Monday, 24 March 2025

 .....and what's new with you, dazzlenation?...oh, i see...the twat-upon-a-radio-desk at the fan museum....had no idea of french etc etc whilst 'on-the-toilet' very stupid little grey mouse, indeed....with pretensions.....hmmm....reminded me somewhat of how simon lyons used to be....anyway, the overview is the mirror, relation to scarlett's 1980 russian course 'tibetan-rope-trick' with tomlinson climbing it, to disappear at the top...."they do it with mirrors" replies BI online....exactly that....the rope contained a metal pole....tomlinson climbed up the pole into a cylindrical metal structure and promptly was that high up - and 'mirrored' reflect the 'grey skies' all around...if however a plane or bird had passed by...those on-the-ground might have spotted the trick...and we had been made to stand a considerable distance away, i might add.....and not allowed to 'go around the back' and so presumably scarlett hadn't bothered to mirror the entire cylinder etc etc....go figure:

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