Thursday, 13 March 2025

 ......and what's new upon my reddit homepage, dazzlenation?...a reminder of 'mr tom' or 'clover' if you wouldn't be fair to have a cat in my current residence but i do so miss etc etc...anyway, this one has obviously been 'mousing'...keeping down the vermin and spiders etc etc....go figure:

and is that for real?

and then we're back to the CID upon that macklin case....hmmm...all a bit 'cryptic' however if you read the will find 'golden brown' mentioned....a heroin reference....oh and is the 'adam's song' blink-182 something around mackin's state of mind at the time?...regarding his friendship with 'cadogan' perhaps?....go figure:

oh and andrew marr has entered the fray upon 'that one'.....hmmmm....i wonder which side of the fence, he is on....for my own part....having seen the abuse the 'civil servant' list has been put to...and we're not just talking the likes of macklin here and 'jobs-for-the-boys' are we?....what about nigel-at-warwick....facilitating tardville (with rich 'daddies') to get onto that list by forcing slaves to do their examinations for them.....a case in point being - carrie symonds, whose'ghost-writer' got her in with 'flying colours' etc etc....anyway, do you need them on your side, you need them at all, i wonder...perhaps the entire system should be revamped and revised i.e. get in people who can really do 'admin' and at lower pay levels regarding the 6 figure sums or more that so many receive for doing virtually 'nothing' etc etc...and if you cut that 'shitshow' enough, regarding government spending - you won't have to force the disabled off of their benefits etc makes sense, ethically - does it it goes, eh?

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