Friday 31 December 2010

LOCAL COUNCILS and MCDONALDS...yes, really work it out...DC in so many references to CLACTON COUNCIL...haven't I pointed that one out enough times?

MCDONALD even gave me a clue upon the fountains in the main square of CLACTON...not when they were 'in motion' as it were...not summer...he pointed to the pigeons above MCDONALDS and told me that it was odd, wasn't it...that they all congregated there...between those two WHITE POLES.

Yes, WHITE POLES - we worked that one out, quite a long time ago.

What about teh JAPANESE - that is what i want to know.

You had PRINCE PHILIP's CIA WHITE BASE upon one of their then have YAKUSA BOSS working it all out and getting a grip on the lot of them...but because he hadn't deprogrammed...he just treated it all as an S/M MANGA computer game...

...and you know the rest.

What i want to say is this - was JAPANESE YAKUSA boss still controlled from behind by an UBER-CIA division?

It seems likely...he would have had so many 'mouse holes' into his programming...if he hadn't de-microchipped and he was still 'ill'...despite having created the technology to defeat the entire ill cult - from his frequency desk.

So yes, once I had tried to explain it all to the MOB in direct and simple sentences...who needs verbage/garbage...that is what they liked me for...straight to the pissing around...PANTY STOCKING and GARTERBELT was created - as an aide memoire to the whole thing...

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