Thursday 30 December 2010

The very fact that my camera had taken both the MCDONALD's wrapper and the original position of TOMLINSON's BLACK PLASTIC TRIANGLE...pyramid...and yet when downloading my photos from that 'ill cult camera' onto this 'ill cult laptop'...those two photos were missing...suggests one thing to me:

TOMLINSON and MCDONALD were 'in it' up to the hilt.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least - having found out this morning that OBAMA and TOMLINSON used to pretend 'hatred' of each other in social situations....but when alone, they were 'blood brothers' each other HIGH 5s and the like...

i had already known at the TEMPLAR CASTLE that MCDONALD went 'weak-kneed' whenever TOMLINSON was around...maybe OBAMA felt the same?

It was all I could do, to protect PUTIN from whatever 'network' and 'ray' was upon him when TOMLINSON tried to get the better of him...

...but PUTIN was part of the RA ILL CULT BRETHREN too...and they were all simply fighting for power...that was PUTIN knew, eventually that I had 'turned' against him...see previous notes upon his 'silver tabby half-breed cat'...

However, I always figured that he was the cleverest of the lot and would break any circle necessary to survive...wait and see.

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