Wednesday, 19 March 2025

 .....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, simply this....considering the fact that so many got in by cheating the civil service exam (wealthy parents)....."toby macklin is a case in point" replies BI is quite clear that civil servants should be put through the same 'rigorous' procedure as disability benefits claimants, in order to receive their government 'hand-out'......."the same indignity'....precisely that....and that is because the government funds them as much as it does, disability claimants....therefore they should be asked to attend a job centre interview, every so often, in order to retake their original but updated 'civil service' ensure that they are still 'up-to-the-mark' in terms of being the-power-behind-government....naturally job centres will need security teams regarding invigilation of the exams, in case further 'cheating' government really wants to get rid of  those useless lumps of etc etc...they will use that 're-testing' exam, to get rid of vast numbers of them...."don't know how you passed the first one"...isn't that the point?....hmmm...again, i am reminded of 'rodway' and her entry point into MI5....BI had been previously online, to tell me that she had been a "fat slag with pretensions" sonia fisher had outlined...."as cheap as white, sliced bread"...anyway, regardng rodway - a fat slag/hyacinth bucket wouldn't have thought that anybody could manage both in-one-go....however, she had done 'just that' it goes ,eh?

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