...and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation?...well, time for something completely different....i digress....whilst on my cycle up to the telecommunications tower at holland-on-sea and back....i was to pass that house-on-the-end with a large stained glass tree in one of the windows.....now, i had known that sarah holliday had been behind the original design (remember 'bristol blue glass'?)....ling's radio witches opined that it was 'quite nice' etc etc....and yet, i had thought it horrible.....what had sarah been up to etc etc...and now i can finally remember 'why'....hmmm....how do i explain this...firstly, i was reminded of winnie's hairdressing salon - in the 80s....being a punk goth - she used to encourage her mainly senior citizen clientele to have 'punky' rinses with their perms....light pink/purple/blue/green etc etc....and looking at that tree....it looked like a green perm job....i then thought - sarah must have left it as a memory aid to 'something'...and now i know 'what'...petrol nell with a ronald mcdonald wig...waving her fingers in front of sarah's drugged eyes....anyway, if we're still on 'trees'...the BBC has an article to chime in with the general theme etc etc....go figure:
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