Monday, 24 March 2025

 ....anyway, this monday morning, a delightful package came up - dazzlenation....regarding the 'conflation' of the two i.e. cum{mi}n and (cu) relation to tards-on-the-steal without {fans}, let us say.....go figure:

and what's new this monday evening, dazzlenation?...well, the above certainly provoked a response from the fan museum, greenwich - to be precise....a certain tard posing as 'signals'/GCHQ on the steal....trying to enslave and make those who 'can' - do the work for them....whilst the tard-in-question gets the kudos, the job and the salary etc cheating the system....rodway's technique at MI5 if you recall....along with sylvia's upon nunn's desk, I might add...not to mention her brother 'bobby' who had wangled a job in 'signals' upon cyprus etc etc....anyway, i have labelled the whole rotten horrorshow -'the inverted pyramid'....for example - remember 'ian'-information-analyst at GCHQ?....along with scarlett showing me round - including a trip to the maths meet the staff who had nothing to do because the programs had already been written...."you wouldn't want to work there"...just sit around smoking and drinking coffee, watching the ticker-tape-print-out etc etc...anyway, i was also to meet 'ian' - he was only paid about £15,500 pa....and yet was the only one actually doing any work in his so-called department....the rest of them were 'on the board' and earning £100,000 or more...all ex-public school with nothing more than a business diploma between them as a suitable 'qualification' for their highly remunerated posts...poor old ian was a  bit of an 'oik', you understand etc etc....and yet because he enjoyed the work, he was quite happy to do it for the rest of them and get paid peanuts as a result of all of that dedicated hard work...for queen and country etc etc....anyway, naturally i refused scarlett's generous offer of working with ian as an 'information analyst' - to fill in, if any of the maths program failed because scarlett doubted the ability of those who etc etc....nota bene - ian worked weekends....more than 12 hours a day during the week, many research projects-on-the-go with fascinating insights into etc etc...the inverted pyramid, eh?....but he didn't care - he was young, he was happy...he had a young family at home whom he rarely saw...used to sleep in at GCHQ....marriage soon ended etc etc....go figure:

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