Thursday 30 December 2010

i now have to type in GREEN: annion

...and yes, when you walk along the upper promenade and look over the can see quite a few paths down the slope - well-trodden, between the bushes - behind the POO-TIN building...and you wonder why anybody would bother...what is the point? It is slippery, muddy and dangerous.

I can remember now...each ROYAL PRINCE had their own 'coterie' of slaves...and each PRINCE took a different pathway down the slope, leading their slaves behind them.

It is extraordinary how any of this could have happened in broad daylight but it did...the day that the ill descended upon CLACTON...I can only assume that it was something to do with 'frequency control' and that in the main, none of them were spotted, recognised or even perhaps 'seen'...

Not to mention the 'bay watch' staff who occupy the building further down and are supposed to be watching the CCTV of the entire area...or the local POLICE STATION which has a large amount of staff...yet, nobody was stopped or questioned, that day.

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