let us say....oh and there's more....i can remember CF whilst at dartington...being nicknamed as 'apotrotraic'...a talisman to ward off evil...whereupon he was to reply..."i thought that i was a taschmann", getting a bit more 'up to date'....rodway's tardy daughter 'francesca' was to more recently start seeing 'skulls' 'why....oh and i must point out just how disgusting that mossad attack had been upon a very old lady, who had done so much good in this world.....remember how marie louise von franz had once told me that she would pretty much fake her own death and retire from public life - cutting all connections to those who had once relied upon her for etc etc.....because she wanted to be remembered for her body of work and not for the silly whitterings of an old case, she lost her mind, in later life and undermined her prescient....because after that mossad hack...she had told us that she had got to the heart of it all....and that the devil ruled...there was only 'lucifer' and no 'good god' at the centre of existence etc etc......just how evil are these people, that would do that to a devout christian who had done so much good in her terrorise her into believing 'that' - whilst at her weakest, about to 'meet her maker' etc etc...'disgusting' - hardly covers what the mossad had done to her etc etc...anyway, there was a 'good ending'....she was to laugh about it, with her friends, at a certain 'rest-home'....had it been an 'exorcism', one of them, inquired....and well, that had made her laugh a lot...something like that, she had replied but declined to give further details...and of course, the swiss had been a little bit suspicious....regarding young 'soldiers' who had been seen going up to her 'tower', now and then....and well, that had been to check that she was 'all right'...and she replied airily, that yes, they had...and that is because she had been involved with the military, upon certain projects, over the years etc etc...hmmm...i used to call her 'auntie', no further details given to her friends, in that rest-home, as far as i know...but if you want to know the whole truth, that is because 'crappy' and myself (as well as swiss military intelligence) - had also stop an attack from lisa 'n' tard-force, which we had managed, at the time and now we have to elucidate lisa's 'toilet pot' filthy smearing reports, in terms of 'tards' being 'tards' because they just love 'all of that' - embroilled with the shit, that they are now in etc short, 'crappy' and myself - had left a toilet pot (chamber - lisa had called it 'toilet') outside, despite having cleaned it with 'grass' beforehand - having run out of water (no 'running water' available) - and so we figured that in the long run - lol....that would be the next 'best step' in order to expose the satanic MI6 tards....for lisa's mob to then step in and send back racist 'satanic' reports that 'crappy' had done one of their jooish rites (which had apparently invoked 'magic/maths' because it had involved 'shit' and a container stained with it and yes, prince william used to tell his aides to let lisa do whatever she wanted - no matter how disgusting because that would help the 'magic' to work - lol) - i.e. a dirty toilet (chamber) pot and left supposedly as 'the evidence' - according to lisa, in situ etc etc...just how retarded is that but almost unbelievably so?...however, it was believed by the tards (a bit like that friends united network, that went down - 'tards united' - lol), in control of 'just about everything' that you could name, as a top military/political you now see why i laugh about all of this and so much, dazzlenation?...'tards' are anally-obsessive....SH-I.T. hardly covers it...oh and there's more...'crappy' had set a frequency program there - whilst 'in the bushes'....which is why i had then laughed to daldry that i would go with the two birds in the bush, myself - rather than the bird in the hand...remember that song 'ying tong' - beloved of prince charles etc etc..."diddle I po", eh....more laughter.....go figure:

oh and the following 'shorts' are also upon the timer system - dazzlenation....daumier...nota bene, oscar used to snigger "the operation was a success but the patient died" to the rest of those gibbering tards etc etc.....i remember now....daumier's cartoons and in a rather alternate universe....a reflection upon the many A3 sheets of paper, that i had filled in order to write all of those equations out...and used the photocopier too, in order to copy various bits of my handwritten work upon the sheets - and re-group them - to then photocopy the final result etc etc in order to home in on certain aspects...the variables etc etc..."that goes with that and that goes with that" etc etc - with a yellow highlighter ("use a green one for that" zielinski had said, although i was to wonder if it might confuse things - "i'll remember" he replied) to point out the finer details, within a mix 'n' match series etc order to fill french intelligence in with what that alphabet of symbols had stood for and also what it could be used for, let us say - regarding that they could then work out anything that the 'tards' had attempted to run up their flag pole...the sequence of things, let us say...and that is now what i am now being asked for...hmmm....why not ask 'oscar' and the bullard network?...they'll remember the sequence of 'funny pics' even though they didn't and still don't understand an iota of the maths etc etc....and yes, i can remember advising zielinski, to tell his mathematicians/physicists that it was "deceptively simple" regarding the finer psychology...if you tell them that it is incredibly difficult etc etc - regarding the photocopied sheets of etc etc...something that i had learned along the way, as a language teacher etc etc.....oh and if i went a little bit further....what are we really talking about, in relation to the mossad - their hacks and their satanic tapes?...well, let's put it this way...the saudis were to find out how to hack their system, relatively easily....however, every time  they did so...the system then changed...and within the space of minutes...sometimes seconds....and so until they had learned how to unplug that 'early warning' device, alerting the system to a wasn't worth etc etc....see previous post....go figure:

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