Tuesday, 11 March 2025

 .....and what's new this tuesday evening, dazzlenation?...well, macklin had referred to that residence upon marine parade as something like the house of diamonds....whereas all i've got on my pad is a stark reminder of something 'not right' about rodway 'n' the red car....because she was to tell me that after she had passed her test....she used to blank out, whilst driving from one place to another....she couldn't remember the journey, at all....i asked sylvia if that was 'normal'...she replied that she used to do the same thing....hmmm....remember whalley telling me that "they just put something in your ear and..." to be told to shut up, by deb mcd....regarding 'car mechanics' after school classes for those who wanted to pass their driving test - the robert webb 'dos' way....whalley was to add "you won't be allowed to drive if you don't..."...i.e. whatever they were up to in those classes - appeared to be the only way that you would be able to get a licence etc etc..."mandatory" replies BI online....anyway, sue walker had known all about that 'car mechanics' classes number....because she had been left out - because one eye turned inwards....otherwise, she would have been eligible....i had nothing wrong with me but edwards had bawled me out....apparently there were too many in the class as it was...how dare i try to sneak in...whalley's idea....lol...anyway, i was to get the gist of it...report back to walker who then advised me to make a copy of all diagrams left upon the board....and yes, mr biggs had described one as being rather like an 'elephant'....and what else?...well, in relation to rodway's theft of the 'red car'....remember marr stealing that brand new shiny red bike given to me - in greenwich park?....hmmm....and then there's the bogdan wasilewski/browne/horner's theft of my 'real mother's priceless antiques....who had then attempted to blackmail me into slavery, in order for me to gain just one piece of it, back...no doubt, they all paid for it, in the end...oh and it wasn't the money, dazzlenation....it was rather like swiss matthew's furniture that he had made himself - remember his carpentry business?...stolen by rodway et al....his gift of love....hmmm....my 'real mother's things...also a gift of love - items she had intended for me...it still hurts, badly....those filthy tards 'on the steal' etc etc....go figure:


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