Thursday, 6 March 2025

 .....and what's new this evening, dazzlenation?...well, quite a large clump....expansive, let us say....hmmm...time to be cryptic about it....something around ed as a 'giant anteater' and the 'green bus' - something that had truly frightened mrs fishwick, all of those years ago now...situated in a creation of mark r....a london-based environment that had the appearance of a children's playground/zoo....along with an expansive london network, that petrol nell had been putting together, with her 'brown book'....when mcgowan 'n' lisa's son asked if gordon brown had etc etc..."not him!" she replied impatiently....they then asked if tony blair had etc etc....she was lost in a world of her own, as she flicked through the pages...."yes, yes...does it matter who?!" she then looked up....evidently a mossad number, at any rate...."given to rodway to control" replies BI online...."somebody in labour"....oh, okay - that would figure...."it had to be simple enough"'s never simple enough for maggy-u-don't-like to muck it might ask peter mandelson about it all....anyway, it had been based in a london house with 'cartoon green monster' wallpaper...a bit like the hulk but not...the wallpaper had symbolised of mark r's ideas....and what else?....well, that whole job centre thing went off well....'guy' and not 'val' was to tell me that i didn't need to look for work...that i could apply for a loan if necessary to tide me over but he didn't think it was necessary....everything would transfer seamlessly....i.e. myself and CHP would get paid universal credit upon the 2nd of april....and he also advised me to have a look at 'money and pensions'.....and so time for a montage, let us say...."petrol nell attacking the pension pot"....something like that...another potential 'leak' or attempt to siphon off, at any rate....go figure:

additionally, we have another 'new comment' upon the timer system....looking rather like petrol nell/mark r etc etc....tripund digitals 'astrology' anybody?...go figure:

along with a sidelong glance at mark r and the following 'behavioural insights team' linked to 'money and pensions':

anyway, you might check out this address:

hmmm....that webpage looks vaguely familiar....anyway, isn't that what ed is working on, for younger - currently?....and no, younger doesn't work for WHO as far as i know...he was to tell an aide somewhat exasperatedly that ed appeared to think that he was being paid for his short articles upon his 'front' website, whereas in fact, the whole game - was all about enslaving me to do the maths for free....didn't ed get it etc etc?....go figure:

anybody you'd like to interview here?

hmmm....remember jade laing talking about mossad strategy...."we're going to nudge people...that's the new thing" etc etc...many years before it ever became public knowledge that such a department existed in government:

ah i see...poor old ed...these are his real online bosses, i would guess....jenkins and halpern.....regarding vaping....which as oscar was to say, the other actually an immensely important issue to address.....and not something that's a bit fly-by-night 'unimportant' according to younger.....hmmm....oscar mentioned the timescale regarding took 100s of years for the industry to admit that smoking did serious harm....and the same  might well be true of vaping....and so ed is now in the foothills of a long war.....something that may well be exceptionally serious later on etc etc...a long road ahead....trying to pressurise companies to check out the health risks properly etc etc....go figure:

oh i remember now...petrol nell had stated "he looks a  bit like tony blair" that's all you're getting on 'ian west'....go figure:

...regarding a rather long drawn-out war with the mossad, eh?

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