Friday 31 December 2010

In RED: matorm

OBAMA if you have a truly ARAB or MUSLIM bone in your body - you will secure the rehabilitation of the PALESTINIANS in other countries who can and will care for them.

First up:


Let the JOOS have their tiny strip of land - they have already got all of the OIL out from under it (or rather SHIN BEIT have for the SAUDIS)...take the PALESTINIANS away to a better life elsewhere, upon the globe...but in deprogramming centres...obviously we do not want them to spread TADPOLE culture....a simple head scarf to show that one is not 'sexually available' should do...

That is all women only take their headscarf off when they have met the man that they want to is a simple gesture but highly significant...

...and understood by quite a few cultures in fact, as the world's biggest 'secret' culturally...the CIA LAB noted it all but I am not at liberty to say who, when and where...

Yes, when a teenager, or young woman, or old woman (yes, there were cases) took off their head scarf in immediately became a 'family matter' and the FAMILY held the right to say 'yes' or 'no' to the relation to whether the partner was a 'good thing' or not...

Very happy societies and very happy marriages resulted - because of the above system.

Most cases, almost unbelievably for WESTERN eyes, turned out 'accepted by both families' and ended in extremely happy marriages....for those that didn't...the woman was told to put her HEADSCARF back on again...named and shamed...and to 'try again'...

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