Monday, 17 March 2025

 ...and what's new this monday evening, dazzlenation?...well, you appear to be still on soviet-tvs-gone-wrong and in relation to those like 'jenny marsh' for example....the perfect 'ad dream' kitchen and family life etc etc....which is basically why tards had signed up for etc etc...quite willing to do just about anything to achieve their 'midde-class' dreams...."murder" replies BI online...precisely that....remember cipolla,, morton, marsh et al...and their 'secret seven' club?...."we're on the road to nowhere"....yes, that is where they would all have ended up if they hadn't signed on the demonic contract, to use and abuse others, far more capable than themselves...."to enslave them"....courtesy of huntingdon, potsy etc etc....go figure:

anyway, back to government issues....namely 'universal credit'....they won't tell you how much you will get (if anything) - just a word of mouth assurance at the job centre that the amount of money should stay the same as what you had got upon your previous benefits...they then force you to close down your existing benefit claims - leaving you without benefits for a fortnight before the supposed 'universal benefit' claim is supposed to be paid....although you have no idea how much or even if you are going to be paid 'universal credit' at all....and on top of all of that....they tell you that for the two weeks that you are without can apply for a loan....looks like an absolute scam to me....because you have to then pay back the loan, in in essence, the government is stopping your benefits...making you live on 'nothing'  for two weeks....without knowing if you will be paid a thing, later on....regarding the appointed date when your 'universal credit' should start up..."psychological torture"....something 'tards' are good, at - eh?....disgusting parasites....plague rats, all of them....and yet, as i know - seeing as potsy's sky program has gone down....they're in a lot more trouble than might appear upon the surface....every one of it goes, eh?

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