....and what's new this monday morning, dazzlenation?...well, 'cherry-pickers' and rosalind brady's fate at the hands of rimington-at-the-desk...although upon further investigation - it had been gill 'n' rodway, behind her 'accidental' death....go figure:
...a cherry-picker is also mentioned 'here', dazzlenation...with a more positive outcome:
and then we're onto 'tagge thyself' - lol...believe it or not:
postcript....dona was to show me a silver bracelet "tiffany's".....hmmm....i had seen an almost identical one..also 'tiffany's, according to gill - who had given it to ros in the CIA lab, green tower, NY....much more expensive than that 'junk'....dirty, scratched beit din 'slave marriage' ring number, he had got on the jooish market......which is no doubt why i can remember the whole thing, so clearly - whilst working undercover in that lab....lol....roll on the years....gill was to tell rodway at that colchester drugs den...."i was quite fond of her" as in ros....whilst giving rodway that very same silver bracelet....to then add that he now hated her because she had shot jade laing....well, winged her - to be precise - in clacton....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....go figure.
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